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What is a Bond? (Bonding Class)


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OOC: This is the bond class I was speaking of in the OOC. Please post your arrival.




The room set aside is really just a few chairs around a couple of tables pushed together, but it would do. It wasn't out in the sun and it wasn't where everything being said or asked would be overheard. Kyn didn't want the trainees to be afraid of asking whatever they needed to ask and being out amongst the yard could do that. He then left the room before anyone could arrive.



He arrived back at Loraine's Quarters, they still had half an hour before the class was supposed to begin. He pushed the door open and slipped inside. He called out "Is there any breakfast left?" Then he noticed the tray and walked over towards it, pulling the cloth back to reveal the remainder of breakfast.

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Jasine saw Kynwric leave the building and head back towards the tower.  It was early, and he hadn't had breakfast yet, but first he peeked into the room to be sure no one was gathered yet.  He nodded as he looked over the chairs gathered together around the tables and then ducked back out of the room, heading across the yard to the mess hall.  It took a surprisingly small amount of flirting to manage what he wanted, a few smiles and a wink, squeezing one girl's hand, and then he had three girls with him as he headed back to the room, laden down with muffins, tarts, cheese, rolls, and tea. 


He left the setting up of the tables to the girls and hoped Master Kynwric wasn't himself arranging for food to be brought for the class.  Based on how things went when they were talking about the bond the other night, he thought having food and drink available might make everyone a little more relaxed and make the trainees a little more willing to ask questions.  Jasine was a big believer in the power of food to bring people together, and he thanked the girls as they finished up.


The girls left, but one of them lingered to ask Jasine what he was doing for lunch.  Part of him wanted to flirt with the girl further, it was always fun.  Part of him wanted to tell the girl he was seeing someone, but he couldn't risk rumors about Jasine having a secret lover getting to the wrong set of ears.  So Jasine did what he'd done with women for years now and smiled and laughed and left the girl with the impression that he might be interested in them, but wasn't pushing for it.  Few things enticed a slip of a girl as much as the thought that a boy might not like them, but could be won over.  It was a conquest or something for them, and he'd hoped that the girl might be able to help him out when he wanted an off-hour treat from the kitchens again. 


The last girl left and Jasine took one of the chairs further away from the door, wondering if he shouldn't flirt with girls now that he did have a lady who he was happy to be claimed by.  He took up a muffin and poured some raspberry tea into one of the cups the girls had brought, dining as he waited for everyone else to show up.  It should be soon.  He shrugged and decided to shelve the thought, Thera met him and liked him when he was flirting and flirting was just part of who he was.


Plus it was just too much fun to give up.

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Thera brushed her short red curls and threw on her favorite green coat. It was one that she’d recently had made to complement her complexion and her eyes. She never would have thought about things like that a few weeks gone, but since Jasine had come into her life she had been all too aware. She slipped out of her office a little early in hopes of running into him, but what she saw was the last thing she’d expected.


He was early as he always was, but this time he had three young women in toe; each one younger and prettier than the next. They stuck to him like a bee to honey and every time he glanced their direction they simpered and smiled. Thera had never simpered in her life and hated every woman that did, but suddenly the sword at her hip and the tight pants made her feel awkward and unwomanly. She ducked back into her office before there was a chance of her being seen. Leaning against the door she tried to tell herself that she was being foolish, but no amount of talking would set her right. With a vindictive snarl she stalked back into her quarters and traded her usual boots for a pair with heels and put on a silk shirt instead of linen. Those girls may have been young, but Thera had experience and for once in her life it had to count for something.


Strangely the idea that she was competing with half trained little girls never crossed her mind. She ducked into the assigned room right after the last girl had left. With out a word she crossed the floor, her hips swaying in time to the click of her boots. She offered Jasine a small nod before taking one of the chairs at the top of the table. Well away from him, but directly in his line of sight.


With no clock in the room there was no way to judge how long before the others arrived. To avoid any unwanted conversation Thera pulled a small notebook from her belt pocket and began to write in a tight cramped hand. She had sent messages to a few other Sisters’ and Warders’ in the Tower in case they wanted to share their impressions with the young recruits.


