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Sell it to Me...


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So, I'm having one of my few light-blessed creative streaks, and I'm trying to decide where I'm going to make my next character.  I'm tempted to make good on my promise to make a civilian here.... but why should I?  *grins*  Boys, girls - sell it to me.  Convince me why I should.  In the meantime, I'm going to scribble out some ideas on the off-chance you succeed in convincing me to come play with you all.  :D

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For one, you would...surrender...yourself to the mercy of us mean-o-men-in-black with magic at their beck and call and all that.

Since quite many of us already seem to have advanced symptoms of shizophrenia/split personality, or other signs of madness and if not are likely bound to develop them, I guess it makes for a thrilling combination, that. So, if sorcerer-types that are even less stable and predictable than the common run don't turn you off...

That aside, I guess it would be quite fun to approach them as a psychiatrist-type, try and drag them to a couch...that kind of thing... :P

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Lol, making this a bit hard on us? How about you play with us non-taint-driven psychopaths? Like my Sereth, he is a bit off, but its just him being a nut.  :P He is a total mad scientist with a heart of gold.

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You know, I might have better luck tying Covai and Arath down and demanding they convince me.  Though to be fair, those two babble on about having hot chicks around to snog... and we all know that's not my character type!  ;)

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What more can we say?  I mean, come on.  We're smart, strong, dashing men with awesome power at our fingertips, and the ability to take your civilian to any city in the world on expensive shopping trips.  Plus with the multiple personality thing we have going on, you have twice as many people to interact with then you might normally think.


Plus we have a pretty good medical/dental plan ;)


Really, can you think of a good reason NOT to join us?  Saldean farmgirls aside, we love our civilians to death ...


Meh ... I'll sell it later.  Gotta go to work in 2 minutes :P

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You are making good on your promise and coming to see me! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!



OK! Reasons to join the BT:


1. Arath's room is painted pink... or at least will be soon.

2. Michelle makes mad awesome pancakes (see Aria thread for details)

3. Michelle and Aria need a third friend to get them into trouble with.

4. Flirting/Dating here is unlike anywhere else in the world (view upcoming thread)

5. You can call men crazy and get away with it!

6. If you move in, we get to build another room onto Arath's house and make that 3 Girls vs 2 Boys

7. Wait, if you join we could kick Tai out and make that 3 Girls vs 1 Boy

8. one word... SHOPPING! (They can teleport you anywhere, you go shopping, then get to go home!)

9. You would get to write with me and all of your favorite BTers!

10. You would get to meet the Dragon... not as a hated Aes Sedai but as one of his comrades... sorta...



THERE YA GO! Sold it!


And you can brain storm with me any time, snuggly poo! ;)

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Erm... Muir?  I don't do romance.  I don't do snogging.  I don't do shopping.  If you want my speech about people who think about snogging at the very first moment of conceptualizing writing, I'll deliver it on MSN sometime.  It's not nice, it's not pretty, and I can point to how it directly caused me to leave DM for two years. :P


Granted, that's primarily WT-related, but my back still gets up when it's brought up in other places.  I really have to work on that to a small degree... but I'm still not going to jump on the snog wagon any time soon.  Not intentionally.

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I know Raekins, hence the wink. :P


I do think it would be interesting to see some male civilians around the BT, though.  Perhaps someone who failed the testing but is unsuitable for the Legion of the Dragon?  Or more valuable as a civilian?  And you wouldn't have to worry about the whole romance thing!

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I've actually got the character imaged and part of the history written out... still going to be a girl.  I'm not sure how comfy I feel with skin-changing quite yet.  *grins*  Suffices to say, she should still be an interesting interaction, since boys do tend to make fools of themselves for pretty girls irregardless of getting any.  *beams*


And I totally missed the wink 'cause I am lame.  I hang my head in shame, m'lady.  <3

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*bounds and gags Arath*


Arath, can she move into your house with us?


*moves Arath's head up and down*


YAY its settled!  We get to have a slumber party!



First up on the meeting:  What color should we paint Tai's eyelids?  Blue or Green?

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Hee hee.  But seriously, I'm going to try to pin you or Covai down in the next couple of days and get some brainstorming done on this.


I'm not sure whether to be scared or excited :P


Welcome to the madness though :) And if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to poke Arath with sharp pointy things  ;D

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