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If your Ashie was in a d20 game ....

Arath Faringal

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I was rummaging around very old posts on the old boards, and came across something I started way back when.  So I thought I'd repost it here.


Back in the day (a good 5-6 years ago), I enjoyed a good game of D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for you non nerdish types) with the good old d20 system. And I was wondering, how would my Asha'man convert over to that system? And then I wondered, how would everyone else's characters on DM convert over?


For those of you who aren't very familiar with how this works, its on a scale of 3-18 (results from rolling 3, 6-sided dice) 3 being laughably weak, 10-11 being average, 18 pushing the limits of human possibility. There are 6 attributes, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intellect, Wisdom, and Charisma. Some are pretty self explanitory, such as Strength, and Dexterity.


Constitution is how tough someone is. Their ability to take a beating, and/or endure under strain. 


Intellect is pretty easy, the ability to think, rapid problem solving.  Think IQ.  Wisdom is ... how aware, and insightful someone is. Someone with a 3 is a total airhead. Someone with an 18 is a total Confucious.  I think a Brown Aes Sedai would tend toward high Intellect and low Wisdom.  Smart but absent minded.


Charisma is kind of a difficult one to figure out. It's a combination of looks and personality. How well you get along with people, how good you are at convincing someone to your point of view by various methods . . . all affected a lot by charisma. (If anyone else wants to clarify all this stuff a bit, feel free.)


Sooooo ... what say we find out about everyone? Post your aproximate D&D scores for your character!


Arath would be something like this:


Str: 12

Dex: 14

Con: 12

Int: 16

Wis: 12

Cha: 10


So don't be shy! What's your Ashy/Dedi/Soldier/Civy like?

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Tavon would be...


Str: 16 (former soldier)

Dex: 12 (full armor)

Con: 14 (...full armor)

Int: 16 (smart person)

Wis: 16 (acute senses, Borderlander patrols and campaigns)

Cha: 10 (though he knows how, more of a follower than a leader)


So yeah... They ended up a little high, but he's essentially a fighter that went mage in terms of D&D. Str (carrying heavy armor), Con (be able to take a beating) and Wis (spot a Trolloc before it spots you) are stats i couldn't skimp on -- especially since he's been doing that for sixteen years! -- and his Int is fairly high as well according to his backstory and the lengths he went to to cover his tracks to protect his family.

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One note Arath, it's not Intellect it's Intelligence..  lol thought I'd let you know  ;D


I think Toram would be:


Str: 13 (+1)

Dex: 14 (+2)

Con: 10

Int: 11

Wis: 12 (+1)

Cha: 17 (+3)


He is large but not very stong, with good agility, a small awareness of the environment, and seeing as how Wizards are focused on Int and preparing spells I'm going to go with the Sorcerer who bases theirs off of Cha and casts spontaniously.

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Oh, btw, here's a couple of explanations that were posted on another forum:




Your strength grade represents how much brute strength your character has. Strength determines how much weight she can lift, carry or push. It directs how far she can jump. Furthermore, it expresses how hard she can hit another character or object, as well as how much damage she can do during hand-to-hand combat.


4-6 = Lift 20 Ibs.; you're nigh unto dead.

7-9 = Lift 40 Ibs.; you're a wuss.

10-12 = Lift 100 Ibs.; you're Joe Average.

13-15 = Lift 250 Ibs.; you're a stud.

16-18 = Lift 400 Ibs.; you're an Atlas bodybuilder.




Constitution represents your character's ability to withstand physical stress. It is a measure other body's resilience, toughness and adaptability. It expresses how long your character can continue to exert herself and how much physical punishment she can withstand before suffering trauma.


4-6 = Dying; or close to it

7-9 = Whimp; you're tired after walking up a flight of stairs.

10-12 = Couch potato; you can run a mile, if you have to.

13-15 = In shape; you work out regularly.

16-18 = Stalwart; you swim in Arctic conditions.