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Jasine hopped to his feet and left the rest of the muffin on the table as he saw Thera walk in and he stopped there, one hand on the back of his chair as he was standing.  He was caught staring at her as she swayed and he wondered if it was possible that the way she walked, so much more like a woman, and the stalking predator she usually was only hinted at in her movements.  He rose the rest of the way and smiled brightly and genuinely.  "Thera, you look lovely today." The words were murmured softly as he crossed the room and peeked out the door to see if anyone else was approaching the room yet.  It would soon be time to start the class and he didn't want what he was going to say and do be observed.


There were trainees and guards and warders moving about the yard but none of them was looking at the building so Jasine moved back inside and came up to the back of Thera's chair.  He swept aside her hair and kissed the back of her neck lightly before straightening again.  "Are you wearing... heels?" He propped his hip against the table beside her, breakfast abandoned for the moment, and crossed his arms loosely as he smiled down at her.  "I'm glad to see you here, Thera.  I was hoping I might be able to have some time alone with you.  I know we don't have much time before the others come, but it's so nice to be around you, even for a moment, and not have to hide behind propriety."


He smiled tenderly at her as he spoke. "Will you be speaking about the bond in today's class?  It always feels like the bond is a difficult subject for you to speak of."  He set one of his hands on her shoulder and squeezed it gently, unaware that anything beyond the subject of the bond may be wrong with her.


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She ignored his complement as readily as she did the kiss, though the last did send a shiver down her spine. Thera did not bend from her writing or even glance his direction as he propped himself on the edge of the table. It was hard to keep her fingers moving and her eyes downcast, but the anger that boiled in her belly allowed her to manage quite well.


"Will you be speaking about the bond in today's class?  It always feels like the bond is a difficult subject for you to speak of."


The fool acted as if he’d done nothing wrong and she was content to let it pass until he brought the subject of her bonded into it. After three years of being dormant Serena had suddenly reappeared in the Tower Grounds if not back into her life and any mention of such was like salt in an open wound. Tossing down her pen she glanced at the door to make sure they weren’t going to be caught by surprise. Seeing no one she still she spoke at little above an angry whisper. “I have no issues speaking of Serena or my bond, you have just never disdained to ask!” Thera pushed her chair back so she could stand and look him in the eye. “ Now go take your seat before anyone see’s you acting like that. You look like a bloody lecher!”


The small flecks of gold in her eyes burned with anger and Thera took deep breaths trying to regain her composure. “As to my heeled boots perhaps I just thought I would try to attract a man..or three.” Her words were short and clipped but she put special emphasis on the last. “ If the boots don’t work maybe I will offer them a sultry smile, or a wink” Pointing to the chair he had vacated she took her seat and picked back up her pen. “Go take your seat, I have notes to prepare before class begins.”

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"Three...?"  He was stunned by her anger until he finally put together two and two, or in this case, three and one, and came up with four.  "Light! The kitchen girls?  You think I-?" He was astounded and his eyes flew wide.  As she picked her pen back up, he reached out and plucked it from her fingers, pointing at her with the other end of it. 


"You listen to me, Mistress Thera.  I fully admit to having smiled and talked sweet to those girls, and chances are given the same situation I did it again.  I don't want you to take my kindness to other people as a slight to you.  Those half-grown girls who helped me set up breakfast in this room aren't what keeps me up late at night and fills my dreams when I do find sleep."  He poked the pen at her, never quite touching her, but a disrespectful gesture nonetheless. 


"Now you stop all this huffing like a little girl whose toy is broken and listen to me.  It's you that I love, Thera.  And if I have to trust that you care for me when you've gone all emotionless and distant, then you have to trust that I still love you if you happen to catch sight of me, for the love of the Light, smiling at a girl.  Or three.  I smile at Arath and Master Kynwric all the time and you've never batted an eye!"


Jasine had long forgotten that their feelings for each other were clandestine and that they were not safely locked away in Thera's office, but in a room where not only could other people show up, but they were even expected to do so, imminently.

