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DIE! *Squashes bugs* [Shadowspawn Reign of Terror]


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*runs in and decapitates all the ugly ones*


*sets all the pretty ones on fire and watches them squeal*


*prepares her lovely purple cookpot*


Jump right in, peeps, got some nice cool water in here :P







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You know, I thought about that too. And some Gholam saliva wouldn't hurt either!  *spits into the cookpot*


Now... we just need some solid Trolloc bum goo and we'll be top notch!






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  • Community Administrator

Since no one knows what I look like, I was neither set on fire, nor decapitated...

And since we have all this un-used meat just laying around.

Instead of a stew, how about a Paityr Suflee, and a BBQ'd Empy on a Spit?

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but but *looks at her pepper rotating thing she dont know the english name for* its fun, it makes a noise when i turn this, and then lil flakes of all colored pepper comes out *illustrates* see?

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  • Community Administrator

If your going to be a canabal, you MUST do it right!

See, In most creatures, the tastiest part is the cheeks. NO the cheeks on the face, not the ASS.

Its rather small, but its one of the best.

And you can't just BBQ them, you gotta prepare them 'right'. ;)

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To be a canibal, i'd have to fall under the definition of human... and last I've checked, i'm anything but that. I'm a shadowspawn  8)


*gobbles down SinisterDeath*  There, that's better.






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  • Community Administrator

To be a canibal, i'd have to fall under the definition of human... and last I've checked, i'm anything but that. I'm a shadowspawn   8)


*gobbles down SinisterDeath*  There, that's better.




Even shadowspawn are based upon human physilogy. ;)


+ thats no reason not to actually 'eat' the tastey things...


Also, I'm known to cause a serious case of indegestion, and possibly a severe case of projectile vomiting, and Diareha, so eating me isn't the wisest of things. :P

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  • Community Administrator

Help! Help! I'm Being Digested! ;)


And hey, its not like being in a certain 'family' doesn't mean I don't have a certain tooth filled with cyanide that could kill an elephant, nor shoes that are filled with a few kilos worth of C4. ;)

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  • Community Administrator

Sinister Deaths are always slow, and the sinister part ussually involves making the people responsible for my death getting annoyed to the point that they'd rather off them selves before seeing finally shuv off. ;)

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