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Demirant 2.0


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So, are any of you going to read all of this? I kinda doubt it, and it makes me sad, but hey, do as you'd please? At least read your own section. <.<


Yes, it is time for another Demi rant. Why? I felt like it. It's been quite a while since last. And you know what? Today is a special rant, for today I shall rant about all the members listed on the members rank page. How will I rant about them? With an exciting little story, perhaps? Or maybe with my personal feelings towards this particular person. Or maybe not at all. Though, I think not at all isn't really an option. Anyhow, I feel like I've been away from here too long. Why? I don't know. The computer at my mom's house ( WHICH I NORMALLY USE FOR SPAMMING) won't load this lovely board properly. It's really weird. This one (THE ONE AT MY DAD'S) does, however. So yeah.


Anyhow. Let's see. Member's page. There we go. Where'd the cool theme music on the black-tower.org site go away too? It was very rocknrolling *nod* But now, there is only the odd swishy sound. Swish, clonk it goes, or something acceptably familiar to that. Oh bah. I pressed member's instead of rank! Silly me, no? Let's see. Another go. And bingo! I'll have you know I almost botched that second attempt too, having my mouse hover ominously close to "About". Good thing for you I didn't, eh?


Top o' the list! Tayol! Yes, good old Tayol, I've always loved him, ever since he was just... Well, he's been in charge ever since I knew him really, so I can't say anything else than that. I totally met him at SG though, when he was still a witch (*giggles), but then, he somehow drifted me towards this strange and exotic place, and heck, seems I stuck. But he's quite lovely, and from Ireland! He also is awesome and drinks beer? I think I've seen a photo of him on a motorcycle? Or maybe that was Darlatan. My mind's become pudding in the later years of my life, it is clear that I am in the fall of my lifespan. A quick google search of "Tayol" gave me

Tayol Family Tree and Genealogy Links at Surname Finder

That's kinda weird.  on pictures I got q816007178_607.jpg. I think Tay might be leading a double life. I also took the liberty of posting a comment on Tay's member page. CHECK IT OUT?


Well, moving on!

It's snugglybuns himself, Roka Smrti, or the hand of death to friends! He's really big and furry and has sharp teeth and is pretty cool and likes Burek and is from Slovenia and sent me songs by Vlado Kreslin (WHICH I ACTUALLY ENJOYED A LOT THANKYOUVERYMUCH!)

This is Vlado, he looks pretty cool:


But yeah, Roka. How did I come into contact with this most intriguing individual? SG! Yes, our beloved Roka was once the great and glorious leader of the ghul that is also shayol, and in this position he governed over every aspect of my life for quite some time, but then he quit and I was sad :( But then he was here, and I wasn't sad :).

While trying to google him I mistyped his name (LIKE THIS: Roka Smrit) and I felt silly. But google actually suggested "Did you mean Roka Smrti?", and that should make Roka feel special.

O pogubnom uticaju roka i ostale satanisticke muzike

Well, I have no idea what that means, and I'm too lazy to find a translator.

Pictures gave me this; which made me laugh:



Next is Vanion, the man responsible for this majestically magnificent site on which we thrive and live our silly little lives. I remember when he was just a civilian and I could look down on him, but now, he controls more of my life than I'm comfortable admitting. Yes, good times were had smashing bricks on each others heads and many other fun activities. Vanion is truly a ladies man, and has awesome hair.

A google of this macho man gave me many profiles on many sites, unknown to me is if this is the same Vanion we all enjoy on a ... well, not quite so daily anymore, basis.

Pictures gave me a lot of NSFW images, so I'll just show you this one:


I imagine he's the dude.


Now, who's next? Why, it's the Demigod! He's quite an awesome individual, I must say. Can't really remember the first time I met this charming fellow, but heck, it feels like I've known him forever. He's truly the pinnacle of humanity, a greatness that we must all strive to achieve, yet be proud to live in the shadow of. Yes, that's how awesome the Demigod is. I could show you some pictures of him, but I'm not sure they'd be sanity preserving. Instead, a quick search got me "Myth & Mystery: The Demigod Files", something which must truly be great reading for just about anyone.

In images I got this, and it's certainly a picture of all the women he's seduced.



