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Well I signed up for the US Navy some months back. My original leave date was Agust 12, then it changed to March 3rd. Now, it changed again. I'm leaving September 24th, and won't be back for at lest two months, or maybe four or so. Now sure yet. Just a heads up for those I got threads with.





Gah... I wish I could say something besides, "Not the hair, not the hair!!"... I actually joined the Air Force over the Navy when I was told I'd have to cut my hair for basic due to the lice problem they have at the training place :(


But on the other hand, you've already learned the first lesson of military life - hurry up and wait!  And we'll be waiting when you get back *hugs*  I'm thinking you should proobably be able to get a little bit of online time if you get any base lib, and I'm almost completely sure you'll be able to score some online time in A-School.  What job are you going in for? 


Raeyn, you've no idea how many times I've already learned the "hurry up and wait" thing! My recruiter says that to me all the time lol.


I'm going to be a "Master at Arms", their version of military police.


And thanks Nyn!



*grins*  Your recruiter is a wise person, then :)


And I had noooo idea that's what they called the Naval MPs... I might have to laugh a little, 'cause that's totally geekily pimptastic awesome.  At least the training is short-ish for that, I think... I went intell, so ended up being in A-school for.. erm.. a year and a half >__<


I loved my hair when it was long. I cut it, now it's way short, now I hate it. I have to stop doing things on impulse!!


And you got the snow queen lady from Candyland in your sigg! Sweet! I want candy now!


*grins*  It's not what Raeyn actually looks like, but I love Queen Frostine too much to change it to a more accurate representation :D


And get the candy fix now... but avoid sodas.  The last thing you want in the middle of basic training is a migraine from caffeine withdrawal - speaking from firsthand experience here >__<


And at least if you've got your hair short already (like.. how short?  I think it's got to be at least shoulder-length, if not shorter), at least you didn't JUST finish growing it out and then have to chop it all off... and they don't make you keep it short after basic.. just through basic 'cause of the supposed lice problems :)


Have  fun with the Navy and stuff! We'll be here when you come back!




And if it's possible, could we finish off the Water training before you go. You have no idea how much I will love, adore, and worship you if we can get it done. >.>


I'll try to finish the water training before i leave yes. (will post tomorrow)


Because my hair is naturally rather curly and therefore messy when its only at shoulder length, I cut it down to about two-three inches. Now I just don't like it :P I actually grew it out for the purpose of styling it in old Japanese fashions:




(both sets of pics are me. man I miss my hair...)

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