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Reds bonding Asha'man


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Hmmm good thoughts all, so I have been thinking about this. Now I am not sure how to go about it, say if Ashaman J bonds Aes Sedai A then it counts as his bond but not hers? However if Aes Sedai A bonds Ashaman J than that counts as her available slot for Warders of any kind. I think that's what Kaylan is talking about. However that plays right into the fears of the Warders, which is why I am thinking each ajah if they want will be allowed to bond one warder and one ashaman. No more. Now the Greens are a different story, they are already allowed multiple bonds. I am trying to work with my Greens on how to play that. I mean they might be allowed to bond say 2 ashaman but that will count into their four. I am still thinking on how to do it. It's up to you if you wanted to take away the female bonding rule, Andrea pretty much thought up the rule so she could bond Lyssa. Elgee by the way Lyssa is my character and we did not bond before she left. So she does not hold a female bond.

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Now I am not sure how to go about it, say if Ashaman J bonds Aes Sedai A then it counts as his bond but not hers? However if Aes Sedai A bonds Ashaman J than that counts as her available slot for Warders of any kind. I think that's what Kaylan is talking about.



Yeah, that was my thinking. You're right that it will make it even harder for the Warders, though. I guess I just don't want to see every single WT player with Asha'man bonds, since it is a bit of a big deal; maybe simply having it as a 'needs permission' thing would do the trick.



With regards to Anthea: It's entirely up to you how you want to play it, Kaylan - personally, I'd love to have Zarinen throw a frothy and make someone serve penance till their eyes popped ... lol. Though it would be for talking back, not disobeying ... no Red would disobey the Highest, would she?  ;D


Oh, of course not. *shifty eyes*


Sounds like fun! I'm up for it if you are. :D

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By 'hassle' I meant the mirroring/feeding of emotions that happens with female/female bonds but not male/female.  Which is why I think it doesn't make any more sense for a Red to bond a woman than a man.  They're a distraction either way.


If we don't have any current Red/Warder bonds, then I think we should just drop it.  Or require a good plotline/ask permission/whatever requirement.

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Thanks for the info, Jade - that DOES change the picture somewhat.


I would go with Muirenn's suggestion.


Muir, could you check out the other thread I made, about the "My Brother's Keeper" thing? I'd like to get your input about that before I start our RP.


Kaylan: easier to talk on IM to plan - lg_curepipe@hotmail.com or lg_curepipe@yahoo.com  :D

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LOL yup I was thinking about the mirroring thing to, another thing I considered when Andrea and I were talking about bonding. If you two want to, and the rest of the ajah isn't currently bonded to female we can drop it. Now do you want it to have never been or have it written into the history of the reds?

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Members of the Red Ajah will only be allowed to bond members of the Black Tower, to the maximum of 3 Bondeds in total. They may also BE bonded BY members of the Black Tower, but only BY one. Reds who are bonded BY a BT member must have the Division Leaders's approval to enter into any other Bonds.


final decision?

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I'm uncertain about the last bit, that those who are bonded may not hold any other bonds.  I think that this may have the unintended effect of players being unwilling to allow their Red to be bonded because it takes away the options for a future bond.  We already have had some difficulty finding players willing to have their Reds bonded (due to ranks, which is totally understandable!).  It's already hard enough for the BT members to find bondmates.  On the other hand I'm not keen to open up huge bonding free for alls.  Ultimately, given the limited number of players we have for Reds, I'm falling on the side of 'up to three bonds total'.  Which would mean they could be bonded no more than once with up to two BT Warders, or may bond up to three BT Warders and not be on the receiving end of a bond. 

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