As we proceed down the list, I'd like to take this chance to have a little intermission:

*let this play in the background as you visit the toilet, get yourself a snack, make love to your significant other, or cry in the corner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAvP3eV73Vs *


Yes, now we come upon the master of dudes, TheMasterDude! Yes, Again an old cracker I can't seem to place when to have met, but it must've been a while ago, because this omnipresent dude has a good reputation in the mind of Demi. Being the child of a dude and a chick, this dude quickly garnered a reputation for being quite the master (OF DUDES), a reputation he's fought tooth and nails to keep. And it shows, for this dude is quick the master, wouldn't you say? But in short, what's there not to like about him?

My friend googlé tells me that "Fat White Dude: The Master of Fashion". That makes sense?

Also, the images I'm picking up here are rather disturbing, it shows me a whole new side to the masterdude, a side I'm not sure I should've ever explored.

width=341 height=480http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/H/Halo%203/Everything%20Else/HaloRadar/2008-03-07%20MC%20Mutations/Finished%20Screens/colorform-paperdoll--article_image.jpg[/img]

Sick stuff folks.


Further down the list we find Desiree. What's this? A girl!? On the internet? I believe this must be some trick of the mind, but I'll keep writing as if this obviously false apparition is true. Yes, Desiree is quite the person, being the only one alive able to reign in Simon, that little rascal. I also remember Des joining, even though I can't remember the exact circumstances. What I can, however, surmise, is that she was a very different person when she did. Oh deary me! Well, being a girl, she's certainly quite high up on the rank ladder, a huge step from where women originate (THE KITCHEN >.>). I'M JUST KIDDING, REALLY, I LOVE YOU?

Anyhow, I have found that Désirée is a baronesse Silfverschiöld, that is if Wikipedia is right. The more you know, eh?

Also, google gave me far too naughty pictures to show you (TURNS OUT I HAVEN'T TURNED ON SAFESEARCH; DEARY ME), so I'll just show you this (WHICH ACTUALLY ALSO CAME UP ON THE SEARCH OF HER NAME):



Next on the list is *gasp* another girl!? :o Amazing, what you can do these days. Yes, I remember back when only men could vote and the females were happy to stay at home, but no, in today's society I get beaten just for slapping a woman on the streets. What's happened to this world, eh fellas? But anyhow, Talya's really new, isn't she? At least in my eyes (EVERYONE WHO JOINED THE LAST YEAR OR SO ARE! *shakes old-timey fist at you*). But she's proven herself to be absolutely awesome in her SHORT TIME AMONGST US! *shakes it some more* Not only is she awesome, she's also a spamtastic spammer, but hey, aren't we all? Now, what does spamtastic mean, in anyhow? Dictionary.com wouldn't define it, but wondered if maybe I meant spermatozoic (one of the minute, usually actively motile gametes in semen, which serve to fertilize the ovum; a mature male reproductive cell.). I didn't.

Also, "Divan Antalya Talya – 5 star Hotel in Talya Turkey". So, you can actually live in Talya. Eh? Eh?

Google is being fantastically filthy minded today, so here's a picture of Talya:



Ah, next up is Lord of the Dawn, another of those new people. His name actually reminds me of the series on which this entire board is based, how cool isn't that? I doubt I'll ever be able to read those books again in a serious light. "Nynaeve? Hahaha, she'd never say that!" *shakes head sadly* But yeah, lordy is a great sport, I THINK, BECAUSE I HAVEN'T ACTUALLY SEEN HIM PLAY ANY SPORTS, SO HE MIGHT BE A TERRIBLE SPORT, BUT I LIKE TO THINK HE'S NOT? Also, speaking in caps makes your talking a lot cooler, that's a scientifically proven fact, truthfully!

"Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Lord of the Dawn, Venus the Morning Star."

I'm just gonna leave that there? Also, I'd totally give points if anyone could pronounce that first name.

