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A Hall's Deliberation


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Shevara sat calmly in her chair on the end of the row of Reds.  The first Red had arrived third, and so they were seated in the second row of Sitters.  Shevara herself was not usually one of the early arrivals, so she refrained from offering any complaint as to what the younger Red was able to obtain for them.  The usual adage was the closer to the Amrylin, the better.  But did that really apply now?  Now when there was no Amyrlin, and the Hall was called to address just that question?  No matter.  All would be well.  Even though it did not seem that way now.


The entire Tower was still in quite a state of disarray.  The sudden death of Annais, the Amyrlin had left everyone in a state of shock.  It was true that Aes Sedai died just as everyone else.  But being thrown from a horse was just so...ordinary.  Especially considering the very dramatic ends to the previous few Amyrlins.  Sirayn disappeared and declared dead.  Lanfir's death in service to the Tower.  Karana pulled down for treason.  Kathana had died simply, in her bed.  But her reign had been so long that most thought she would be on the Seat forever.  Shevara had never known an Amyrlin before Kathana.  Perhaps that was why no one knew quite what to do.  With the previous few Amyrlin's there had been much to keep everyone busy.  Plots and intrigues and rebuilding and speculation.  Now, it was all so simple.


The last few Sitters filed in and the Keeper, Aramina stood watching silently.  When the last entered, she spoke, "We are here to consider the question of who should be our next Amyrlin.  Does anyone have a name for consideration?"


A few sitters stood, and mentioned cantidates.  Each time giving a brief explanation why this or that woman would be good for the Tower.  But not were debated for long.  Then a Green stood and to Shevara's surprise, presented Shevara's own name for consideration. 


After her brief speech was done, Shevara saw several approving nods.  And not only from the other two Reds, who sat preening like cats with their paws in the cream.  Sitters amongst the Browns, Grays, Yellows, and Greens were nodding too.  Agreeing, or perhaps simply considering.  Shevara's work with gentled men had made a favorable impression amongst the Browns and Yellows over the years, and the Greens and Grays stood together in most matters.  The Whites seemed unsure, and the Blues displeased.  But not nearly so much as might be expected with a Red cantidate.  They, too, knew the dangers that the Black Tower presented.  With a formal acknowledgement by the previous Amyrlin, the Black Tower was even more a problem to be dealt with. 


Shevara stood, making a concerted effort to keep her hands from shaking and her voice smooth, "I am deeply honored by the consideration of my sisters in the Green."  She gave a nod across the aisle to the Sitter who had put forth her name and continued, "I feel that I must recuse myself from this deliberation, as it touches on my own fitness for the staff and stole, which I am not able to judge impartially."


She nodded her head to the assembled Sitters and glided out of the Hall smoothly.  Once outside, she leaned against a wall in the hallway, unsure that she could stand unaided.  Could this really be happening?  In a few minutes, or a few hours, she might be summoned to take the Amyrlin Seat.  Or simply to return to the Hall for deliberation on other cantidates.  She straightened and walked briskly to her rooms in the Red Quarters to await the Hall's decision.


Shevara Edosian

Red Sitter

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  • 4 weeks later...

Eadon strode into the Hall. Yes, she strode. The Green wore her pride at being a Sitter like an expensive fur stole. As it were, her jewel tone shawl was carefully draped about her shoulders with its long fringe flowing down the back and sides of her equally as luxurious skirts. The length of the fringe on her shawl often caused chatter amongst the other Aes Sedai. Many called her pompous. Eadon simply tuned them out as she did a great many things that annoyed her.


The Hall was about half full when she arrived. She nodded to a few of her fellow Sitters and then took her seat next to Jaydena. Normally it was a battle between she and Jaydena as to who would be the most fashionably late. Apparently neither one as their third hadn't arrived yet. They occupied a row fairly close to the empty Amyrlin Seat. Eadon stared at the seat and contemplated what could possibly be said tonight. A tiny sigh escaped her lips. The recent rate of turn-over for the Seat was shocking. Eadon still mourned the passing of Lanfir. She missed the woman and her leadership.


