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Top Movies of 2008


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Here are mine so far. I highly expect this list to change over the next few weeks as I watch movies from my second list.


1. Slumdog Millionaire

2. The Visitor

3. Dark Knight

4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

5. In Bruges

6. Iron Man

7. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

8. Milk

9. Seven Pounds

10. Hancock


And just cause I am a movie nerd... here is my top 10 movies I expect have a good chance to make it into my top 10 of 2008 when I see them.


1. Wall-E

2. Doubt

3. Revolutionary Road

4. Frost/Nixon

5. The Wrestler

6. Tropic Thunder

7. The Reader

8. Let the Right One In

9. Burn After Reading

10. Appaloosa

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My top 10 disappointments of the year....


1. War, Inc.

2. The Bank Job

3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

4. Alien vs Predator: Requiem (technically 2007 release)

5. Semi-Pro

6. 10,000 BC

7. Jumper

8. Leatherheads

9. Australia

10. The Happening




Didn't see, but would be in top 10 worst movies if I could stomach them....


Fools Gold

The Mummy 3 (in netflix queue)

The Love Guru


Speed Racer


The Hottie & The Nottie

The House Bunny

Max Payne (In netflix queue)

The Bucket List

Swing Vote (in netflix queue)

Disaster Movie

88 Minutes

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Some of these were on my "Too see" list from the Top 10 of 2008 thread.


Son of Rambow


There was another Rambo movie in 2008, but you can keep your Sylvester Stallone gorefest; we'll take this British indie about a sheltered kid who, after being captivated by 'First Blood' (the first movie he's ever seen), films a remake with his new friend, the class bully. It's a sweet, funny, charming testament to friendship, the magic of moviemaking and even Rambo himself ... and certainly our only opportunity ever to use "charming" and "Rambo" in the same sentence.


Rachel Getting Married


Beneath the music-filled, bohemian, Indian-inspired nuptials of Rachel (a hugely underappreciated performance by Rosemarie DeWitt) lies the biggest problem of an otherwise perfectly offbeat wedding weekend: the bride's sister, Kym. Anne Hathaway nails her role as a recovering addict on the edge -- her problems and pain feel so real, in fact, you wonder how she's ever pulled off comedy.


Let the Right One In


'Twilight' may have been all the rage at the multiplex, but the best vampire movie of the year is this supremely chilling Swedish import. Set in the outskirts of Stockholm, it centers on a quiet young boy who discovers the girl next door (and his new BFF) is a real live bloodsucker. What it has common with 'Twilight'? A sympathetic portrayal of vampires. What it doesn't? That awful, awful makeup.


4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days


This 1980s-set drama of a Romanian girl helping her roommate get an illegal abortion is really an illustration of how existing in a totalitarian state is soul-killing. Just buying cigarettes is a task fraught with danger here, and the naturalistic style of the film and the performances are just right to convey the hopelessness of the population of an entire country. Not feel-good by any means, it should at least make one feel lucky for freedoms that many can only dream of.


Happy Go Lucky


In the latest from the improv stylings of Mike Leigh ('Secrets & Lies,' 'Vera Drake'), Sally Hawkins (in a bravura performance) stars as Poppy, a London schoolteacher who may possibly be the shiniest, happiest person on Earth. You, on the other hand, have two choices: You can hate her for it (it's possible), or you can indulge in this witty comedy that could double as the Optimist's Handbook to Life.


Vicky Cristina Barcelona


The characters in 'Barcelona' are as gorgeous, mesmerizing and complex as the city itself -- they engage in questionable but entertaining behavior (adultery, menage a trois, attempted murder!), all while keeping things light and bantering as only Woody Allen characters can. And did we mention there's a Penelope Cruz-Scarlett Johansson makeout session? Well, there is.


The Counterfeiters


With a wide crop of Holocaust movies demanding attention this fall, one of the year's best remains this What-would-you-do-drama about Jews who stayed alive by aiding Nazis in a concentration camp counterfeiting scheme. Winner of 2008's Best Foreign Film Oscar (not released in theaters until February), it's pensive and heartbreaking, and well worth your dime.


Slumdog Millionaire


On paper it sounds gimmicky. A poor and uneducated Mumbai teen accused of cheating on 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' recounts how he was able to answer each question via a flashback to his hard-knock childhood. On screen it's nothing short of magnificent, a completely unique movie-going experience that's like 'Quiz Show' meets 'City of God' set in India. It's also one of the best-made crowd-pleasers in years.

