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Question / clarification on Reqs and advancement


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I saw where it came up in someone else's progress that there was some confusion over advancement though they started with a different WS then me.  I'll use my case as an example so I can understand it:


I started with a WS of 2.  Now looking at the information on the Warder Div website http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=18 it says this:



0-1 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Basic movements and be physically fit at completion)

1-2 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know their philosophy of choice at completion)

2-3 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Basic Forms at completion)

3-4 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will have basic survival skills at completion)

4-5 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Intermediate Forms at completion)

5-6 – Final Steps


So my question is this, I should only have to complete Basic Forms to advance, right?  If so then I would assume that I came to the Tower already proficient in movements and am physically as well as knowledgable in my philosophy? 


If not then do I have to do the other reqs for 0-1 and 1-2 in addition to 2-3 in order to advance to WS 3?



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If you start at a WS 2, then you begin knowing Basic Movement and Philosophy and you will know Basic Forms when you complete your next Req. I do not believe you have to do any specific class to know it, so any of the options will gain you that next level.


I am sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong.

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So a class = a req


Now that I have finished the class on forms I should be WS 3 and as such have an understanding of basic forms.  Had the class been in something else it would still be assumed that I have an understanding of basic forms because I reached WS 3?


Likewise if I am WS 3, when I complete another class I would move on to WS 4.  At reaching WS 4 it is assumed that I have an understanding of basic survival even if that class had nothing to do with survival?


Do I have this right?

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Yup ^_^


Think of the electives as 'blocks' as opposed to separate classes. From the page you linked to:


RP Levels and Ages

Trainee (WS 0 - 6) - mimimum training time is 2 years

Tower Guard /Warder (WS 6 - 12) - minimum age of 18 years

Tower Guard/Warder Defender (WS 12- 15) - minimum age of 21 years

Tower Guard/Warder Master (WS 15-18) - minmum age of 25 years

Tower Guard/Warder Grandmaster (WS 18-20) - minimum age of 30 years


Meaning that when your WS is in between 0 and 6, you can pick classes in whatever order you want. I believe this was done to make it easier for people to join other classes, but ultimately you'll end up knowing what you're supposed to know when you reach Final Steps anyway.


...If i'm making sense now ^^;

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It was my req's he was asking about.  I started at WS 1, finished my Basic Forms with Kynwric and posted that I should be at WS2 now.  The reply said I'd be at WS2 when my Flame and Void class ended.


Yes that is what had me confused.  :-\


I think Jehaine has it right, maybe there was a misunderstanding in your case?  You mentioned that you are ready for your increase from WS 1 -> 2 though you didn't say for which class.  Eqwina probably just looked quickly and saw that your flame and the viod class was still in progress and didn't see that you had completed the Basic Forms class. 


The only explanation that I can figure out in regards to yours is that by completing Flame and the Void (a Philosophy) you would be WS 2 since that (understanding a philosophy) is what is listed for progress from 1 -> 2.  Only problem with that is it negates what the others said about a class = a req and not having to be related to the knowledge that you are assumed to have at that WS. 


Though if what I said above is true then you would automatically jump to WS 3 upon completion of Flame and the Void since you already have completed basic forms (which is the knowledge you are assumed to possess when going from WS 2 -> 3).  So basically in this theory you are going from WS 1 -> 3 in one shot upon completion of the Flame and the Void.  That is the only explanation that I can think of though again it goes against what the others have said. 



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That reminds me of another question, what do we use to determine the passage of time.  Going by what Jehaine posted, which I quoted below, there are minimum ages and minimum training times.  The minimum time to go from WS 0 -> 6 is 2 years but what determines the passing of a year, is it related to your training?  If I complete all my reqs to attain the rank of Tower Guard / Warder does that symbolize that 2 years has passed or is time scaled down where every 2 months equals a year or something similar?



RP Levels and Ages

Trainee (WS 0 - 6) - mimimum training time is 2 years

Tower Guard /Warder (WS 6 - 12) - minimum age of 18 years

Tower Guard/Warder Defender (WS 12- 15) - minimum age of 21 years

Tower Guard/Warder Master (WS 15-18) - minmum age of 25 years

Tower Guard/Warder Grandmaster (WS 18-20) - minimum age of 30 years


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I get the feeling that is mostly up to your own soft roleplay.  You can have it take longer if you want, or mention in specific threads that a certain amount of time has passed.  I think the only requirement is that when you write your Final Steps, at least 2 years has to have passed from when you got there.


I'll let someone else who *actually* knows for sure the answer respond too, because that's just sort of the general feel I've gotten, no one told me for sure.

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Ok, let's put this thread to rest. I'm almost 100% positive that the little notes in parenthesis are just for show.


If you start out at WS two, all you have to do is complete one requirement. This requirement is not necisarily a class. The classes count as one Free Choice requirement, and you can use only two of those for advancement.




that link has a list of threads that can be used for advancement


For example: Arath advanced from WS 2-3 by completing the Challenge requirement, and because he advanced to WS 3, it is assumed that he knows the Basic forms, this does NOT mean that he's taken basic forms classes. The words in the parenthesis are just saying that by the time your character has gotten to that WS, he (or she) will have learned those things, however they might not have been RP'd

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Yes, exactly correct Talavin. ANY requirement in the section will raise your Weapon Skill and thus give you the corresponding knowledge.


And also correct Quis, you can take as long as you like to get things done, but no less than 2 years of In Game time can have passed. You can say it takes longer, but no less than 2 years.

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Wow I can see how needed I am! ha ha!


All of your answers are correct. Thanks you guys..and yes the parenthesis are just a reference point for what your character should know ICly by the time they reach said Weapon Score.


As for my lovely little Jasine it was a typo. I was a bit distracted by a pile of posts *cough* when I was checking reqs :)

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