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Book 10?


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okay i asked you guys on here about the books from 6 onwards and how i'd heard they went downhill.


glad to say i took your advice and am now on book 9, as i approach book 10 however im getting nervous again i've read numerous places on the net where it is described as the worst of the series and frequently gets 1 out of 5 ratings.


so tell me what you guys think of it, i've loved everyone so far and can't find any fault in books 1-8.


oh and remember no spoilers please :D


good i was hoping for this kinda reply.


i ahd read bad things about books 7 and 8 but i loved them i couldn't find anything bad about them.


thanks for replying btw.


Well, it's good to see someone who liked tPoD, although it is my least favorite book in the series...


Crossroads of Twilight IS the most despised of the books, and Amazon has a 1.5 rating of it, and the most popular reviews are one- or two-star. I think it was very important, though. It's one of the longer books in the series (about 900 pp) and it's FILLED with detail, and it's all largely exposition and political maneuvering, and documentation of all the strange crap that's happening around Randland. It's wordy and sluggish, and the only book of the series along with Lord of Chaos that took me longer than a day to read.


All that said, however, without it, the series would be messed up big time. All that rather uninspiring buildup is necessary. Be patient, crawl your way through it, if you must, but definitely keep going. It's a stopgap kind of book, and KoD will prove that it's all worthwhile. As for aMoL... keep waiting. but Keep the Faith!


i liked it better than POD, but i found that the voice of the author was somehow different, the manerisms were odd, it just didnt sit well with me.


you absolutley MUST read it because KOD is the best book so far and you wont understand anything without COT. think of it as the buildup to KOD...mat has some great scenes in it...


i was never gona miss it out guys i was only apprehensious about it.


i love POD i thought that it was a really well written book and that you started to see a little self control slipping from one of the characters.


also i liked the fact that the asha'man started to show signs of you know what.


okay i gotta ask and it might spoil it a bit for me so i'l ask vague. has demandred revealed himself yet?


It's hard for me to really think of any of the story in separate terms like book 1, book 6, or book 10 because I read them all straight through. Never more than a day from ending one book to picking up the next. Usually I'd finish one and pick up the next book right away and continue reading.


So they all kinda blend together for me. But I never disliked any part of the story, I loved it all. Guess because I like details, like to know everything that's happening. I don't get bored with it and the political side is cool.


The only part in the whole series I had trouble getting through was the very beginning of the first book. So much was happening and none of it was really explained. It was pretty much a how much do I really care about this because RJ is referencing all this stuff I dont' know about. How far do I want to read until he explains it. But I read on and so where in the middle of the book enough of the storyline fell into place to start to make more sense and I could tell that RJ would continue to slowly explain it all.


I'm sure when I start my second read through I'll pick up so much more detail from the first few books because I will be able to make so many more connections that meant nothing to me the first time through.


Let's just say you're coming into this series as one lucky son of a gun. If you didn't have a problem with PoD, my guess is you won't have a problem with CoT. The reason I believe so many people didn't like CoT is because it ends on a cliff-hanger, and no real climax. Not to give anything away but you're not going to get another Dumai's Wells or death of a Forsaken. CoT is mainly buildup to KoD, which IS the climax of CoT. So you're lucky because now you can go from that cliff-hanger ending right into the climax. And the climax is AWESOME!!!!!! The reason people didn't like CoT was the 2 and a half year wait for KoD.


yeah i can see that point of view kadere.


i am lucky, as i only have to wait for book twelve and already as im nearing the end of the books i have i know im gonna be on tenderhooks until its released.

i can't imagine what it was like for any of you guys who have been reading from day one.

i think the closest i came to that was picking up the dark tower series at book 4 and having to wait for the final three.

although getting into ice and fire at book four has left me a long wait to finish that series. :shock:


yeah I was in the same boat for the Dark Tower series. My brother finally got me to read it around book 4 I think. At least the last two in that series came out close to each other. Not so bad a wait.


Though in some ways I wish I didn't start WoT yet. But I hadn't really looked too far into it before picking it up, just heard it was good from some other people. I kinda assumed with the number of books already in the series it was complete. But once I started I could just stop. So now I'm have to wait. Feel real sorry for those people in this years ago who have been waiting so long. Might of had slightly different opinions about the different books if I'd had to wait inbetween.


I for one did like CoT, but as many here are stating, I did hate it at the time. I was severily dissipointed at the time, but in retrospect, I must change that opinion. I think RJ created a problem at the end of book 9, and didn't know how to get out of it. Book 9 was great with many awesome scenes, but it did not flesh out what everyone else was doing. So RJ answer was in book 10 to solve that lack. Very little of the book will move things forward at first glance. It is all about how the world reacted or didn't react to jaw-dropping scene at Shadar Logoth. So book 10 was religated to being just a bridge between the events of book 9 and what happens in book 11!! But know this. It is worth the wait. Everything you hope for is mostly answered in book 11, and many you were not expecting. The only problem with book 10 was great foreplay, then told you had to wait two and a half years for the climax. You are in a good possition having the great luck to be able to jump right into Knife of Dreams. Book 10 is more the epilogue of book 9 and prequil of book 11. Know this going in, you will love it. I promise.


I honestly believe that Book 10 (Crossroads of Twilight) is the one book in the series that can definitely be skipped, 100% safely, and you won't miss out on anything. All it does is continue whats happening from book 9, without resolving anything until book 11. Its a pointless book, all the way through. Pure filler. Its your choice.


I, for one, will never atempt another read (just glance over a breif synopsis that contains all of the few important facts).


And the Aes Sedai just multiply; easily the worst part of the WOT series. At first they were cool, but when RJ expanded the number of Aes Sedai to something like 1000, a part of me died inside. Its just WAY too many identical characters, with ridiculous names, doing either the same exact thing as each other, or nothing of any real importance.

Guest Majsju

The main thing about COT is that it puts people in positions where they must be in KOD. It's not a book for those who wants constant action, but things happen in a more subtle way.


Once you can read from TEOTW to AMOL in one read, the importance and qualities of COT will be easier to recognize.

  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoy each of them on their own merits. I don't hold to the claim that "nothing happens" in some of the books. They all have their strengths in furthering the plot and when I reread them I am reminded of how many significant events take place in each.


I really enjoy seeing an event from the perspective of different individuals, so I really enjoyed COT.


I actually did too. Once you get over the fact that the last half of the book is missing, its actually a very good book. Like... combined with KoD it makes an excellent first half of a book.


CoT has a lot of action with perrin and egwene. i don't really care about egwene and i want perrin to get over faile and berlain's bickering and kick ass (or hang out with the wolves), which he does in book 10. but i agree that book 10 is really a prequel to book 11. book 12 must rock hardcore or the world will end.


well i finished it yesterday and have ripped into KOD

i thought it was a good book, and i really enjoyed it, so far i aint found a sign of jordans work going downhill as some critics suggested.


one question though?


how long till book 12?????? :shock:


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