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Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, Mistress Thera and her merry band of trainees


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Bah, plans should be neutral... evil ones have minds of their own and good ones, well there never as good as they say they are...


I'd like to move this thread onto departure, say on Tuesday? Just so anyone else who wants in has till then and Thera, Lor and I can finish off our prologue.


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hehehe... I just got hit by a great idea. We have this really dangerous mission where our characters are expected to kill for the first time and they all get away unscathed? What if we make a couple of TtPC trainees that get killed? I totally want to play one, and I think it would also be good for out little trainees to experience the death of a comrade as well as killing an enemy.

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Mental anguish eh?


*rubs chin thoughtfully*


Sounds good to me. Though i'd have to agree with Talavin that everyone getting out without as much as a hair out of place would seem a bit odd, especially considering where we'll be.

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@Kyn yeah Tuesday sounds good.


As to Talavin's idea, yeah it would put Lor and Thera in a bad spot but what if the person didn't die?  Lor only said they would bring everyone back alive or something to that effect. 


Perhaps one of the made up trainees is severely injured.  He/She will live but the injury will not allow them to resume their training.  Perhaps the loss of a limb? 


Most of the trainees would certainly be affected by watching someone they know get severely injured and then to realize that the person could not continue their training.



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Given the circumstances, a wound can always be Healed by Lorraine, and when the wound is too severe to Heal the limb would have to be sliced off entirely. Which would lead to death by stress and heavy bloodloss.


A hard blow to the head and a coma would work much better imho ^^

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oh look, I missed a whole conversation...


Anyway, maybe he dies right away, like not even an epic battle or anything, just slash/stab right before their eyes. Technically if it happens fast, Loraine can't do anything until his life is in danger, and by the time that she can channel it would be too late.

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If the person lost the limb by way of a sword or axe or by being ripped out of its socket by say a trolloc, that person could be healed and not expected to die.  I was not talking about performing an amputation in the field of an injured limb, I was thinking more along the lines of them losing it as I mentioned above then being healed.  


The person being healed may be stressed and experience blood loss from the injury but an Aes Sedai could certainly take care of that providing they have sufficient skill with healing.  Sure they would be exhausted by the healing process and need time to recover though it wouldn't mean their was a good chance of them dying from it.  Plus this could add another twist, healing such a severe wound could leave Lor out of commission for a bit making our entire crew more vulnerable.  ;D


Either way a coma is just as good.  Having to returned with an injured person on a litter would definately make our mission tougher.  ;)


@ Talavin, that is certainly an option though it will be up to Lor and Thera to decide if this event will happen since it will impact their characters the most.

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*coughs* As far as Lor healing, don't count on it. That is one of her inherent character weaknesses, she can't heal anything more than a scratch or a bruise.


As far a TPCing a Trainee who dies, if Lor and Thera are okay with it. I am too... I think they would both go for it if we actually did what we could to save them OR they died in some heroic fashion. However, it would work wonderfully well for fitting in with the Leadership Req I am working on. Having to make a decision on whether to allow a trainee to take that kind of risk or not and dealing with the consequences afterwards.

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Ok, so the trainee decides to sacrifice himself heroicly in order to give the others time to get away. He doesn't inform the group of this and Kynwric has to decide whether to save him and possibly have more of the group be killed or let him die and get away



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I love that I don't even have to be here to have a voice *bows* How awesome am I? *flutters lashes*


I am not sure if I mentioned that I was planning on using our thread as part of Wake Up Call, but I wanted to let you all know since you have been telling me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I just got approved to go up to a WS7, so I'm going to use this RP as my Open Road Req. if that's ok with ya'll. I'm using you all as my "other division" people, too. ;)


WS5-WS6: The Open Road - Aes Sedai organized an RP in a hostile (to AS) area. A conflict occurs to which the Aes Sedai must choose to battle either with OP (and reveal herself), with a weapon or try to find a more peaceful way out of the situation. How well does the Aes Sedai handle this situation?

** Must encounter 2 PCs from another division.

** Min 16 posts for the entire RP.

** [Watcher RP Participants PM Jaydena]


So, should be fun. ;)



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Who could have an issue with that, you are doing us a huge favor letting us tag along for a req.  I think everyone with the exception of Arath is fulfilling a req from this little adventure.  I am glad you are able to use it.

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uh oh, now that I look back on it, I realized that we might not have enough posts in that thread to meet the requirements! Oh no!


*laughs* we're not done, yet. ;) I'm not in any big rush, babe. I'll send it off when it's done! :D

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