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21 Questions Revival - Guess the movie


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That's cause I am awesome! It might be a good idea to make a compilation of the answers and see what exactly you are searching for.  I will give you one hint... even though IMDB has sci-fi listed as one of it's genres, it would not be the first that comes to my mind.


4 questions left. 

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Ironcross, we aren't 'out of practice', its just that someone /glares\ likes wasting questions!


18. Is one of the Genres of the movie, listed on IMDB Horror?

19. Does the movie, as per IMDB have a rating of 7.5 or higher?

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18. Is one of the Genres of the movie, listed on IMDB Horror? No

19. Does the movie, as per IMDB have a rating of 7.5 or higher? No


I am pretending to ignore Angel's question as number 18 will void that one out.  I did love Event Horizon though.


2 questions left.  Keep asking even if you exceed 21.

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I knew it. I knew I should have asked

'was it porn?'




(Yes, I've seen orgazmo, and while its not 'porn' its definately related to porn!)


Damn! THe one question I wanted to ask but didn't!

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