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Rome - The movie (yes that Awesome HBO Show)


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“Rome” mastermind Bruno Heller (currently masterminding the freshman CBS smash “The Mentalist”) says Lucius Vorenus survived the final season of HBO's “Rome,” and that Heller is in talks to bring Vorenus and his pal Titus Pullo to the big screen.


But now that Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra are all rotting away in Hell, with what would the movie deal? Heller might offer a clue in this excerpt from an interview with James Hibberd of the Hollywood Reporter:


"I discovered halfway through writing the second season the show was going to end," Heller said. "The second was going to end with death of Brutus. Third and fourth season would be set in Egypt. Fifth was going to be the rise of the messiah in Palestine. But because we got the heads-up that the second season would be it, I telescoped the third and fourth season into the second one, which accounts for the blazing speed we go through history near the end. There's certainly more than enough history to go around."




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Yet more history (especially Roman) that is going to be destroyed and totally wrong! I do hope they don't drop to the levels of Troy of accuracy...


Please note, I studied Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin) at university, so hate it when they get things wrong.

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I agree with Hax. The show was a drama, not a documentary. I was actually impressed with the lengths they took to make the show MORE authentic. I know enough Roman history to recognize the inaccuracies, but loved the show so much I couldn't have cared less if they totally rewrote the history books. The show was awesome.


Still, I'm not entirely sure I'm excited about a Rome movie. I mean, what WOULD it be about?

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Rome was awesome! As far as historical inaccuracies were concerned there was little to none. The only bit that caught me off guard actually was when Titus Pullo's wife went all sick and died (she was poisoned) and he called in a witch/herbalist to pray over her. Does anyone remember that scene? The language that old lady spoke was not Latin or gibberish but an actual language. Somali. The language of modern day pirates. It was hilarious listening to what she was muttering and actually understanding it. I’m a Pirate. LOL! I think they just cast for some old lady that looked exotic and knew how to speak a foreign (really foreign) language!


Show was great, should definitely be made into a movie. If Lucius survived the show then the movie can be about him helping the new emperor Augustus (Octavian) rise and Rome's expansion. It's easy when you deal with Roman history to have a good plot line. Lots of fighting, gladiators, women, more fighting and a good love story thrown in for good measure. Perfecto; you have yourselves a Gladiator Part 2.


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