Pushing thoughts of the dead out of her mind, Eadon brought herself to focus as Aramina spoke to the group. "<i>We are here to consider the question of who should be our next Amyrlin.  Does anyone have a name for consideration?</i>" Names were bandied about and discussed. Several Ajahs, including her own, had Aes Sedai from amongst their numbers named. Eadon's name wasn't; not that she expected it to be. No, she knew what needed to be done. The Tower needed a strong hand and a woman with a capable head on her shoulders. Eadon had a list of women who she had each considered nominating, but at the end of a long deliberation process, she knew who she was going to nominate.


She stood and took her time adjusting her shawl in such a way that made it seem as if she were putting on a performance. In Eadon's mind, she sort of was. In a loud, clear, and strong voice she put forward Shevara's name for Amyrlin (of course, this was then followed by a brief discourse on all of Shevara's very good qualities and why she made a suitable candidate).


"<i>I am deeply honored by the consideration of my sisters in the Green. I feel that I must recuse myself from this deliberation, as it touches on my own fitness for the staff and stole, which I am not able to judge impartially.</i>"


Eadon returned the woman's nod, and watched as she left the Hall. She glanced around the room one last time to judge her fellow Aes Sedai's reactions before sitting back down.

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Eqwina smoothed her dress over her hips and checked her reflection on last time. After so many years spent as an outcast and as many more away from the Tower it was often still odd to her that she was not only Ajah Head but a Sitter in the hall. Certain circumstances had led her to this place and there was no turning back on it…for now.


Placing a shawl over her shoulders she left her rooms with Corwin in toe. Even within the shining walls he refused to let her out of his site. A few months before returning to Tar Valon she’d had a close call and he had yet to be able to forgive himself. He could not accompany her to the Hall of the Tower, but he would take her as far as he could. At the last crossing hall way he bowed and gave her a small smile before turning back the way they had came. So much had changed for them since they’d bonded and all for the better as far as Eqwina could see. She did not need the bond to tell her that he would be waiting in their rooms when she returned.


Very unlike her, Eqwina was the second Yellow to arrive. With a small nod to her Ajah Sister she took her seat and waited. Patience was a virtue the she’d gained much of in her travels.


The death of Annais had been sudden and in the passing weeks no names had come to mind or come by way of message to be presented for the next Amyrlin. It seemed that the decision would be left strictly up to her judgment.


Shevara? Eqwina barely suppressed her shock. She knew the Red only as one Sitter knew another. The choice was not immediately offence but she was unsure of how she would stand. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Viviana closed the door behind the novice, then turned back to Larindhra and Raslyn, the note calling her and Raslyn to the Hall trembling slightly in her hand. “I think the time has arrived, Sisters.” She drew a deep breath, trying to still the sudden galloping of her heart. Larindhra and Raslyn rose, the former with a bland look at Viviana’s brilliantly scarlet dress. Just a look, but as usual the dignified Red could speak volumes with her motherly smile. Viviana gave her a wry one in return; she’d picked out a pale rose dress for this occasion, only afterwards realising that Larindhra had very subtly put the thought into her head that this was one occasion where flaunting their Ajah colour would not be a good idea.


She saw her sisters out as speedily as possible, changed into the other dress and donned her shawl, then headed towards the Hall in a measured pace. She was the first Red to arrive, followed shortly by Raslyn and then Shevara. Slowly the hall filled up, until all were present. Viviana kept her hands perfectly still on her lap when Aramina voiced the question the whole Tower had been deliberating for weeks now. It could all still backfire on them, if their spadework had not been delicate and subtle enough.


She avoided looking at Raslyn, afraid Shevara’s sharp eyes would catch them out if she did. If the woman ever found out what they had been up too … well, her reaction would depend on what happened here today, but Viviana would just as well not have Shevara know they had done this behind her back.  She wondered why Larindhra had been so insistent on that, when she’d come to them with the suggestion that Shevara would be the best choice for Amyrlin. Still, they had agreed, so now they had to stay the course.


When Eadon Sedai finally suggested Shevara, Viviana couldn’t completely suppress her gasp of relief; luckily most would take it as one of surprise, and she quickly donned a pleased expression; it would be expected, after all, from a Red Sitter. After Shevara left, she shared a quick glance with Raslyn, then both of them sat back to let the other Ajahs speak first. It had been agreed that only at the last would they speak, or if things needed a push.