Also, lordy looks pretty sweet:

width=353 height=480http://www.dragonsinthecity.com/thumbnails/d23t.jpg[/img]


And now, our very own debatist and hate monger ( I LOVE YOU TOO ) Dragonspawn! This oldbie's been around even longer than myself! And that's pretty commendable right there, he pretends to be angry at people, but really all he wants is a hug, and that's why I've loved him since I first set eyes on his slick, manly body? To describe him, I'll quote a song I'm listening to right now: "Where did she tell me, wheeere? And then she says to you, She don't love meee! Just give her my message, tell her of my plea!" I don't know how this describes him, but for all you pseudo-freudian maniacs out there, it's bound to have some sort of deeper meaning. Seems he's spawnable:

"Blue Dragonspawn - NPC - World of Warcraft"

Man, he's pretty hardcore, I bet he'd totally crush lordy in a dragon battle *nod* Maybe they've got dragon balls? *snigger*



Now, we have LadyMo Sedai! Another relative oldbie/newbie/somewhere inbetween? I CAN'T REMEMBER! But I haven't seen her around here for a while, which saddens me :( She was totally cool you guys, you should have seen it! Googling her only lead to these boards, which leads me to believe she's totally only alive here. OHWAIT! Also, BattleAjah.net » Oaths!

And she looks like nothing since the image search had no results?


Ah, HeroAndros, another one who isn't quite here at the moment. Where do all these people go off to? I feel so old and useless -.- SEEMS I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO STICKS AROUND, EH!? Well, some more people, but I'm obviously the most important one, if not I'd totally not be writing this. HeroAndros should totally be around to see this, because he was also pretty awesome? Seems I pretty much like everyone. Is that a bad thing? I should learn to hate.

Anyhow, HeroAndros - East Moline, Illinois Personals 21/Male | Free Online ... Seems we now know everything about him, and also he looks like this?




Bratr. Where the hell did Bratr go? I remember the good fun times we used to have, but, apparently, no more? That's kind of sad. I feel so old and desolate now (DESPITE BEING A STUPID TEENAGER! :( ). Maybe he vanished into the belly of a whale. I hope that's how he went. I know he would've liked it.

Velký Bratr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- [ Oversett denne siden ]

It is also known as Velký Bratr. The Czech version is based on the popular Big Brother international television series produced by Endemol where a number of ...

So his name means brother :o COOL!

width=396 height=480http://melissa.imageworks.dk/graphics/actors/dustin3.jpg[/img]

I don't think that's him.


Ah, here comes Darlatan, who can forget this jolly WoW player. I wonder if he still does that. WoW stole him from us, which is a great sin, seeing as he was so cool and all, but hey, I think he might've been here for a split second or two the other day. Good times were had! Also, he's a hotel as well! "Exclusive Hotel Darlatan (Arles, France)- Hotel Reviews"!


And looks like this?darlatan1.jpg


Pretty much.


Ah, now comes eclipse, who is quite the jolly fellow. None are like him when it comes to quoting the moving pictures, and he is truly a great asset to this wonderful corporation. Without him, where would we all be? Not quoting movies? I think not. Nay, eclipse abides. And he can't stop there, that's bat country. And he done R-U-N-O-F-T. And he doesn't think Marcellus Wallace looks like a b*tch. And he grows copious amounts of ganja. And he really ties the room together.

Eclipse.org home

And he's an organization, apparently. AND HE'S A YELLOW CAR!



Man, this is dragging on an on! I think maybe I should skip some inactives? Or maybe not. Hmm. I'll just keep writing, shan't I? BUT I'M AFRAID THE IMAGES'LL HAVE TO GO! JUST PRAISE AND BE HAPPY FOR THE ONES YOU'VE ALREADY GOTTEN!


Ah, Maze Kantul, don't we all remember this jolly fellow. Is he active? I think not! Was he really cool when he was? HE TOTALLY WAS! But I can't see him around here, so I'll just say that he's somewhat inactive? I THINK THERE WAS SOME REASON FOR IT. I have a shitty memory :(


Shadowmaker. The great usurper. The only one who's gone above yours truly in post amount (AND DOESN'T HE KNOW IT), soon to be joined by the Simon. I think. I didn't like this strapping young lad at first, but heck, he's grown on me, and now, he is unto me like a child, NAY, a disciple! He might not see the situation in the same light, but hey, I'm the one writing.


Zyrshnikashnu! I'm amazed at myself for spelling his name without consulting the list, but hey, a name like that tends to stick once you've learned it. This far too smart for his own good young man is pretty smart, and something of a nerd/geek. But that's good, I like to think I might be one too, and hope to one day attain this excellent young man's every skill and, WITH TIME, physical appearance. All I need is his DNA.