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Thera blinked as the pen was snatched from her hand, and on instinct reached for her sword. This close it was a foolish notion, a dagger was always better close range, but the whole situation was ludicrous and she knew it. Letting her hand fall down to her side she merely listened while Jasine’s tirade poured over her. She marveled at how no one but a teenager could have ever put so much passion behind such misguided words.


When she was satisfied that he was finished she snatched the pen back and set it on the table to avoid any mishaps.


“ Now you listen to me Jasine and you listen well. I do not care that you love me and it does not matter a whit that I love you. When we are in public..” She held up her hand to stop his protests. “ Or when we are not in the privacy of my rooms you will NEVER and I do mean never treat me with such disrespect. I am the Mistress of Trainee’s and that title demands a modicum of respect even from the one she loves.”


Anger was still prevalent in his eyes but they also showed signs of pain. At that moment Thera could not bring herself to care. His actions had hurt her and his disrespect had gone too far. She had a responsibility to him and to the Tower and it was about time she remembered it. Glancing towards the door she saw it start to open and she plastered a smile on her face. Casting another heated look at Jasine she spoke through gritted teeth. “I will see you in my office when this class is over so we can speak further on the topic.”


Thera prayed that her screams had not been heard by everyone who passed by. If so it might mean more trouble than either one of them was ready for.


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Jasine said nothing as he was dismissed so summarily by the Mistress of Trainees and turned on his heel and stalked back to his chair as whoever it was entered behind his back.  He knew he'd gone too far when he started yelling at her but right now he was too mad to even think about what he had done wrong in the conversation.  His head swam with confusion as he tried to figure out how him smiling at serving girls had ended up with her being mad at him to this level.  He couldn't argue that he deserved penance for the disrespect he'd shown the Mistress of Trainees, but he didn't have any idea how he was supposed to have a relationship with a girl he wasn't even allowed to look at crosswise without having to be sent to run laps around the yard or clean the rakes.


He slumped in his chair and stared at his tea sitting on the table and tried to clear his thoughts.  He wanted nothing more than to sniffle and pout and sulk, but he had signed up to take this class today and he knew that he owed it to Master Kynwric to take the class seriously and not let his own mindset interfere in his learning.  This class was something he was particularly interested in, as he was trying to figure out what bonding a Sister would be like, and if it was the path that he should take as he had originally assumed it should be.


Now that he wasn't caught in the moment, he was even more confused about Thera switching from being upset at him about the serving girls to being upset at him about the way she talked to him.  He muttered quietly to himself about women being unfathomable as he poked at a piece of muffin, shoving it around on the linen napkin without eating it at all.  He stirred from his thoughts as someone else spoke, and looked up to greet them, determined to clear this business with Thera from his mind.

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Melenis... was not having a very good morning. She didn't know everything that transpired the night before, during the gathering, but her head felt like someone was hitting hit with a warhammer. From the inside. Blinking at the light, she got herself dressed, wishing as she moved down the halls that the day would be over despite it just having started. She thought she could hear the sound of people talking further up, but couldn't make out what was being said due to her brain having been turned into a construction site. Oh well, at least she could walk straight.


Remembering the Void, she shook her head at not having recalled sooner. Despite everything though, she had somehow managed to get her hair back in a bun, the way she always wore it -- she suspected habit might have a large part to do with it. Light, but the light hurts my eyes today.


Walking into the room, she noticed Thera and Jasine already being in the room. With breakfast. Good, she could use something to eat, maybe that would make her headache dampen down somewhat. The others -- at least, those with experience -- would have little trouble identifying her as suffering from a massive hangover as she slumped in her seat, blinking a couple of times at the people present. They seemed angry somehow, maybe they were feeling the same way she was?




Did someone invent aspirin yet?

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Perivar woke early to complete his morning conditioning then ran through the forms he had learned from Master Kynwric.  Hurriedly he washed then went to the class they were having today on Bonding.  Luckily he woke without a headache, he was not so sure that would be the case after several mugs of ale he had last night.  He did not recall returning to the barracks and getting in his cot.