Viviana di Corra, NSW Red Sitter


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Ophelia sat in the first seat waiting for deliberations to begin. If she wasn't freakishly early, she was horribly late and she was not going to be late for this. Annais' death was still very fresh in her mind and having experienced the funeral, she felt slightly drained. She smoothed her pale pink dress, adjusted her gold circlet, and pulled her teo silver bell adorned braids over her shoulders. Other Sitters were beginning to file in, so she must appear presentable and exude Aes Sedai serenity. The other Grays Sitters arrived in a timely manner and the other Ajahs also quickly filled up. Things appeared to be moving along rather smoothly. It was unlikely that another Gray would be put forward. As far as she knew, there had never been two Amyrlins from the same Ajah back-to-back. It was just so unfortunate that Annais was cut short. The Gray could have done so much good through her.


Aramina began the proceedings as the last Sitter arrived. Names soon began to bounce back and forth, but little debate was given to them. Normally she would have put forth a name, but she wasn't thinking clearly. She had no facts, no background, and no qualities to 'gush' about. She hadn't felt this useless since that awkward few years as an Accepted. Freja's name had been put forward, but before she could show support, a Brown had shot her down and then a White put forward the name of a Yellow.


She hadn't noticed the young green stand up, but she certainly noticed who she put forward. Shevara was a good choice. With the threat of the Black Tower, a Red may be a wise decision, but choose the wrong Red....she wasn't to think of that. However, Shevara was known for her work with gentled men. I think she may have the perfect approach. She was going to make sure this woman wore the stole by the end of the day. She was first to stand and speak after Shevara dismissed herself.


"I believe that Shevara is our ideal choice for our current situation. With the ever-growing problem of the Black Tower, who better to deal with them than a Red? She has done extensive work with gentled men, so she would have an approach that those men would not be overly frightened by." She sat back down and grinned like a child who just stole a pie from a window. This could go well.


Ophelia Altair

Gray Sitter

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There was little in the Tower's business that ever surprised Ziya Asunawa once it came time to don the shawl and step into the Hall for a formal affair.  Ziya had made it a point, and a very clear one at that, of not being surprised.  The ignoble death of Annais had been more than enough surprise for anyone.  That a woman who could have done so much good, and done so much good for them, should pass so quickly and in such a manner that she would barely be a footnote in the trivia section of the Tower's great history rankled her.  Ziya had long since mastered the temper she had held as a child, but she had never been one to get over being upset about something very quickly.  She would eventually get past this, she would endure, but she was not in the kindest of moods of moods as she slipped into the Hall and took her seat with the other Grays without a smile or greeting for the other sitters.  The pale gray silk dress that she wore darkened at the hem and loose cuffs of her sleeves to the deep grey of the shawl that was spread carefully across her shoulders to be displayed.  She had dressed carefully today to present the most favorably grand impression she could.  It was her little secret that the thin loose fabric weighed next to nothing and she was likely to be the most comfortable woman in the room.


She did not have to wait very long for the proceedings to begin; with an issue as important as this one there was little effort put into the cat and mouse games of playing for power by making a scene.  Ziya sat still, the very image of Aes Sedai serenity, even while her eyes burned with the slow banked anger.  She couldn't angry with Annais, the woman certainly hadn't met her own demise, and Ziya spent precious little energy worrying about the Creator so it wasn't at his foot she laid blame.  It was just inconvenient, and the inconvenience along with the genuine grief, buried somewhere under that mask of calm, had her dander up.  Her gaze moved as each woman made their suggestions, most of them dismissed with hardly a second thought by the Sitter.  She had a short list of names, a very short list of names that she would even consider standing for, and no one so far had been discussed long enough for her to see the need to speak.