Safia al'Maaz! She sounds like she's from arabia or something. Maybe she is. She could be? Hard to tell, really, seeing as this is just a series of tubes. BUT SHE'S ALSO PRETTY COOL. There's no disputing that, I DARESAY! Sadia isn't all that foreign sounding, it's the al'Maaz part that does it, that much is for sure. She's probably from America or something though, so my analysis will certainly not stand the test of time.


Chaelca! A infamous temptress, known to bond almost every man-like thing to stalk these halls, has since gotten married (AND WITH IT A LIFE) and has left us here to think about ourselves. She'll be back. Oh, she'll be back...


Simon! The very special little guy. I bet he asked santa for a revolver, then shot him in the kneecaps. But hey, Simon's a good guy, my very own. Er... Oh, I'll let your minds fill in the blanks. But you know, this guy does some pretty amazing stuff, some key words being 7, 8 and hours. Palms also? Another person I remember when he joined and he was probably just as twisted then but just didn't show it as much? Maybe. Yes, this sneaky son of a woman is stretching for that illustrious "Highest Amount Of Posts" title, and is getting there slowly but surely. For this I hate and respect him. But how can I hate an arse like that? *pinches it*


K'Jar! Such a cool name! Is he a jar of K's? A K shaped jar? Or just an odd name. I like to think he's a jar of K's, and whenever you need one for words like... I can't think of any words starting with a "K" O_O But hey, they can be used in the middle of words to, like c*ck, c*ckroach, c*ck (the chicken ones this time) and ch*cken!


Gerrendus! There's a name I never really got. I suppose it's just his name? BUT NOT HIS REAL NAME PROBABLY, I MEAN, WHO'D BE CALLED THAT IN REAL LIFE? MAYBE HIM. Again, a most lovely person, how can one not like his light hearted .. er... Things he does!? He's been here a while, I THINK, and he has 53 points!? Don't I just love him, though?


Xavier! He's not been here for a while, that's kinda boring :( But he sometimes is, and when he is, we all bask in his glory. *nod* he also was very active back in the day? The day being a long time ago, a time of not being now, but being somewhat behind now *nod*


Deronius! He had a lot of potential, but then he disappeared :o A durn shame that.


al'Taishar! He always makes me think of Altair, who is an assassin, and is therefore equally cool to an assassin. How's that working out for him? You should totally ask him.


Twitch, my male-lover and au pair, a very interesting specimen of the Twitchus Muchus, as he twitches a lot. It makes for a lot of kinky... Oh nevermind. This jolly bunch of jolliness was around before my time, but WAS ON LOA WHEN I JOINED!? Then I totally met him and we had crazy times in the Shadowspawn, and he became SIMBAAAA and I became me and then two became one? It's a  crazy tale, I know, but it's totally true.


Cashew, he who reminds me of nuts, and not the sexual ones! If you catch my drift!

Instead of telling you my thoughts about him (HE'S AWESOME?) I'll let wikipedia do it:

The cashew (Anacardium occidentale; syn. Anacardium curatellifolium A.St.-Hil.) is a tree in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. The plant is native to northeastern Brazil. Its English name derives from the Portuguese name for the fruit of the cashew tree, caju, which in turn derives from the indigenous Tupi name, acajú. It is now widely grown in tropical climates for its cashew "nuts" (see below) and cashew apples.

It is a small evergreen tree growing to 10-12m (~32 ft) tall, with a short, often irregularly-shaped trunk. The leaves are spirally arranged, leathery textured, elliptic to obovate, 4 to 22 cm long and 2 to 15 cm broad, with a smooth margin. The flowers are produced in a panicle or corymb up to 26 cm long, each flower small, pale green at first then turning reddish, with five slender, acute petals 7 to 15 mm long.

What appears to be the fruit of the cashew tree is an oval or pear-shaped accessory fruit or false fruit that develops from the receptacle of the cashew flower. Called the cashew apple, better known in Central America as "marañón", it ripens into a yellow and/or red structure about 5–11 cm long. It is edible, and has a strong "sweet" smell and a sweet taste. The pulp of the cashew apple is very juicy, but the skin is fragile, making it unsuitable for transport. It is often used as a flavor in agua fresca.