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Other people's top 10....


Nordling's Top 10 of 2008!


2008 was an odd year. The summer crop was strong, and the fall releases seemed watered down in comparison to last year's multiple masterpieces. Maybe the writer's strike cut into the schedule a bit. But there were still many wonderful films to see this year, and although this is a Top 10 list, there's several films that could have made the grade. Without further blah-blah, here we go!




Robert Downey Jr. is better in IRON MAN than Johnny Depp was in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, and yet I don't think he'll get the accolades that Depp did for his performance as Tony Stark. Not my favorite superhero film of the year, but it's a solid film regardless, the happy-go-lucky in comparison to THE DARK KNIGHT's gloom and doom. Knowing what Stark goes through in later stories, it won't be smiles for long, but IRON MAN has a clever script and confidently directed by Jon Favreau. As for Downey, this is the film that gave him his real second act in American cinema, and I'd like to welcome back a true actor's actor. His turn in this and TROPIC THUNDER might have squared him that Oscar nomination (and still might) if not for Ledger's performance. Looking forward to next year's SHERLOCK HOLMES.




Sean Penn doesn't play Harvey Milk as any kind of victim or martyr. He simply plays him as a man happy with his lot in life, who saw an injustice and wanted it corrected. Yes, MILK is upfront with its characters sexuality, and it doesn't shy away from it. And at the same time, it shows us as an audience that these people have the same goals and passions as everyone else - to live their lives free from persecution, to have good jobs, to find love, to raise a family. The film even makes a hilarious point - straight or gay, no one likes stepping in dog shit. The passing of Proposition 8 was a dark spot on an otherwise amazing political year, and I wish that MILK had been released earlier and wider. It may have changed some minds. What's great about Penn's performance is that the usually morose Penn plays Milk as a pretty happy guy. There's tragedies in his life, to be sure, but it's inspirational that Milk gets up from them and continues. Josh Brolin plays Milk's assassin Dan White as a man trapped in his environment, and while you feel sympathy for him the film doesn't excuse what he did in any way.




This film, Ron Howard's best since APOLLO 13, may seem ill-suited for the big screen, as it would seem that the subject matter doesn't warrant that kind of attention. Don't believe it. Frank Langella doesn't play Nixon with broad strokes, but instead, internalizes the man and his performance is all the more powerful for it. He doesn't play Nixon, he simply is Nixon. Michael Sheen is more elusive as David Frost - we never really get inside the man - but when Frost decides to become a real reporter instead of a Cheshire-cat's-grin celebrity, the film in it's way becomes a love letter to what journalism used to be about before they got in bed with politics simply for access. The faux-interviews are unnecessary, but other than that, Howard's made a very compelling drama.




I was almost ready to write this one off because although it was getting lots of raves, it felt to me like this film was going to be that one film every year that gets all the buzz but in actuality didn't deserve it (see CRASH, A BEAUTIFUL MIND). I'm happy to discover that that wasn't the case. This rags-to-riches story's been told before but not like this, with Danny Boyle's film sensibilities and the backdrop of Mumbai, India. I never thought I'd see the day when WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE became poignant, but SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE manages to do it. Add to that the amazing score, Bollywood by way of techno, and an instant must-own. You simply can't miss SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. If you're a film fan of any caliber, you must see this. If you don't, I'm not sure I want to know you. It must be hard, walking around with a piece of coal for a heart.




Yeah, I'm going to say it. This for me was the most entertaining film of the summer. This movie's like a kid's breakfast cereal made of rainbows. You'd think the Wachowski Brothers invented colors for this movie. I've seen this film wind up on several worst of lists and that absolutely stuns me. There is no way in hell this is a bad film, and I feel completely comfortable listing it as one of this year's best. For one thing, as a family film, it's completely appropriate for kids. Watching the dynamics of the Racer family play out in this story, I felt that in it's way the Wachowskis were making a film about the sheer joy of family, of all these disparate people coming together and making something wonderful. Is it perfect? No, there's stretches in the film that are slow. It could do with about 20 minutes shaved off it. But that final race, where 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY blasts through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, is as beautiful as film art can be.




