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I was just looking trough some stuff online and I was wondering, since we don't officially have a 2nd working PSW, maybe we could try this one. Theres quite a bit more info on it, and we'd have a few more Divisions (Shadow, White Tower, Manetheren/Band of the Red Hand, Shadar Logoth, the rest of the 10 Nations)


Other possibilities might be Artur Hawkwing, War of 100 Years, Aiel War, Fourth Age. I dunno... just suggestions.


The Don

former Incarnation of Shai'tan


that would be cool too. basically starting from scratch. Small bands with sticks and stones. The only problem with that would be what the main plotline would be?


Immediately after the Breaking is more my taste than Trolloc Wars era. There's a lot of background and information to the Trolloc Wars that people don't necessarily have much access to unless they've got the Big White Book sitting next to them - and the sheer chaos and desperation of the Breaking sounds like more fun. ;)


And the plotline, surely, would be survival. :D


An after the breaking area would be great. Something for everyone there. We could have dozens of storylines going with no problem. Utter chaos, though with rules. *nods*


learning to live without the technices of the old age...and for the sedai at least...the forming of the ajahs...discovery of the bond etc...there be plenty to go for...mainplotline...the strugles to found new nations...customs developing...traditions beeing born


Just to add a bit of history only a few of you would remember :)


There was another PSW once, founded by Demandred/Chris it was known as the Age of Chaos. It offered three different timelines of play. Trolloc wars was the main one, but from memory it also offered The beginning of the ten nations with the compact, and was it the Hundred Years War? Either that or the consolidation period when Artur was taking over.


The reason its not well known is because it folded within six months to a year. Variety of reasons for it, but a main one was, same as AoL PSW, garnering enough of a player base to sustain itself.


i'd love to do an after breaking psw where you lay down history that could potentialy cary through to the other psw...


like an AS in the drpsw finding the diary of her ancestor telling the stories of the what ones char did in the breaking psw...and such


you need a plot cause umm... after one or two RPs, its just gonna fall off. Unless everybody is in the same founding group, nobody's really going to interact much, and I know for a fact everyone is going to want to do their own thing. That pretty much leads to one person RPing by themselves, making their own little town or country or whatever. I just think its too broad. Especially since if the AoL is any measuring stick, there will be at most like 20 people RPing... all spread out over the world... everyones gonna want to start their own little kingdom... nay says I.


play it as the drpsw..have the breaking and then the plotline is gathering things...traditions beeing born...customs beeing made...things beeing invented..the countries and cities beeing built...not by leting the players rule them but by having the events happen...the longing for the ogiers...Tar Valon beeing built...stuff happened as much then as now...and mainplotline never was ment to be acelerating...it aint in the dmpsw..


most of the time you run around in the fog of the past interacting with others in retro rp's


I like the post-Breaking idea. Some plot would be needed, but to solve that, we could...


1. Use the founding of the White Tower. Various factions of Aes Sedai viciously clashing (usually verbally, but not always...) would make a great setting- instead of a White Tower div, there would be an Aes Sedai div with several factions (But these factions would interact with each other), each featuring a leader and possibly a hierarchy. Each group could have its own traditions and ideals, and while some could be loosely based on some of the Ajahs, we know that some of the factions never made it into the White Tower at all, so there are a lot of possibilities there.


2. Have city-states. In the same way that all Ogier come from Stedding Shangtai (because there aren't enough Ogier even in the one Stedding), everyone would come from a choice of maybe two nearby city-states and the people living near them (bandits, villagers, whatever). The city-states could feud with one another or ally against bandit groups or both. Aes Sedai could live here also- remember that right now, pretty much anyone can call herself Aes Sedai, and they certainly aren't attached to a single location yet.


So it seems that as long as we limit it to a small area at the start, it could work out fine. If there's a lot of interest, we could then flesh out the world and allow more locations.


nods talking of it made me really wanna rp in a broken world so i'll be working up against the books while offline over summer and if i come back and dm havent adopted the idea i'll prolly put up a place of my own...but i hope dm does it...less sites for me to check :lol:

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