Ziya had been Gray a very long time, longer even than she had worn the shawl, and she excelled at seeing every question from multiple points of view.  It was what had aided her as a mediator and what had aided her in rising in respect and esteem among her sisters, including those who weren't of her own Ajah.  When the slip of a Green finished primping and preening and finally spoke Ziya brows rose just a fraction, a sign of approval rather than surprise.  They all knew of Shevara's work with gentled men, and she was a strong woman even in an Ajah of women who were known for their resolve.  She could see nods and thoughtful approval from a number of the Sitters, and from a few even signs of surprise and realization.  Of course Shevara was a good candidate, how could they not have considered her before?  Ziya kept her mask expressionless as the woman in question excused herself and she listened intently as the others moved to speak of her. 


As Ophelia stood, speaking before the others, Ziya watched the woman with almost bemusement.  Ophelia was clearly excited about Shevara being put forth as a candidate and Ziya found herself nodded as the woman spoke.  While she was much too hasty with her approval, you should always listen before you spoke, it kept you from being surprised by others, she approved of what the Gray had to say.  Ziya looked back to the other sitters and saw her own nod mirrored by many others, and there was a clear feeling of satisfaction coming from both the Red and the Green.  The only opposition she saw at all was among the blues, and none of it was as vehement as she would have expected them to voice just out of habit.


This could go very well indeed.  She waited until a few more sitters had spoken of Shevara, so far it had all been in tones of approval, before she stood and commanded the Hall's attention with her body language alone.  As she moved, the several bracelets she wore brushed against each other in a soft chiming noise like very fine bells.  It was silent in the room when she spoke, and she held her hands still at her waist to keep her jewelry silent.  "The Tower must endure, and this threat from these male channelers is our clearest priority.  There are none in the Tower with the experience, dedication, drive, and strength who can see this situation through to a satisfactory end save Shevara Edosian."  She sat again, with none of the frippery that Green had shown when she put forth the name to begin with, and shifted her gaze to the next woman to speak.


She was firm in her resolve, and repeated the litany, her own personal chant, in her head as the proceedings wore on.  We are the Tower, and through us, the Tower will endure.  We must endure.  Shevara is a good choice.




Ziya Asunawa

NSW Gray Sitter

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  • 2 weeks later...

The light came over the hills just as she rounded the woods into the Warders Yard. She had been running for at least an hour and by now, several warders and Tower Guards were out and about. One of her Sisters was also stretching and Jaydena nodded in approval. It was always nice to see one of her girls taking care of themselves in all ways. After all their prowess on the battlefield could very well be the difference between life and death for one or more of the people they cared for. The Battle Ajah had a reputation to uphold and it was well that many of them honored that. Jade slowed to a job and as she came abreast of the barracks, she nodded to one of the warders walking out and continued until she had cooled down. Next, came stretching as she thought about the coming day. At this point she was having a hard time with the loss of so many Amyrlins. First Lanfir, she had fought in the Hall, she had slid in her Sisters blood as she raced to defend the Tower and her Amyrlin Seat. Yet another time where she hadn't been quick enough. Her mind flashed through her getting knocked out and Sirayn having to bond her beloved to save her life, Jared going down in battle at Namandar as he kept a Trolloc from killing her, Sirayn and Seia being tortured and both of them being damaged so badly they would never recover, and the burns on her face, the weave she hadn't sensed on that angreal, those were just a few. She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts and focused on who she though would be a good Amyrlin.


There were certain Ajahs she couldn't force herself to support for Amyrlin Seat. She pondered on several different women who had voting records and the strength that she appreciated. She walked toward the barrels of practice lathes and began the sword forms she practiced almost daily to clear her mind. Close to twenty minutes later by the movement of the sun she put the lathe away and headed towards her quarters. She needed to prepare for the calling of the Hall and she couldn't afford to present herself as a sweaty and messy Sitter. With a quick glance around she moved up the secret green staircase and pushed aside the panel that led to her quarters. As far as she knew only the Ajah Head had a secret entrance into her inner sanctum but then there were many things she didn’t know about the Tower. With quick strides she made her way into her quarters and washed up for the coming event. She dressed in a green satin dress with gold cording around the waist and neckline, roses were printed on the skirt and when she had gotten it she had been shocked by her seamstresses choice of neckline. The deep square neckline showed quite a bit of flesh but it also managed to look elegant. She pulled the dress into place and added her rose jewel set. Her feet she slid into green satin walking slippers and around her shoulders went her green fringed shawl. Her auburn hair was coiled up onto her head and she had a small amount of color to her pale skin. With that she walked from her rooms and set the wards behind her as she headed to the Hall of the Tower. It didn’t take her long to reach there and she took her seat. She was the first to arrive this time and she wondered where the other two women were. Members of the Hall quickly began filing in and Jaydena waited for the event to start.  Aramina, an ex-member of her Ajah and now the Keeper spoke when everyone had arrived, "We are here to consider the question of who should be our next Amyrlin.  Does anyone have a name for consideration?"