Is it a comic movie? A crime film? Happily, it's both. We've got some distance now from Heath Ledger's death, and I think we can judge his performance fairly without that tragedy clouding the issue, and it's safe to say that Ledger probably gives the acting performance of the year. He made the Joker completely his own, and lived up to the potential of that role. I'd say my favorite scene of his is when the Joker corrects Gamble when he say the Joker is crazy: "No I'm not. No. I'm. Not." And everyone gives good performances in this film, especially Aaron Eckhart, who if not for Ledger would be getting some accolades of his own. Sure, I could do without Batman's Oscar The Grouch intimidation voice, but that's a minor nitpick. The best Batman film yet, and it suggests the superhero genre can be taken seriously now. Perhaps if all the lawsuit crap can get sorted out, next year's WATCHMEN can elevate the genre more. Can't wait to find out.




There's just no way that this film wouldn't make the list. I claim no objectivity here - Pixar is the God-studio. Even their lesser films are classic. Next year's UP, if they don't drop the ball in the second half, is probably a guarantee to be on next year's Top 10. As for WALL-E, I first saw it with an enthusiastic crowd in Austin and I knew it was special when the audience applauded at the end of the film, watched the credits, and applauded again. It's a wonderful love story, an environmental cautionary tale that's never preachy. If people are tired of me praising Pixar, then tell Pixar to start making lousy films. The track record is astonishing, and expect more greatness with UP next year.




You want superheroes? I've got two for you: Kate and David Bagby, parents of Dr. Andrew Bagby. In 2001, Dr. Bagby was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Shirley Turner. In a fit of rage Shirley shot Andrew 5 times and fled to Canada, where the byzantine extradition laws kept her from being tried in the United States. Then a bombshell drops - she's pregnant with Andrew's child. Desperate to keep some kind of link to their son alive, the Bagbys move from California to Newfoundland to fight Shirley for custody. It gets to the point where they have to get visitation to see Zachary from the woman who murdered their son. When she's sent to prison in Canada to await extradition, The Bagbys bond with their grandchild. And Kurt Kuenne, filmmaker, decides to make a movie documenting his good friend Andrew's life by driving cross-country to interview Andrew's many friends and acquaintances, hopefully for an historical document for Zachary. But life hardly coincides with what we expect.


Bring boxes of tissue for this one. As far as documentaries go, DEAR ZACHARY doesn't exactly break the mold. It's mostly talking heads telling the many stories of Andrew's life. Kurt Kuenne doesn't even attempt to claim objectivity - this was his good friend murdered, and his rage at that act is palpable, and his bias to the subject gives the film much of its power. But when the film takes a horribly tragic turn, it becomes a testament to the bravery of two people - Kate and David Bagby, who more than any of the other cinematic heroes of 2008 earn that description. This film isn't for the emotionally squeamish - it's a hard, hard road. At times I thought that the way the film reveals its story was approaching manipulative, but Kuenne wants the viewer to feel how he felt as each event happened, and what he's made here is one of the most riveting and powerful documentaries I've ever seen. And if you want to learn more or order the DVD, go to www.dearzachary.com for more information.




Mickey Rourke is extraordinary as Randy "The Ram" Robinson, a professional wrestler whose age and life choices catch up with him, but he still wants that final go round in the ring. I'm a big fan of Darren Aronofsky - his FOUNTAIN is my pick for best film of 2006 - but as broad and as emotional as that film was he's remarkably restrained here and the film is all the better for it. Marisa Tomei continues to make superb acting choices with her roles and she's terrific in this as well. What I loved most about the film is that while it follows the plot of most sports films to a t, what we're feeling emotionally is the direct opposite of what we're seeing on screen. When he steps into that ring at the climax, it's an abject failure and the final shot, while on the surface seems victorious, is actually a lie. The love that the Ram seeks is fleeting and he rejects the loves that last. It's a hell of a movie, and like RAGING BULL, a study of a deeply flawed man. I made a real attempt to not let Rourke's public story cloud how I viewed his performance and it would be easy to say that he was born to play this role. But there's moments where the Ram as a character is emotionally stripped on screen, and that can't just be Rourke's past. It's an acting triumph, and he's deserving of all the accolades thrown his way.




