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2nd Annual 4th of July Ball Invite


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Hello, my loverly Black Tower!


It's time again for the Annual 4th of July Ball hosted by the Tuatha'an! We would like to invite everyone for a week filled with song, dance, refhreshments, fireworks, and contests over at our wagons.


This year, we are having a song creation contest and a poem creation contest to be judged by Poledra Sedai and Talya. You can submit as many as you like, but they must be originals. Winners will get a chance to have their name put into the Hornsounder and The Song. We will even throw in a prize. It's the perfect opportunity to show off those hidden talents you've always wanted to share!


Also, as the Traveling People, we have acquired food and drinks of all kinds! Never tried a Blue Ajah Blueberry Muffin, Tinker Brand M&M Cookie, or Wolfkin TQ Chili? We've got plenty! Always been curious about Ogier Ale, Aiel Oosquai, or a BotRH's Battle Brew? There's more than enough to go around!


So join us this year and immerse yourself in the different cultures on Dragonmount as we dance the nights away! Just don't forget to bring your partner. ;)

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nope  :'(


unless you want to hunt down either of my two and drag them here ? *looks hopeful*


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