He walked through the door and was happy that he was not late.  Mistress Thera, Jasine, and Melenis were present, they had already taken their seats at the table.  Mistress Thera was writing in her notepad though it seemed as though she was trying to push the tip of her pen through the page.  The mood in the room seemed sullen, maybe it had something to do with last night.  He formed the flame pushing all emotion into the void.  He felt tension, it was so thick that he thought he should see it instead of just feeling it.


With a smile on his face he greeted them loudly "Good morning everyone, peace favor your swords" He nodded respectfully to Mistress Thera then to the others before making for the other end of the table.  Mistress Thera did not seem as though she would be good company today.  That and he thought it would be proper to sit with the other trainees.  Master Kynwric and Loraine Sedai would probably sit with Mistress Thera.


As he round the table he noticed the food and another grin formed on his face.  Reluctantly he let go of the void, his voice seemed distant when in the void and somehow it didn't seem proper for this setting.  He had not had a chance to eat so the presence of food was a welcome surprise. 


Perivar walked over to Melenis and said "You are Melenis right?" he waited for her to respond that she was.  She touched her head, she must have been suffering from too many mugs.  He softened his voice "I have seen you around yet we have not formally met, it is a pleasure to meet you."


Courtesies done he left her to recover and picked up a blueberry tart.  He filled a mug with tea then took a seat next to Jasine.  "You look as though someone just stole your prize horse, what gives?  I feel like I am at a funeral rather than a class."  He spoke softly so as not to disturb Mistress Thera, the way she wrote in that pad she didn't want to bring her attention to him. 

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Jasine stirred himself and managed to find a smile for the girl as she spoke.  "You look awful today, Melenis." He waved a hand at the breakfast and tea and was happy to see her take some.  He knew the food would be a good idea for getting everyone to relax and open up for the class.  "I can't blame you though, I probably look even worse.  No headache today, but that's only because I was up half the night relieving myself of all that ale and wine I had last night." 


He leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs at the ankle, trying to relax.  He lifted a hand and clapped Perivar's shoulder gently as the boy sat down next to him. "And peace favor yours, Perivar.  You look well this morning.  Better than I feel at any rate." He picked up his tea and took a long drink.  "I think it's just been a rough morning, some people seem to be unusually cranky."  He wanted to pointedly look at Thera, but instead he glared at his tea; at least the tea wouldn't be assigning him penance for it.  He leaned close to Perivar and murmured softly, "I've already managed to offend the Mistress this morning, and having penance to look forward to does something to sour a man's mood." He added softly, as he relaxed back into his chair, "Not that I don't deserve the penance."


He looked at Perivar over the rim of his cup and asked before taking a drink, "What about you?  Feeling well?"

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Loraine tilted her head at the reflection in the mirror, her attention immediately snapping to the door that just entered. Kynwric, she thought to herself and smiled a bit. He was up and about early and, as always, started the day off asking about food. She didn't bother answering, knowing he'd find what she'd had brought up for him. She focused her attention back on the reflection and sighed, tucking a stray strand of hair back into the intricate knot at the back of her head. She hadn't done one of these properly in nearly thirty years, between a quick twist before baring her blade and heading into the Blight and staying hidden among folk who settled for a braid down their back. Having done it so long, it wasn't difficult to do, it would just require training her hair to do it again.


She shook her head and rose to her feet, the lightweight day dress brushing the floor as she stepped away from the vanity. She adjusted the cuffs as she walked, making sure the buttons lined up correctly with her forearm. As she crossed into the other room, she reached for the pendant to rest between her brows, its unfamiliar weight seemed odd, but she knew it, too, would be a perfect fit once she got used to it again. She finally turned her attention to Kynwric, her smile curling up the side of her face slowly. "I see you found breakfast," She said, a laugh in her voice. "Tell me how you've managed to keep this fit with your penchant for food, love. And don't throw some lame 'sword forms' excuse at me, either."


She grinned, settling into a chair to wait for him to finish eating so they could make their way to this class he'd asked her in on.

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OOC: Lol, I'm going to be gone for five nights starting tomorow morning, so Arath's just popping in. If there's any group involvement, just pretend he's not there.


