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Return of the Dreadlord


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Before I say anything else, I was happy to see that this part of the DragonMount community was still alive and kicking. It's been so long since I was here last time that I wasn't sure if it'd still be around. But it is and I'm very pleased to be writing this post.


Onwards to the introduction. I am Jens, 23-years-old and a Swede, and a former member of this community and more specifically the Shayol Ghul division. Back then I played a dreadlord known as Riordan Sevion, a megalomaniac who ended up dying alone and forgotten in a cell at the Tower.


The reason I vanished is that I simply found myself out of time to dedicate to writing. Then I got sucked into the world of MMOs through WoW (I'm sure some of you may have heard of it), but thankfully I passed that test and made it out more or less intact. ;P


By returning here I hope once again to pick up my writing and immerse myself in this community. Which brings me to a request that I have. I feel a bit lost as what to do next. I want to get into the RP again but I would like some guidance and help to do so. Of course I'll read the FAQs and webpages but pure text doesn't make up for having a person answering your questions. I understand however if people are busy (not to mention enjoying the summer!).


Regardless, it is good to be here and I hope for interesting times to come.




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Welcome back Jens! I am Sylvirci! The Master of Initiates for the Congress of Shadow (The DIV for the Dark Ones followers!). The SG is now the ORG or community side and no longer connected to the DIV and RP side. So if you are looking to RP as a Dreadlord I am the one to talk to. :D


Now as to your bio for Riordan Sevion, I will see if I can find it. I might not though because a few years ago DM underwent a huge makeover and unfortunately things were lost. I will also ask Ata, our DIV Leader, if she knows anything about it. If you have a copy of it, please email it to our DIV email: shadowhall@gmail.com


Any questions please feel free to PM me or my MSN and email (they are the same!) at sylvirci@yahoo.com  Welcome back and I hope to corrupt you soon! ;) :P



Master of Initiates

Congress of Shadow!

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Sorry for double posting! Found some stuff for you!


!Riordan Sevion! Air 6, Earth 8, Fire 8, Spirit 8, Water 5, Str 35, Skill 27, Potency 62 - Age ?


So I have scores and can't find a bio, but I am asking Ata now if it is on the old site. It's not, so send us the old bio, updated with info on when he was RPed and reqs done, etc. We have his rank as a Mae'shadar. As long as your up-dated bio is sent in you keep you rank and status!





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Ah Syl missed the obvious call ;) he died (the char that is)


so guess you may be looking at building a new char then ;)


ellers :P som sagt, er kontakt mailen shadowhall@gmail.com


å både Syl og eg er her for å svare spørsmål, så velkommen tilbake



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Thank you for the welcome! And yeah, I am looking to create a new character. Riordan played his role and I am looking for a fresh start.


I have a few ideas so far but I haven't decided for a division(s?) yet. I'll read up on things and see if I find myself with any questions.


As a side note, Ata, your name sounds familiar. How long ago did you join?


Anyway, once again, cheers for the welcome. :)

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Welcome Back!!


I have an Dreadlady(Angelia or Angel) or rather a wanna be dreadlady that has not started on her reqs yet. If you want someone to suffer through the reqs with *winks at Ata* Let me know :)

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