The true fruit of the cashew tree is a kidney or boxing-glove shaped drupe that grows at the end of the pseudofruit. Actually, the drupe develops first on the tree, and then the peduncle expands into the pseudofruit. Within the true fruit is a single seed, the cashew nut. Although a nut in the culinary sense, in the botanical sense the fruit of the cashew is a seed. The seed is surrounded by a double shell containing a dermatogenic phenolic resin, urushiol, a potent skin irritant toxin also found in the related poison ivy. Some people are allergic to cashew nuts, but cashews are a less frequent allergen than nuts or peanuts.

Other names include: cajueiro, cashu, casho, acajuiba, caju, acajou, acaju, acajaiba, alcayoiba, anacarde, anacardier, anacardo, Andi parippu (in Malayalam), cacajuil, cajou, gajus, godambi (in Kannada), jeedi pappu (in Telugu), jocote maranon, maranon, merey, Mundhiri paruppu (Tamil), noix d’acajou, pomme cajou, pomme, jambu, jambu golok, jambu mete, jambu monyet, jambu terong, kasoy (Tagalog), and hạt điều in Vietnamese language. In the Antilles in Puerto Rico, it is known as pajuil, Indian nut in Slovenia, and in the Dominican Republic as the cajuil. The pseudofruit is the main part used as raw fruit.


So yeah!


HotW Moiraine! What the hell does the HotW stand for? I've always imagined it means Hot With Moiraine, but that doesn't make any sense, so this person is confusing to me. A true queen of spam, she's totally disappeared of late, which is kinda sad, but she'd probably scare everyone away if she was here, so maybe it's for the best? I still miss her though, and totally have her as a friend on the PLAYSTATION NETWORK! ALSO ZYR!


Jambu golok


You would've seen that word if you read about Cashew. Shame on you if you didn't, but now look how cool it is.


Pe Ell! You know what? His name (THE REAL ONE) has the first letter "P" and his last name the letter "L", which makes a lot of sense, considering his name! He was one of the clever ones when it came to the names, one can truly say he was amongst the first in the line when cleverness was being handed out, whereas I ended up in the wrong line, BUT IN EXCHANGE GOT A GREAT ASS.


Climhazzard. He reminds me of Co2, which is probably what he is, seeing as he's a hazzard (Z!?!?!??!!) to the Clim(a). But yeah, the abundance of z's make me a happy pappy.


Leane! I can barely remember her, 'CUS SHE HASN'T BEEN FOR AGES :( She was cool, though?


ELGEE! This crazily crazy chick can get her way with anyone, I think, and I have a letter adressed for her. ALSO LETTERS FOR SIMON AND DESIREE; I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT SENDING THEM, SORRYSORRYSORRY! But yeah, she's really cool and all and livesin south africa, which is really cool and all? Why!? BECAUSE THE NEXT SOCCER WORLD CUP WILL BE IN SOUTH AFRICA, WOOO! GO NORWAY! Also, she is called Laura Gene (SEE THE LETTERS!?)


Jahar? Vague memories man, but i'm sure he was cool! Sounds like the evil kalif jafar though.


Elmindreda! Where did she go off to? :( She was pretty cool, yo!


Ziphorous! He sounds like something white and bubbly. Does that make sense? Maybe a washing detergent. Maybe?


Malone. Reminds me of Mahone, who is a kickass ex-cop on Prison Break, so Malone's obviously pretty kickass as well *nod*


Johnny-Solstice, sounds like a party! With great bonfires and the roasting of a huge pig, which will then be eaten, DESPITE THE FACT THAT I DON'T LIKE PIG MEAT. It just doesn't taste that good. Except maybe bacon.


Antar al-ashab! Another one of those foreign devils, but he reminds me of Ahab, who is totally mad after catching that whale. It's great and white *nod*


Azael! Reminds me of Azrael who reminds me of Canuki! How does that make sense? Ask your local psychiatrist!


That reminds me of Canukistani! Who isn't on the list!? Damn shame, 'cus she's really... well, read her little stories, you'll see what I mean.


Barmacal! He's totally pretty cool, and also a child of the light, which makes him oh-so-much cooler, because, well, he just is?


