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Some Introductory Information


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My real name is Michael.

I was given the 1st book (Eye of the World) by a nephew the day after my birthday and the day before Robert Jordan died.

I do not remember when I was told of his death, but it was by a church friend at church.

I have read through the 7th book (Crown of Swords); I own a copy of each one, bought the others at Barnes & Noble.


Other series I have read (roughly in order of reading)::

-Cyber Quest (all 6, more than once)

-Lord of the Rings (all 3, more than once)

-Histories of Middle Earth (through the 9th)

-Chronicles of Narnia (all 7, more than once)

-CS Lewis's Space Trilogy (all 3, more than once)

-Refiner's Fire (only 1st and 3rd)

-Dakotah Treasures (through the 3rd)

-Left Behind (prequel trilogy & through the 9th)

I own copies of each of those books.


A number of my favorite authors are JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, and Charles Williams.  From JRR Tolkien & CS Lewis, I read much of their fiction.  From Charles Williams, I read 5 of his 7 novels.

I know that each of those 3 were part of a group called the Inklings (I have read the group biography that has the same name).


By signature, you might guess I am a Christian; I am.  I take Robert Jordan (or his real name James Oliver Rigney Jr.) was also.


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I forgot to mention that I know more about Wheel of Time than what I have read from the actual books.  (First from Wikipedia, afterward from the Encyclopaedia WoT site, and later from this site.)

Also, each book has taken several days each to read.

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I was going to look up those passages in the bible and see if they went together to form some sort of crazy message but then I got lazy.  So... what's up dude?  I think they have the occasional religious discussion on the debate's and discussions board but I don't tend to get over there very often.  Still it's a great board for those who like to pontificate upon the mysteries of the world. 


Now if you're asking yourself where does this JD hang out?  I'll be happy to tell you.  You see, I (your boy JD) spend most of my time over at the Seanchan private org boards telling tales of my life, most of which are decidedly...erm...not christian.  Not to say I don't respect the faith, I was raised in the Lutheran church myself all the way into my late teens (did the whole comfirmation thing).  The fact that i've strayed since doesn't mean I still don't attempt to hold to the faith, I'm just not so much good at it.  :-[


As for books I don't read as much as I used to but I'm into fantasy series by L.E. Modessitt (most of his series), Terry Goodkind (guessing he's not a christian), and the late David Gemmell (great author).  I also really enjoy all of the star wars books.  *nods*


So now that we've been properly introduced, try to put in a good word for me with the big guy.  I think I might need it...'n stuff.



Haven't killed anybody today so I've got that going for me

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