IC: Arath driften into the Bonding class, glad that he had gotten a very good night of rest. He could see that he would need it when he saw the Mistress of Trainees trying to murder her parchment, Melenis practically dying on the table, and Jasine all but pouting in his chair. At least Perivar was normal. It was quite obvious what the three suffered from, though. Melenis had been drinking too much last night, and Jasine was far too obvious. He was doing a good job at not looking at the Mistress, however, he was looking everywhere but the Mistress. Arath sighed as he made his way to his friend; Mistress Thera was wielding her pen as if it was a longsword, so Jasine must have done something inapropriate. He was still siting in his chair, and not running laps, so it must not have been that serious.


Arath patted his friend's shoulder simpatheticly. He didn't say anything, and waited for the teachers to enter. Arath almost didn't come to the class, knowing that no Aes' Sedai would look twice at a man his size. He told himself that he came because it was very rare that a Warder (and Aes' Sedai for that matter) ever shared their information. However, he couldn't silence the small voice in the back of his mind that whispered he was here for Rasheta. Arath scowled mentally and shook his head; he hadn't seen Rasheta Sedai in months. He appreciated the confidence Rasheta Sedai had shown him, but she would not waste her time with a trainee such has himself.


Unbidden, the memory of her last words returned to him. "You are a good teacher Arath maybe when you become one of the Gaidin I will come back and you may teach me how to use this properly. Train well so I can come back and you can teach me everything I need to know about the blade."


Arath scowled again mentally; was here only to learn about the bond, no other reasons. Maybe there was something about the room- Arath was disgruntled, Melenis was hung over, Thera was ready to kill someone, Jasine was depressed, and Perivar was trying to make awkward conversation with them all. It was looking to be a very good class.

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He looked at her. "Well, in the beginning dear you couldn't cook... so not eating wasn't much of a problem. But, for the last few years it has been farming... there is a reason you don't see many fat farmers." He finished off the bit of breakfast he was holding and turned around to look at her. He noticed the pendant and smirked, "Planning on behuiling the poor trainees this morning?" He crossed the short space to her and held out his hand to her. "Come on love, it wouldn't be good to be late..." Pulling her to her feet before giving her a hug and mostly chaste kiss, "... or at least not to have a very good reason." He grinned and winked at her and then turned to open the door leading out of her private quarters. At the same time he put on his public, impassive face he wore when out in the world.

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"Well, in the beginning dear you couldn't cook... so not eating wasn't much of a problem. She gaped and twisted a quick weave of Air to swat him for that crack. She couldn't deny it, but he didn't have to keep taunting her about it. "Planning on behuiling the poor trainees this morning?"


She shook her head, opening her mouth to answer, only to be pulled to her feet and her response cut off with a kiss. She shook her head slowly at his back and twitched her skirt away from the edge of a table to keep the deep green fabric from earning a rip its first day off the hanger. "Actually, the pendant is more a reminder for me that I'm back in a place where people know what I'm capable of and I need to be aware of what's around every corner. I'm afraid it's something I need reminding of," she sighed at that last and arranged her face into the expressionless mask she hadn't worn in thirty years. For once, she was glad that the agelessness covered what should've been laugh lines. "Lead on, Master Gaidin! It wouldn't do for the teacher and his special guest to be later than the students!"  She tried to keep the smile off her face. If she wasn't completely successful, then at least there was only Kynwric to witness it as they stepped into the hallway.

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Kyn lead them both down through the Tower and out across the yard to the room he had set aside, he opened the door and gave a slight bow as he gestured Loraine in through the door. He noted that Thera was sitting at the head of the table and she looked as if she could spit nails today. He also noted Jasine, Perivar, Melenis and Arath all in attendance. He followed Loraine in and did a double take as he saw that someone had procured food and drink, he then he paused behind Thera and leaned down. "Thank you for procuring refreshments." He then pulled Loraine's chair out for her and stood for a moment. "So, you're all here cause you want to know what it is like to be bonded. The very first thing you need to know is that it is different for everyone because how the bond feels depends on the mood of the people involved and their temperaments as well. The first rule is, ask questions, there are no stupid ones... clear?" He paused for assent from the trainees before continuing. "Good, now the first thing you need to know is that in a bond the Aes Sedai is in charge, no matter your feelings, desires or whatever else is going on. What she needs is what gets done...