It's very easy to overhype this movie. Much of it is quiet, and it's not paced like most films of this genre. Much of the gore is only suggested, and there isn't one single cheap scare to be found in the film. On one level it's a tender coming-of-age romance, and on another it's a chilling master/slave story, and what makes it so amazing is that both levels work as well as they do at the same time. This come-out-of-nowhere instant horror classic blew me away the first time I saw it, and on subsequent viewings it just grows stronger. Most child performances feel phony, but Tomas Alfredson pulls amazing work, seemingly without trying, out of Kare Hedebrant and especially Lina Leandersson. I haven't read the novel on which the film is based, which expands Eli's history, but I love how the film suggests aspects of Eli's relationships without being overt. I love the pool scene, easily the best climax of a movie this year. I love everything about this film, and it's sure to be talked about for quite some time to come. A stunning achievement.


Worst Film Of The Year: INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL - This hurts, it really does. As everyone who knows me can attest, I'm a Spielberg freak. So it comes to this, the worst Spielberg film since HOOK (I have a warm spot in my heart for 1941, so don't bother). People keep telling me that you shouldn't hold SKULL to the RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK standard, but that's bullshit. Maybe it can't be as good, but it sure as hell can try. Instead of real guys under real trucks, we get CGI to choke a supercomputer. Instead of compelling performances, we get a director who, it felt, would obviously rather be making something else and actors who are seemingly just trying to make it through the next take so to get some of that top-notch catering. Harrison Ford, at times, seemed to be engaged, but mostly, it just wasn't the Indiana Jones of the first three films. And as for George Lucas, he's not interested in any kind of art. He's sure interested in commerce, though. I can't wait to see LINCOLN or INTERSTELLAR or any other film that gets Steven Spielberg excited again. But this is definitely a low point in the man's catalog, and I guess I can't blame him for being bored with this story. It certainly bored me. A vine-swinging Shia LeBeouf? Really, George?


And that about wraps it up. 2009 has the potential to be fantastic. 2008 wasn't terrible, but it can't compare to the juggernauts of 2007. Still, LET THE RIGHT ONE IN can hold itself high as the real genuine masterpiece of 2008. Thanks for reading.

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I'm not good with putting numbers on things, but my top movies this year have been:


In Bruges

Wall-E (!)

The Dark Knight (!)

Slumdog Millionaire (!)


Let the right one in (!!)

Synecdoche, New York


I'm sure there's more, it's been an awesome year for movies

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I won't number mine either, but they are:



Zack and Miri Make a Porno -- if you haven't seen it, it's effing hilarious. It is truly a Kevin Smith movie, if you are into that sort of thing. ;)


The Dark Knight

The Forbidden Kingdom

Iron Man

Get Smart

Kung Fu Panda


The Reader

The Secret Life of Bees



For me the worst:

Tropic Thunder

The Air I Breathe -- I'm straight up pissed off about this movie. I was so excited for it, and then I saw it and was like, wtf? The writing sucks, though the actors did a good job with what they had. Ugh, totally disappointed.

Sex and the City Movie

Indiana Jones

The Happening

Mamma Mia!


Movies I'm still trying to decide whether or not I love or hate:

Twilight -- I read the series before I saw the movie; and the movie isn't really too much like the books, and I'm not really a fan of Kristen Stewarts portrayal of Bella--but on the other hand, Robert Pattinson...oy.

The Duchess -- I'm not a fan of Keira Knightley, but I thought she did a good job.

Ghost Town -- I was so pumped about this movie, with Ricky Gervais as the star. But...while it was funny...it still lacked something for me. I dunno.

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Son of Rambow


There was another Rambo movie in 2008, but you can keep your Sylvester Stallone gorefest; we'll take this British indie about a sheltered kid who, after being captivated by 'First Blood' (the first movie he's ever seen), films a remake with his new friend, the class bully. It's a sweet, funny, charming testament to friendship, the magic of moviemaking and even Rambo himself ... and certainly our only opportunity ever to use "charming" and "Rambo" in the same sentence.




4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days


This 1980s-set drama of a Romanian girl helping her roommate get an illegal abortion is really an illustration of how existing in a totalitarian state is soul-killing. Just buying cigarettes is a task fraught with danger here, and the naturalistic style of the film and the performances are just right to convey the hopelessness of the population of an entire country. Not feel-good by any means, it should at least make one feel lucky for freedoms that many can only dream of.



Why the bloody hell have I not heard of these two before?

