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Christmas Carol -It's a Knockout (Finished --> Hark the Herald Angels Sing wins)


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Can't beat the Latin equivalent of O Come All Ye Faithful, which we always sang at my school's carol service.

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Not ME!! I'm a Ave Maria fan.... Nutin' better than Ol' Deceased Pavarotti beltin' out that little ditty.... OR them little Vy-eenie Choir Fellers.. Brings a tear to my eye so it does... Honestly, it's my favorite song of the Christmas Season.... Gran'ma Got Runned Over By a Reindeer only comes across a distant second ;)


Corki.. lest you think me truly ignorant. The Gregorian Chant assertion was just a little exaggeration on my part.... I should have known your English Humour Handicap would have caused you to miss the sardonic wit contained within my comment 8)


O Come All Ye Faithful!



My Methodist ears have never heard the David's City song either. But I bet my sister the Episcopalian has...they have closer ties with the Mother Church.  ;D


Ave maria for this good little Traditional Lutheran as well! 


And while I agree it isn't really a carol per say..it is one of the most recognizable hymns of the Christmas Season..and since carols originally where hymns..that would make it a carol?  Hmm?


But it is close..My school choir tradition was a processional to Adeste Fideles!


O Come All Ye Faithful scraps through to the next round by 4 votes to 3 (I am including Daetirion's vote).




Argh!  When we were kids  we lived for the "OOOOOOOOOOO, star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright"! That "OOOOO" was the best!


But, well, really, I mean, "Silent Night", man.  No "Silent Night" - no Christmas.  So it's gotta be [glow=gold,2,300][glow=red,2,300]"Silent Night". [/glow] [/glow] *nods*


We three kings of Orient are

One in a taxi, one in a car,

one on a scooter, beeping his hooter.....



That kinda thing, yep :P



Not another tie! I hope there is a winner by the time I get to work tomorrow morning...otherwise I pick the winner!  ;D


Well, we do now have a winner. And you picked the opposite to what I would have picked if it was a tie!  :P We Three Kings of Orient Are wins 5-3.


Next tie is about to be posted.


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