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Jasine immediately broke off his conversation and stood to bow to both Kynwric and again to his bonded.  As he rose, he greeted them. "Good morning, Master Kynwric, Loraine Sedai." He retook his seat, wondering what Kynwric had said to Thera and then chided himself for being nosy.  It was no concern of his what anyone said to the Mistress and he would do well to remember it. 


He responded as he was expected to as Master Kynwric said, wondering at how a person's mood would affect the bond.  He figured he would find out over the course of the class and listened intently as Master Kynwric stated in no uncertain terms that the Sedai was the master of the bond.  He wondered if Warders had to unquestioningly obey all Aes Sedai unless their own Aes Sedai contradicted something, but this too he tucked away to ask until later.  There was no reason to start off the class asking questions that the teacher would likely get to in his own good time. Although...


Hesitantly, Jasine asked, "Master Kynwric, do you want us to ask questions throughout your class today as they occur to us, or should we perhaps take notes and ask them later?  I have... so many questions about the bond, I don't know hardly anything about it.  But I wouldn't want to be rude and speak out of turn."  He kept his gaze on Kynwric as he spoke, using the void as a buffer between the emotions he was trying to avoid and his attention to the subject at hand.

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Loraine nodded politely to each bow as she preceded Kynwric into the room. She wondered at his bow, but tucked it in the back of her head to ask, later. She smiled warmly at faces she remembered, Jasine, Thera, Melenis, Perivar... their names ticked off in her head and she was rather proud that her ability to remember names hadn't gone the same way as her ability to twist the knot in her hair had. There was a definite tenseness in the room that hadn't been there last night and she wondered at it a moment before Kyn started talking about business.


She fought not to laugh at Kynwric's insistance that the Aes Sedai was in charge of anything about the bond, aside from who weaved the darned thing. She folded her hands in her lap as she sat in her chair, willing her face to stillness and trying to concentrate on each person sitting in the room, rather than Kynwric's absurd... she wrinkled her brow a fraction before she caught it and smoothed it out, eyeing her hands a moment before picking an imaginary fuzz from her skirt.


Was it absurd because he'd never allowed her to call the shots? Was it absurd because she'd always felt like the possession he was trying to keep people from hurting? Or was it because she'd never once put her foot down and made him do something he was against? Or perhaps because she'd never forced her will to be met with him? She'd never once not taken his advice and, while that was probably responsible for her sitting here with them today, she couldn't say that their bond was anything like what he was describing. At least, she didn't see it that way.


She raised her eyes to him slowly, her brow smooth, but a bit of confusion filling her thoughts. Did he see it that way? Or was he just telling them what their Aes Sedai would want to hear, someday? She really needed to corner him about this, later...

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He listened as Jasine responded his eyebrow raising slighty at his mention of cranky people.  A small smile cracked Perivar's face as he knew exactly who that was describing.  Mistress Thera still sat acros the table with hear head down completely focused on murdering the page with her pen.  That and the fact that Jasine was obviously trying to not look in her direction.


Jasine leaned close to him murming softly how he had offended Mistress Thera and earned a penance.  Even softer he spoke how he deserved the penance.  He nodded sympathetically recalling the penance he received on his first day at the yards, he served his as well even though Mistress Thera didn't see it his way.  Trying to cheer him up he said "Remind me to tell you of the penance I received on my first day" clapping the other boy on the shoulder.


Over the rim of his mug, Jasine asked how Perivar was doing.  "I'm as well as can be expected.  I had just enough last night to feel good but not enough to feel under the weather."  The same can't be said for others as he eyed Melenis with a look of sympathy.


He was about to speak again though let it rest as Arath entered the room and made his way to their side of the table.  Arath clapped the boy on the shoulder though did not speak.  There was no need, a look of understanding was plain on his face.