Blig Blog. Such a cutesy name though. Sounds like something my littlest brother might play with!




Corki!? I never did see him around, that crazy bander.


Daetirion reminds me of Detritus, who is a troll, therefore he is also a troll!


Darkfox, I can remember yoooou, and you're a fox who is dark!

Good times, I'm sure?


Dedicated Santana. O_O I can't remember this person at all. Therefore, I'll sing you a song by Santana:


Oye como va mi ritmo

Bueno pa gosar mulata


Oye como va mi ritmo

Bueno pa gosar mulata


That was a pretty short song *nod*


DreadPirateRoberts. Is he really the dread pirate Roberts? Probably just a successor. But you never know, it's all about the name. A reputation goes a long way *nod*


Eol! He reminds me of... I can't say that, that would be rude. I can't remember this person at all!


Falcor! Now this person is indeed a newbie, and don't you try and say otherwise, BECAUSE I KNOW HE IS TOTALLY A NEWBIE, YEAH, TOTALLY. He's cool?


JELLY! Our resident far-too-nice-person-to-exist, which is why she's been the target of much harassment from someone *cough*simon*cough*, but she's pulling through Maybe I think? Also, she tastes like strawberry and looks like this: jelly.jpg SHE'S ALRIGHT FOLKS!


KARA J! I remember you! Which makes you special? She's pretty cool too, but hey, what's there to say that hasn't already been said? Buy your Kara J today for maximum enjoyment, if you don't enjoy your KARA J, you must be doing something wrong!


Kievarie. I have no idea who you are. SORRY!




Ksendin. I feel so mean right now.




Loreina. I know who she is! Go Loreina!


Mayleigh. Another person I know of, she's a girl! *nod* (SO'S LOREINA!)


Micky. Mouse.


Moghedian! I think Moggy is more active at the dragonmount boards *nod* That makes sense?


Moose. Hehe, moose. I bet he has huge.. Horns? I don't think you call 'em horns when they're on a moose. And he eats grass and stuff, and has four legs. In fact: Norwegian moose!


Mystica. A very mystical woman, whose appearance is shrouded in... mystery?


Naeann! She's totally naeann-tastic, there's just nothing to be said on that.


Narishima! He's got a lot of points, maybe he should use them!?


Nephitess! Sounds rather alluring to me, BUT HEY THAT MIGHT JUST BE THE PAIN IN MY KNEE TALKING!


Omg_wtf_is_that?! I couldn't have put it better myself? JUST KIDDING!


OverlordFT. Well, he's the overlord of something. Maybe... Football Toes?


I think so




Redfern (loki). He's totally a norse god. GO LOKI, GO!


Shaidar Rannow. Someone I do not know :(


Sorandha. Someone I don't know?


Streborsirk. Someone Russian I don't know!


SwordGuard. Well, he seems to guard swords. FROM THEMSELVES!?


Sylvirci. I'm out of words! SHE/HE SOUNDS LIKE A VAMPIRE!?


Tharengore. AH! You I know! You sound like a trollock *nod* I BET YOU ARE!


Tigersfs. SFS! BUT WHY!? I DON'T KNOW!


Winds of time! Is a wind, of time! Unmerciful, always there, not to be avoided thus are the winds of time.






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Ah time, the eternal enemy. And also, thank you. And also, at eclipse, I can see how you'd think so, after viewing it and all. In other news, House is the only show currently on TV I enjoy. Prison break has gone stupid and heroes gone silly. Oh wait, south park still refreshingly offensive to people.


I watch smallville and supernatural (sometimes witty and always get that guy popping out of the closet [not demi] and trying to scare you in the show)




I read that whole post.  House is also the only show on TV I watch (with the exception of sporting events).  With that in common, and the fact that your post was sufficiently long and somewhat amusing to me (despite not knowing most of those people) I officially declare you CoL worthy, and will make a note in my JD log that you no longer annoy me like your teenager brethren.


*Knights Dunbar in the traditional CoL way*



The Godfather of the CoL

Prince of Silly

The Wonder Hamster


Ah, thank you so much, this is a very happy day in my life! *rejoices happily*


And also, House is the only thing I still enjoy on the telly :( Heroes has gone all silly and soap opera on me, and prison break is taking itself far too seriously *sighs sadly*


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