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[GAMES] Release Overload


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So tis the season of gaming, and a LOT of good games are coming out. What are some of the games you're looking forward to? For me, I've listed just some of them.


Games I want (and WILL get):

Mirror's Edge - Nov11

Chronicles of Spellborn - Nov 27

Red Alert 3 - Oct 28


Games that look cool and might try out:

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - Oct 7

Dead Space - Oct 20

Far Cry 2 - Oct 21

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - Oct 21

Fallout 3 - Oct 28

James Bond: Quantum of Solace - Nov 4

Legendary - Nov 4

Call of Duty: World at War - Nov 11

Left 4 Dead - Nov 20

Ghostbusters - Q4



And these are just for the PC! Plenty of console exclusives coming out as well such as Gears of War 2 and Fable 2. Think I might be glad I don't have a console right now, I'll have enough games as it is. In essence, I'll be whining and b*tching because there aren't enough hours in the day to play. :P

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*pants uncontrollably w/ a little bit of drool*


Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2 Fable 2

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My take on  your games.


Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - looks like suck.  I could be wrong, but it just looks bad.


Dead Space - Oct 20 - Next Bioschock probably.. I should reserve this.


Far Cry 2 - Oct 21 - Reserved


Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - Oct 21 - After being burned by the last few Spiderman games, I doubt I will check this out.


Fallout 3 - Oct 28 - Reserved


James Bond: Quantum of Solace - Nov 4 - I have heard great things about this game.  I would reserve it, but GOW2 comes out.


Legendary - Nov 4 - Need to read more about it


Call of Duty: World at War - Nov 11 - Reserved


Left 4 Dead - Nov 20 - Heard this was the toast of E3 and would reserve it... but with COD and GOW2, I should be ok for a month or so.


Ghostbusters - Q4 - Maybe.


Fable 2 is my next purchase though.

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Oh, dead space, aside from sharing a name with the protagonist, hes named after two of the best Scif-Fi authors.  Plus I hear its a good thriller game.


The other is Borderlands, but thats been pushed back till spring.  I hear it's supposed to be everything Too Human tried to be.

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Dead Space

Fallout 3

Possibly Farcry 2

Left 4 Dead


Ghost Busters,

are the only 'quality' games I'm looking foward to for the pc...


Console, I'll rent mirrors edge.


Empy, Left 4 Dead is 100% co-op, (online co-op to), and while it lacks a good single player story mode (I believe), It does have its share of a 'plot' via all the in-game dialogue, and just out-right surivival vs zombie horde.


You can play single player I believe, but your teammates are AI driven, and you KNOW how fun that always is. ;)


Ghost Busters, seriously, you'd be a newb if you don't grab this game!


Farcry 2? Meh, If nothing else is out I'd consider it.


Fallout 3, i've heard great things but haven't really seen much of it.


Deadspace, is sounding to be pure awesome, I'm thinking on the level of HL2, and bioshock (pre-release, you know, like how awesome it was due to the hype until you actually played it and it was like 'ohh.. yea I've played better!' :P)


If the guy in deadspace doesn't talk, he might just be the next gordan freeman. ;)

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Good news though.


Alright then! Previously announcing that the feature won't be available at launch, Lionhead Studios has now confirmed that the online co-op mode for their upcoming RPG, Fable II, will be available at launch via an Xbox Live update. Here's their post on the company's blog:


"...It was mentioned that Fable II would be shipping 'without' Online Co-op? And remember we said we were busting our balls to get it ready in time for a "Day One" release? Well - G o o d [Good] news folks! It looks like we've done it...for all of you who are connected to Xbox Live, when starting up your copy of Fable II (on 21st October in USA, 24th October in Europe and 18th December in Japan). So all of you getting upset and all, you wouldn't even have noticed... Sort of. Well done to the team."


Sounds good. Fable II, published by Microsoft, will be available for the Xbox 360.

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