He had resumed his conversation with Jasine when Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric entered the room.  Perivar stood producing a scraping sound as his chair slid back to allow him room to bow along with the others.  The current attendees all made their courtesies to the pair then took their seats.


Perivar listened to Master Kynwric as he opened the discussion.  He told them to ask questions making sure that his point sunk in.  Then he spoke about the first rule regarding the bond between Warder and Aes Sedai, the Aes Sedai was in charge.  Of course they were he thought, one look at an Aes Sedai and there was no doubt who was in charge.


He felt Loraine Sedai's gaze fall upon him briefly.  Was she evaluating their worth, judging who was worthy.  She was a green though Master Kynwric already spoke about not wishing to share the bond with another Warder.  He wondered what Aes Sedai he would eventually be bonded to, would it be a green or another ajah?  Whoever it was he hoped they were not the type who spent a lot of time in the Tower.  Perivar turned his attention to Jasine as he directed a question at Master Kynwric.

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So, it was going to be like that was it? In response to Jasine’s mutters of crankiness and offhanded remark about a penance Thera grunted audibly. Their fight and the “penance” was going to be a thing between them, but if he wanted to whole yard to know…well she would make sure they did.


It was a challenge to plaster her face with a smile as Loraine entered, but by the grace of the Light she managed. With more bodies in the room some of the tension seemed to melt and Thera found herself smiling over her tea at Melenis. The young girl reminded her more and more of herself everyday, and if her smile slipped a little when her eyes drifted to Jasine, well it was only natural to frown at a trainee who had stepped out of line.


For a time she was content to allow Kynwric to lead the discussion, she was really only there to observe the new class and consider making it a required course. But with a subject so close to her own heart she felt compelled to participate. "Good, now the first thing you need to know is that in a bond the Aes Sedai is in charge, no matter your feelings, desires or whatever else is going on. What she needs is what gets done..."


Leaning back in her chair she pondered what it meant to let the sister take the lead. After allowing Jasine to natter for a moment she finally spoke. “I agree with you Kynwric, your Aes Sedai’s needs and her tasks are paramount, but I like to of the bond as more of a partnership. I think you will find that many sisters feel that way as well. She crossed her arms beneath her breast and assumed a lecturing tone. “Think of it this way, you a partners in a fight, but..well someone has to control the reins. For those of you who have even driven a cart you know the damage that can be done if you both tried to handle the reins simultaneously. ”


She thought it was important, especially with new trainees, to give them confidence and not to paint a picture of subservience. They had to understand that while they all stood in their Sister’s shadow they were still a vital part of her life. “Loraine Sedai, do you have anything you would like to add?”

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Kyn smiled at Thera and nodded, taking his seat. "The Mistrss is of course correct, before I paused I was going to say. That is what a Aes Sedai would tell you, one who has never been bonded and probably will not like the one she does take. A bond on your end is the lesser of partners to be sure. You are sworn to protect an Aes Sedai and to serve an Aes Sedai. In that order, you do what you have to do to make sure that your bonded is alive." He emphasized that last word to make sure they didn't mistake it with 'safe'. Many Aes Sedai would bristle at being made safe and would also be rendered impotent to do what they must if they were made safe. "After that you do what she wants. You are not a slave, you have your free will and you must exercise your good judgement, that is one of the reasons an Aes Sedai would have taken you, for your judgement."


He glanced at Loraine, waiting for a reponse from Thera's posed question,   “Loraine Sedai, do you have anything you would like to add?”

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From behind the haze of the wonderful feeling known as morning hangover, Melenis was trying her best to keep up with what was being said. The Void was about as easy to grasp as the reflection of the moon on a lake at midday, and just focusing on those that were speaking was about as much effort as she could muster. As such, she completely missed the conversation between Jasine and Perivar, including the sympathising look he had sent her way.


Summarising what she heard to the best of her abilities, she caught that it was some kind of partnership thing. She took 'the mood and temperament stuff' to be just the 'feel' of the bond between two people, and not being literal. After all, whoever heard of a mental empathic link between two people which allowed them to feel each other's emotions. Ha! She wasn't that drunk.