Several Sitters stood and mentioned candidates, Jaydena had made it clear that she did not want to be put forward and so she was hoping that none of her Ajah put her name forward. After several candidates had been mentioned Eadon stood up and suggested a red named Shevara. Jaydena considered for a moment, they hadn’t discussed this choice, it wasn’t a bad one but she wouldn’t be the first to stand either.  After a few minutes of nodding and discussion the candidate stood and excused herself from the proceedings. After the woman left the Hall the debating began again, it seemed most were in favor, many stood and spoke of the coming battle and how they needed an Amyrlin that could handle a male channeler. Jaydena hoped they didn’t intend to try and control the Dragon as she had seen done in the past; it didn’t go over well with him. On the other hand they also couldn’t afford to let these men run free and destroy the world as they had almost done in the past. Jade stayed in her seat and waited to see what everyone would say, the Greens almost always were in support of the Reds, but it would be interesting to hear what the other Ajahs thought about this possibility…


Jaydena Mckanthur


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  • 1 month later...

Shevara paced in her sitting room, eight strides across and eight back.  Always eight strides no matter how many times she made the passage.  But the counting kept her mind off...other...things.  Eight strides across and eight back.  She had expected this to be quick.  A half hour of discussion before rejecting her name and a novice sent to fetch her back.  It had been five hours since then.  She had known the polite thing to do was to excuse herself from the discussion, event though that was not mandated.  Others certainly had campaigned vigorously for themselves in the past.  But she did not want to be one of those.  She would not refuse the job if offered.  Although two hours gone she had considered gathering up her few necessities and fleeing the city, putting an end to this whole mess for good.  It had been a near thing, but in the end, she had decided that she would accede to the will of the Hall.  Five hours.  She could not believe this is how it would happen.  And if she was called and failed the vote?  She would be in exile, the Hall must have unity and a failed cantidate for Amyrlin was a source of division.  It didn't even bear thinking about.  Eight strides across and eight back.


The knock on her door stopped her pacing.  This was the moment.  She composed herself and glided to the door to answer.  Instead of the novice she had been half expecting, a familiar face greeted her.  Larindha Reyne, her closest friend in the White Tower since novicehood.  She smiled warmly before seeing the other two sisters behind her.  A Brown and a Green.  Three.


"Shevara Edosian," Larindhra began formally, "You are summoned before the Hall of the Tower."


"Ask not why you are summoned," the Brown intoned, "It is yours to answer, not to question."


"Delay not in your coming," said the Green in a firm tone, "it is yours to obey in haste."


The three finished in unison, "It is well to fear the summons of the Hall.  It is well to obey in haste and humility, unasking.  You are summoned to kneel before the Hall and accept their judgement."


Shevara nodded, it was done.  There was no choice left to her now.  The summons of the Hall could not be ignored.  The words for summoning an Amyrlin were the same as a summons for trial.  Which it would certainly turn into if she did not obey.


"I will accept the judgement of the Hall."


-Shevara Edosian

Red Sitter

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When Shevara entered the Hall, she knew this would be different.  When she came as a Sitter she belonged, she had a right to be there.  Now, having been summoned, it was different.  Every eye was on her, and she knew they were weighing their decision, decided if she did have that right, or ever would again.  The seven striped stole sat draped across the Amyrlin Seat.  Oh yes, she was certainly being judged. 


"Who comes before the Hall of the Tower?" demanded Raeyn, the eldest Sitter in the Hall. 


"One who comes obediently, in the Light," Shevara responded calmly.  Calm outside, she could feel her heart fluttering and her stomach clench at the realization she was actually doing this. 