The Agility grade measures a character's overall athleticism. It expresses a character's general physical prowess, including grace, speed, physical reflexes, hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Dancers, mechanics, artists, speed skaters, and gymnasts all have a high Agility.


4-6 = No coordination; you have trouble just standing up.

7-9 = Clumsy; you trip on your own shadow.

10-12 = No klutz; you don't embarrass yourself often.

13-15 = Smooth; you have athletic potential.

16-18 = Exceptional: Graceful; you impress.




The Intelligence grade defines what most people would classify as "smarts." This attribute represents her facility for solving problems, remembering facts, evaluating situations, reasoning and making leaps of logic. It expresses her innate ability, though it doesn't necessarily mean that she had years of education. A person can have a powerfully logical or deductive mind and still be a store clerk who didn't finish high school. Other factors play into a character's career choice, though any character with a college education or an intellectually demanding position should have that ability reflected in her intelligence stat.


4-6 = Moronic; you can't rub two neurons together (IQ 60).

7-9 = Thick; you have trouble with child-proof lids (IQ 80).

10-12 = No dummy; you were a "C" student (IQ 100).

13-15 = Smart; you do the hard crosswords for fun (IQ 120).

16-18 = Brainy; your intellect leaves most others in the dust (IQ 140).




The Wisdom grade embodies a character's common sense, as well as your character's ability to notice details in her environment. While Intelligence represents one's ability to analyze information, Wisdom represents being in tune with and aware of one's surroundings. An "absentminded professor" has low Wisdom, and high Intelligence. A simpleton (low intelligence) may still have great insight (high wisdom). If you want your character to have acute senses, give her high Wisdom.


4-6 = Oblivious; you wouldn't notice an elephant if it sat down beside you.

7-9 = Inattentive; you don't pay much attention to what happens around you.

10-12 = Heedless; you catch the gist of your surroundings.

13-15 = Sensitive; you're aware of moods and textures.

16-18 = Alert; you have a keen awareness of your surroundings.




A character's Charisma grade shows how charming and likable she is. It represents her ability to flirt, please, compliment and impress others. She may do so through a look or a conversation, though having a high Charisma doesn't necessarily grant the character a silver tongue. She may stumble over her words, but do it in such a charming way that everyone forgives her and likes her all the more for her clumsiness at expressing herself. It also may indicate her ability to get along with people from all different walks of life.


4-6 = Belligerent; people actively dislike you.

7-9 = Socially inept; you offend others often.

10-12 = Acceptable; you don't turn people off.

13-15 = Likeable; you make friends easily.

16-18 = Congenial; you impress immediately.

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I actually like this a lot, it's a good idea to be able to put a numerical value to your character's attributes, it makes things a lot easier to understand.


Str: 7

Dex: 13

Con: 10

Int: 15

Wis: 17

Cha: 13


So, physical strength is pretty pathetic, but not the worst it could be, his endurance is okay, but not good, he's pretty graceful (I'm assuming Agility is Dex), but his real strength is in his wit. He's very intelligent, and very in tune with his surroundings. After all, he is a sociopathic maniac who lives to fool people :) And his charisma is high but not very high.

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Lol, Sereth...


Str: 11

Dex: 10

Con: 14

Int: 16

Wis: 17

Cha: 8


Physical abilities are a little below average, cept con, but thats only cause he hard hardly feels the taint. Int and Wis I doubt anyone will argue with, and his ability to constantly ward off people, because of his personality quirks. In 3.5 I'd probably go cleric, 4.0 definitly a wizard. I only played like, seven games of 2, hardly remember it.  :'(


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Okay, lets see about Covai here


Str: 14

Dex: 13

Con: 13

Int: 16

Wis: 17

Cha: 18


Strength, Dex, and Con are all developed from his Training but he hasn't had to use them in a while so they're only just above average. His Int comes from having risen to Storm Leader, and his Wis from the way he comes up with oddball ways of training people and explaining how weaves work. As for the Cha score....well anyone who's read order of the Stick should be able to figure that one out ;)

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