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Lost Season 5 Discussion


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He can't be dead (or at least, he can't STAY dead), because he's alive in the future, and Daniel said "if it didn't happen, it can't happen," which is knowledge Sayid didn't get because he was off-island at the time (or the relative time... or something).


I suspect he did die, or come as close as Locke did when Ben shot him, but same as Locke, was resurrescted by the island.

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This episode was kind of weak.  It explained where Aaron went in the backstory and the present day story had them giving Ben to the Others.


Now what makes them think the Others can help Ben?  The plot seemed forced this week.  I did enjoy Ben waking up to Locke though.

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Well, the episode as such may have been weak, but it did have some golden nuggets in it. Especially Miles trying to explain time travel to Hugo, with Hugos turning it upside down with a single sentence, absolutely brilliant ;D


Also, fun to see how the roles between Sawyer and jack have changed. Sawyer has grown into a man who takes responsibility, and tries to do the right thing. While Jack becomes more and more like Sawyer was in the very beginning.


Saw the spoilers for next weeks ep. Judgement Day is coming to the island. That ep will be wicked.

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Zing! Did I call it or what ;D


Seems like Ben was up to something naughty before getting onto the plane.


A last shot at fullfilling his promise to Whidmore by trying to kill Penny? And then getting the attempt interruted by a very angry Desmond, resulting in a quite beaten up Ben?



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There maybe more then just an attempt at penny. Possibly at least...


Now if only they'd hurry the damn show up instead of dragging it on!

And aren't they supposed to reveal what 4815162342 means this damned season?

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I've been avoiding this thread because I missed a couple weeks, and then I didn't get to make them up, so now I'm pretty much behind, but last night I said screw it and watched last week's episode and this week's.


Which confused me a bit, though my brothers explained a little of what I had missed.


Comment:  Sometimes I wonder if the writers of Lost even have a place they're going with this.  Does anyone ever think that?


As far as Ben... yeah, I agree, Demi.  I mean, the only reason he'd feel compelled to say sorry for threatening her would be if he realized what kind of person he'd become and didn't like it.  Which, I think is possible, but I don't know that it's likely.


If that makes any sense whatsoever.


Which it may not.

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True... although, we were debating about this at my house... Did he actually hit Des?  My dad says Des was only hitting with his left hand, but there was no blood, and it looked like Ben only hit the bag of groceries or whatever they were.


What do you think?

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Why else would Desmond fall backwards, and ben happily walking away as if Des where not a threat anymore, because he got scared of the sound? And if he was not shot, what took him so long to get around to tackle Ben?


I figured Des was hit in the shoulder, that would make him use only one hand, and it does not necessarily bleed so much. And we do not really get a good lock at Des' body, so it is hard to say if there were any blood.

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Des might've fallen backwards to throw Ben off guard, 'cus I didn't see any wounds or blood, that's for sure. But yeah, I assume he did get hit, since it's the most logical solution, and he simply fought through the pain to save his family and whatnot.


In other news, Ben is possibly the most intriguing character in any show I've seen : p

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There maybe more then just an attempt at penny. Possibly at least...


Now if only they'd hurry the damn show up instead of dragging it on!

And aren't they supposed to reveal what 4815162342 means this damned season?


I don't think we'll ever get to know what 4 8 15 16 23 42 means.

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There maybe more then just an attempt at penny. Possibly at least...


Now if only they'd hurry the damn show up instead of dragging it on!

And aren't they supposed to reveal what 4815162342 means this damned season?


I don't think we'll ever get to know what 4 8 15 16 23 42 means.


I recall them saying, they were going to reveal what those numbers meant, This Season...


I can just see it now.. Season Finale, giant cliff hanger,  And Hugo asks Lock... What do the numbers mean?

Lock: "Absolutely fucking nothing, It was just a coincidence! And the island happened to like the numbers...


I'm kinda wondering if the numbers, deal with all the 'times' they were zapped to. Where they zapped around more then 6 times?

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What's in the freaking shadow of the statue?  Who do the van people work for?


Dude if Hurley rewrites Empire and Jedi and gets rid of the Ewoks that would be awesome!


Good to see Faraday back.  I like the look he gets in his eyes like he is passing gas all the time.


Fun stuff: The lesson Jack erased from the classroom board was about Ancient Egypt and hieroglyphs.





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The van people confuse me, so that makes me happy, because I like Lost confusing me, then confusing me some more, then attempting to solve it all by confusing me a third time. It's all good. And yeah, Faraday looked smug .

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The so-called-serial-numbers that supposedly 'explains' the numbers, isn't an explanation.


Didn't whats her face, arrive on the island Before the Darma, and those 'numbers' were playing on a broadcast tower? Why would those numbers be the same as the one on the hatch?

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Danielle was pregnant when she arrived on the island, and Ben old enough to be sent to kill her. Ie she has not yet arrived on the island. If I remember correctly, her broadcast had been on the air 16 years when the losties found the tower.

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Danielle was pregnant when she arrived on the island, and Ben old enough to be sent to kill her. Ie she has not yet arrived on the island. If I remember correctly, her broadcast had been on the air 16 years when the losties found the tower.


But why would they broadcast the serial numbers? Theres gotta be something significant to them prior to just the hatch. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

As far as those menacing digits, this is what Lindelof said:


"The Hanso Foundation that started the Dharma Initiative hired this guy Valenzetti to basically work on this equation to determine what was the probability of the world ending in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Valenzetti basically deduced that it was 100 percent within the next 27 years, so the Hanso Foundation started the Dharma Initiative in an effort to try to change the variables in the equation so that mankind wouldn't wipe it itself out."


This information, in more convoluted form, was leaked out via the online games rather than explained on the show itself, Lindelof said, because "That would be the worst thing ever. We have to make the show for the hard-core fans who care about the numbers, but we also have to make it for my mom, who just wants Sawyer to take his shirt off."



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