"Who comes before the Hall of the Tower?"


"One who comes humbly, in the Light."


"Who comes before the Hall of the Tower?"


"One who comes at the summons of the Hall, obedient and humble in the Light, asking only to accept the will of the Hall."  It had begun, and there was no turning back now.


Eadon, the youngest Sitter stood then, "Are there any present save women?"


As custom demanded, Raeyn was the first to push down her bodice and shift and declare, "I am a woman."  Eadon was the second, making the same declaration.  Shevara resisted the urge to shiver when she removed her own bodice.  She had not realized before how cold the Hall of the Tower was without her shawl.  She spoke with the rest, declaring that she was a woman, and then endured Eadon's almost insultingly direct inspection.  She suppressed a sigh when the others were then able to pull their bodices back up and wrap their shawls around them.  She had always wondered if this extra humiliation was a deliberate attempt to keep the candidate off balance. 


"Who stands for this woman," Raeyn asked, "and pledges for her, heart for heart, soul for soul, life for life?"  Larindhra spoke first, with the Brown and the Green right on her heels.


"Come forward, Shevara Edosian," Raeyn intoned, and Shevara obediently stepped forward and knelt in front of the older Sitter.  "Why are you here, Shevara Edosian?"


"I was summoned by the Hall of the Tower."


"What do you seek, Shevara Edosian?"


"To serve the White Tower, nothing more, nothing less."


"How would you serve, Shevara Edosian?"


"With my heart and my soul and my life, in the Light.  Without fear or favor, in the Light."


"Where would you serve, Shevara Edosian?"


"In the Amyrlin Seat, if it pleases the Light," her mouth went dry, it was in the hands of the Sitters now. 


The Reds stood first, Raslyn and Viviana not quite jumping to their feet, but it was a near thing.  And no wonder, if she passed the test, Shevara would be the first Red Amyrlin since Bonwhin.  Odd, she thought, that Bonwhin would be so important to us even now.  The ter'angreal the Red Ajah had discovered less than a year ago still haunted her.  If not for it, the Reds never would have pushed for sisters to go to the Black Tower.  She never would have been a Sitter if not for the capture of Muirenn and Maegan.  Annais would not have been Amyrlin for her skillfully negotiated release of the prisoners, and would never have been out on that ride.  And Shevara Edosian, a gardener's daughter from Malkier would not be kneeling in the Hall of the Tower.  All because of a diary found.


The Grays were next to stand, not hastily, but not wasting much time.  She allowed herself a small smile, the Gray and the Red had stood together for many years.  The young Green Eadon was next, and the other whose name she did not know.  Jaydena remained seated, thoughtful, for a long few moments before standing.  Among the Browns two stood, and the third did also after a few moments.  Among the Yellows only one stood, the Whites one, and the Blues all remained firmly in their chairs.  Well.  She had known it might come to this in the end.  Certainly the reaction from the Blues was nothing to be surprised about.  Any excuse to cause the humiliation of a Red would be pounced on by that lot.


Shevara stood and went over to Eadon, who sat on the end for the Greens.  She knelt again smoothly, and Larindhra knelt beside her with a basin of water.  "Please allow me to serve," Shevara asked, as she washed the Sitter's feet.  All around the room she went, washing feet and patting them dry with a length of toweling, asking each to allow her to serve.  She returned to the front of the Hall and knelt again and asked, "Please allow me to serve."


Again the Reds were the first, with the Greens, Grays, and Browns following quickly.  The Yellows stood one by one, and the Whites, until only the Blues remained.  Twitching her shawl, one Blue stood, then another.  The last gave Shevara a hard look before she too stood.  Shevara's breath caught.  It was done.


Raeyn and Viviana helped her to stand and led her to the Amyrlin Seat, where her bodice was pulled up and the stole of the Amyrlin was placed around her shoulders.  Together, the Sitters intoned, "You are raised to the Amyrlin Seat, in the glory of the Light, that the White Tower may endure forever.  Shevara Edosian, the Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat.  May the Light illumine the Amyrlin Seat and the White Tower."


-Shevara Edosian

The Watcher of the Seals

The Flame of Tar Valon

The Amyrlin Seat

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