*Puts on To See List*


Slumdog Millionaire


On paper it sounds gimmicky. A poor and uneducated Mumbai teen accused of cheating on 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' recounts how he was able to answer each question via a flashback to his hard-knock childhood. On screen it's nothing short of magnificent, a completely unique movie-going experience that's like 'Quiz Show' meets 'City of God' set in India. It's also one of the best-made crowd-pleasers in years.


No. No. No. You can not mention this in the same breath as City Of Gods. No effing way.

Not saying 'Slumdog' is a bad movie, it is very good, but it is nothing like 'COG'.



Hard to make a list this year, maybe because I have not been very interested in most things to hit the theatres. But in no particular order...


The Dark Knight

Iron Man

Mamma Mia!

Arn - The Kingdom At Roads End

The Other Boleyn Girl

Vicky Christina Barcelona

The Baader Meinhof Complex

Let The Right One In

Slumdog Millionaire


Yet to see that might make the list: Milk, The Wrestler, In Bruges, Revolutionary Road


Biggest disappointment:

Indiana Jones

Quantum Of Solace



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Ok, having watched In Bruges now, I actually have 10 movies so I can make a rated list ;D


1. Let The Right One In

2. The Baader Meinhof Complex

3. Slumdog Millionaire

4. The Dark Knight

5. Vicky Christina Barcelona

6. The Other Boleyn Girl

7. In Bruges

8. Arn - The Kingdom At Roads End

9. Iron Man

10. Mamma Mia!


Milk and The Wrestler should make the list once I can get around and watch them.

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I respect your list.


Now I am going to make silly comments about it.


While The Other Boleyn Girl had SJ in it, I can't say I terribly enjoyed this movie.  Eric Bana just did not make a great Henry. 


Mamma Mia.... errr..... sure.... 

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Mamma Mia was fine until Pierce Brosnan showed up and completely trainwrecked the vocals.


I just watched The Other Boleyn Girl a few days ago and I felt meh about it as well. I thought it was an interesting perspective in the case of Anne Boleyn, since I recently watched a documentary on her on the History Channel that took her personality in a bit different direction...but I guess I never considered her to be as conniving as she was in the movie. I thought the girls did very well on their accents though.

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I have a soft spot for costume movies. So while Bana sucked, at least he was nicely dressed while sucking ;D

And then, the movie is focused on SJ and NP, the rest of the cast could just as well have been played by puppets.


Of course, had I expected a historically accurate movie, this would have topped my disappointments of the year, since they botch pretty much everything that can be botched. But, it is hollywood... ;D


Mamma Mia is the perfect feelgood movie. Beautiful footage, a quite simple story, and amazing music. The perfect movie when you just want to sit back, have a glass of wine and relax. While I tend to favour more intellectually challenging movies, you need this kind as well sometimes.

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I just watched it yesterday actually.


I have really mixed feelings about Pineapple Express. There were a few parts that I found to be hilarious (Saul spooking in the woods and then they run around freaked out until Dale gets in the car and then when Saul splats against the window he does a crazy girl scream), but since I've never done drugs, or ever plan on doing them...a lot of the 'drug funny' parts I have a really hard time identifying with, because well...I don't really get it.


I love Seth Rogen though. <3

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Just watched The Wrestler, and it definitly belongs on my top 10 list, just have to figure out exactly where.


The story is average at best, but Rourkes performance, combined with Tomeis, and awesome photo (and awesome soundtrack) turns the movie into something extra. I mean, every scene is extremely predictable, but where that would have been annoying in another movie, it does not matter one bit here, because you get caught up caring for Rourkes messed up character. Probably his best performance ever.

That Marisa Tomei is prettier than ever also helps ;D

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I just saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with my mom and loved it.  It's a real tearjerker, guys.  I'll definitely expect it to make a decent showing in the Oscar race.


We rented Wall-E, so I'll watch it tonight or tomorrow and let you know what I thought.

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I've seen all of the movies on your list, EXCEPT BENJAMIN BUTTON AND THE READER, which depresses me. I want to see them as soon as possible. Anyhoo, I approve of your list and find it awesome!


And Maj, I hope Rourke wins an oscar.

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Oscars are more about who kisses the most rear, than actual quality, so I think Rourke should consider himself lucky if he just manages to get a nomination.


But I kinda hope he gets best actor in Cannes, the festival with the awards that count.

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