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Guest nephitess

Umm.... Hi all. Some of you will remember me being a part of the PWS a while back. *waves to those she knows* Looks like things are going well here now... And I was wondering if you all would accept me back?


I had a few Chars... But if you all are alright with me coming back i'll be playing Zeveria Aggota...A Green sister. *pokes Jade*


So.... yeah.... :)

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Guest nephitess

thanks guys. *grins*


I'd love to take Sada up again! it would be an honer. Is she still sitter or just s regular sister?

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Guest nephitess

Jeh... if you could do that for me that would be amazing!! thanks. I need to know her talents if you have that info.. and i think she also has an angreal. I won that in a contest before I stopped RPing.


thank you so much... what ever you can find would be great!

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Lessee, Zeveria Agotta...


Strength: 27, Skill: 33, Potency: 60


OP score breakdown:


Air: 6

Earth: 3

Fire: 5

Spirit: 6

Water: 7


No Talent listed under that name, though we had a purge recently to remove the inactives that were still taking up one of the slots.


And that's about all i could find. For old RPs or your Bio, contact Jade or Elgee, they're better at finding them than i am ^^;

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