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Best 'Oh snap!' moment


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The part where Mat kicks Galad and Gawyn's asses.

When the seachan commander Kadre comes to the Band of the Red Hand and wants to see their "leader" Thom (Always close to breaking into tears of laughter at that part)

When Galad breaks all those dragonspawn when he gets Nynaeve and Eleine to the boat the started a war to get.

And of cause when Galad kills the Whitecloaks darkfiend leader (I can't remember his name)


As you might have notiched i really like the parts with Mat and/or Galad


When the Seanchan commander realizes that Mat only had this crossbowmen and he owns the whole Seanchan army. I want to stand up and cheer at that part.


Chapter 20: The Golden Crane (KoD)


This whole conversation between Nyneave and Weilin Aldragoran. He screens her looks. And then after the explanation of her marriage Nyneave comes with, in my opinion, one of the best parts of all books in the series. "Will Lan Mandragoran ride to the Last Battle alone?"


Best Chapter and best moment in all of the books thus far for me.


Guest Dreadlord

When Egwene gets beaten at the White Tower in KoD. Great stuff.




This got me a bit confused to start with, where I come from 'Oh Snap!' means "Me too!"  ;D


I love it when Rand/Mat/Perrin start fighting. Especially Mat, injured, fighting the gholam which had just killed Nalesean when he was trying to save Elayne.


ETA --


OohOoh!! I know I Know!! I forgot one.


When Loial and Gaul have been to seal the waygates, and someone (Aram?) shouts there's someone running through the trees, and it transpires to be Loial, carrying Gaul and running hellforleather to get back to Emonds Field because the Trollocs are out there...

And of cause when Galad kills the Whitecloaks darkfiend leader (I can't remember his name)
Valda? Not a Darkfriend.
Guest Dreadlord

I think Fjong got mixed up with Bors, which was of course Jaichim Carridin and not Eamon Valda


I think Fjong got mixed up with Bors, which was of course Jaichim Carridin and not Eamon Valda

Of course, Galad never killed Bors.

Dang, so many people have Mat moments. O_o;


Another of my favorites is when Egwene is freed from her a'dam in Falme and her sul'dam comes to check up on her. Most satisfactory bludgeoning ever.


When Rand is fighting those renegade Asha'man in Far Madding and he kills the last guy by punching him in the neck and crushing his windpipe. The guy just crumples silently. [Oh Snap!]


When Melindra (spelling?), Mat's Aiel girlfriend/Darkfriend, turns on him and they're fighting. She's just about to deliver the killing blow, and he just instinctively whips out a knife a hurls it at her  - lightning fast - and stops her dead in her tracks [Oh Snap!] (I don't really remember if he ruins it by getting all sentimental afterwards).


I know someone else posted this: Perrin's interrogating the captured Shaido about Faile's whereabouts, and just loses it. He pulls his axe on the poor dude and lops his hand off, but instead of screaming in pain, the Shaido just sneers and squirts blood in Perrin's face.


p.s this has got to be my favorite topic on these forums =D


I like it when Rand is in Basel Gill's inn with the two rivers girls who say he isn't the dragon reborn and he picks them up in air and scares the hell out of them


Also when rand shatters elayne and egwenes shield when they think theyre getting nice


Oh another one is when Birgitte is trying to convince Mat he speaks the old tongue, and it ends up they were having a whole conversation in it without Mat knowing


not sure if this has been said but Mat on the sea folk making a heaps better bargain then Elyane and Nyneave and just about every other time Mat deals with channeling women from then on, especially Joline and the Sal'dum.


But wasnt that planned? They brought him in because they knew/hoped that a) his temperament and b) his ta'veren-ness would get them a better deal.


He realised halfway through what they were up to.


I love most of Mat's POVs...  :-*

Guest Dreadlord

I like it when you can see Ta'veren at work. Like when Mat wants to leave Rand but he physically cant even say it out loud, and when the Sea Folk start "bargaining" with Rand and start declaring they will do things for Rand. My favorite has definitely got to be when Taim is badgering Rand saying he needs an Ashaman with him, Rand points at one at random and says "him," and it just turned out to be Osan'gar. Great stuff


This was mentioned before, but I just wanted preface this by saying


I always hated the love connection between Nyneave and Lan...until in KoD she tells the Malkieri merchant that lan is riding to Shoyol Ghul.  I actually, literally, got the chills.


Any time Mat is thinking of Olver's "uncles" and then thinks


"When I find out who's been teaching him that lecherous grin he's been using on the women, I'll..." 


I don't know when I realized this, but when I found out snakes and foxes are based on Aellfinn and Ellfinn, and foxes will always beat the snake, I thought that was cool too.


I always hated the love connection between Nyneave and Lan...until in KoD she tells the Malkieri merchant that lan is riding to Shoyol Ghul.  I actually, literally, got the chills.


Cant agree more, even when I reread it, it just stays special


When Taim visits Elayne:

“Those men, turning their backs, and those women, guarding you. I would have put a stop to it if the man in the embroidered coat had not kept looking over his shoulder to admire your hips. And if your blushes had not said you knew.”

Oh snap!


"I don't think we can," Egwene cut in. "Takima, what does the Law of War say about the Amyrlin Seat."

Romanda was left with her mouth hanging open.

Takima's lips writhed. The diminutive Brown looked more than ever a bird wishing to take flight. "The

Law ..." she began, then took a deep breath and sat up straight. "The Law of War states, 'As one set of hands

must guide a sword, so the Amyrlin Seat shall direct and prosecute the war by decree. She shall seek the advice

of the Hall of the Tower, but the Hall shall carry out her decrees with all possible speed, and for the sake of

unity, they shall. ..." She faltered, and had to visibly force herself to go on. "... they shall and must approve any

decree of the Amyrlin Seat regarding prosecution of the war with the greater consensus."

A long silence stretched. Every eye seemed to be goggling.

Oh no you di-n't!


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