A chuckle rose in her throat, but was stopped short by her temple starting to throb again. Light, but this was annoying. Safety first, got it. Her mind phased out for a second as she had to lean back and take a couple of deep breaths, fighting to keep the breakfast she had just eaten in her stomach as a wave of nausea washed over her. A couple of drops of sweat started to bead on her forehead, but she was determined to see this class to an end. Own judgment.




WILL pass this class

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“Loraine Sedai, do you have anything you would like to add?” Loraine raised her eyes and smiled, her quick sliced fears set to the side for a moment. "Add? I think you've said it." She turned her eyes on the younger ones in the room. "Let me put it this way. The decisions ultimately lay in the Aes Sedai's hands. The blood is ultimately on the Aes Sedai's hands. The guilt rests on the Aes Sedai's shoulders. When the world looks for someone to blame, Loraine Sedai's Warder won't be the one who gets a finger pointed his direction. It will be me." She took a deep breath and looked them each in the eye. "So, while the unwritten law of the bond says that the Aes Sedai's word is law, there will never be a day when we make a decision that goes against the consensus without quite a heavy heart." 



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Perivar hung on every word, there was so much to learn, not just in regards to the Bond but in service to the Tower and about Aes Sedai themselves.  So many questions ran through his head though one in particular he couldn't ask.  He would have to wait 'til he was bonded to ask his Aes Sedai if a chance to ask ever arose.  He pushed that aside then thought of a list of other questions.


He took the momentary silence to get a few questions in "Loraine Sedai, if you don't mind a few questions."  "I will ask a few at once if you don't mind."  He waited for her assent then went on.


"Do most Aes Sedai bond Warders?  I mean even those who primarily reside in the Tower."  He left it at that as he didn't want to say the wrong thing and get himself in hot water.  He couldn't imagine being bonded to a Brown who spent her days in the Tower's libraries.


"It seems few and far between that Aes Sedai actually visit the training grounds.  Do they watch from afar or do they make inquiries to the instructors or to the Mistress of Trainees?  Perhaps there are not many Aes Sedai looking for Warders at the moment or we are not far enough along in our training to merit watching?"


"What about the bond itself.  Is there more to it than a pledge of service?  From the few Aes Sedai and Warders that I have seen together, there seems like there is something more."  "Thank you I hope that was not too many at once."  He sat on the edge of his chair eagerly awaiting her answers.



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Loraine relaxed her shoulders a bit and smiled. "Perivar, isn't it?" She waited for his nod and continued. "I don't mind a lot of questions, I just hope I can remember to answer them all. I'm not completely sure what most Aes Sedai do or don't do, to be honest. I know that most Greens have at least one warder, usually more. I'm a bit odd in that I only have one. I think the decision on whether an Aes Sedai needs a warder or not usually depends on the circumstances surrounding her. I know a few Browns with Warders, for example, and a few Greens with none. I can hope they won't bond someone who'll get a head cold from the mold in the libraries, but... I can't fathom to speak for them." She smiled again. "As for Aes Sedai on the grounds, I'm afraid that most of them have many things that keep them from scouting out new Warders. By the time we're in a position to need a warder, or even entertain the concepts of looking out for one, we're past the age of girlish gawking. Some of us find a warder when we're not even looking for one. Which leads us to your last question, I believe. Is there more to this than a pledge of service? Light, I hope so. Even in situations where there's not more at stake, there's a friendship and a level of trust you'll never feel with anyone else. Some bonds are based on a much deeper feeling. I love Kynwric. I'm not afraid to admit it and I don't bother hiding it. That happens with a good many people, especially when you depend on each other for your very survival. Whether it happens to you or not, I can't say. You could find a sister you respect more than anything. While you trust her, you befriend her, you may not love her. And then, you may find a sister you love more than your next breath who sees you only as the blade protecting her back. Life doesn't cut us out of the same relationships the rest of the world has just because we're here with the world's eyes focused on us. The focus usually makes us think about them a little more than the rest of the world, but it doesn't stop them from happening altogether. Did I get them all?" She chewed the corner of her lip, making a show of running through his questions in her head before nodding. "I think I did..."

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