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Survivor: Rhuidean - Gauntlet: Spear the Lie!

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Guest Cairos

A. Rand, Mat, and Perrin came from Two Rivers.


B. Rand has Callandor and is called the Dragon Reborn.


C. There are 11 foresakens in the series.


D. Perrin has gold color eyes and can talk to wolves.

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Guest Cairos

He is correct. There are 13 foresakens.




The current standings are as follows:


Shaido - 2 Ji

Taardad - 1 Ji

Goshien - 2 Ji


Alright, Goshien Clan...you are up.  You have 4 hours from right now to post your next set, or control and the point you earned will go back to the Taardad Clan.

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A. When Rand captures Semirhage he is accompanied by eighty-one lancers, twenty five maidens of the spear, along with his entourage of channelers.


B. Rand's latest horse's name means "Lord of Glory".


C. Before Ishamael turned to the Dark One, he was called Elan Morin Tedronai and wrote many books including "Analysis of Perceived Meaning," "Reality and the Absence of Meaning", "Disassembly of Reason" and "The Illusion of Life".


D. It was Ishamael in disguise that turned Artur Hawkwing against Aes Sedai.

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1) There will be a 4 hour response time per round, each round beginning with a presentation of questions. .  This gives all Clans ample time to respond without having to check here every minute.  Should either clan fail to respond within the given 4 hours, the point will be awarded to the Clan in control.


The current standings are as follows:


Shaido - 2 Ji

Taardad - 1 Ji

Goshien - 3 Ji

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Well, ok...here is the next set.



A. Lieutenant Elber is a soldier of the queens guards.


B. The bowl of the winds is large, shallow, and...bowl shaped...


C. The sign of house Bryne is a bull wearing a collar of roses.


D. The Children of the Light believe that "no man is so lost that he cannot be brought to the Light," but also that, "The sins of the mother are visited to the fifth generation and the sins father to the tenth."

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1.  Ronan and twenty men once held Jehaan Tower against a thousand Trollocs


2.  Min has a viewing of Gareth Bryne.  The aura means that if Siuan and Bryne stay close they will live. If they get too far apart both will die. 


3.  Perrin captures an attacker at an abandoned farm who claims that the lead attacker Hari got away. 


4.  Nynaeve makes Lan swear to ride to Fal Moran before he enters the Blight and to allow anyone who wishes, to ride with him. She weaves a gateway to World's End, in Saldaea as far from Fal Moran as possible.

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You got the right number, but the wrong fact.  Yes it was Hari...but he claimed that Hari had escaped.  The lie was that even though it was Perrin's party the capture was accomplished by a person in his party, Teryl Wynter, Warder to Seonid Traighan. 


The current standings are as follows:


Shaido - 2 Ji

Taardad - 2 Ji

Goshien - 4 Ji

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ok if im reading the rules right its our turn to ask questions


if not  then iggy this post lol



1  the first org dicetosser joined was the wolfkin


2  riva belongs to the largest "family" in the Band of the red hand


3  horus comes from shepparton country victoria


4  taymist "owns" the bands Bladetosser[/font]

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So in light of the first thing in my last post, here are our four statements...if I'm wrong then you can officially iggy this post instead... :P


A. Stedding Madan is located in the Mountains of Mist.


B. Godan is the only city besides the capital that the Tairen High Lords allow to thrive. They do so to threaten Mayene and keep it in check.


C. Rand got his second un-healing wound in Cairhien.


D. When Min arrives at the Tower in the beginning of The Shadow Rising, we have no less than twenty five viewings described to us.

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Actually it was right number wrong name...taht was why I awarded him the answer.  Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.  I was typing quickly.


I have no idea on Dice's offerings, but Goldys, the lie is number 4.  There are only about 15 viewings. 

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Yeah, that's what I meant...Sam is awarded the answer...except, also you got one itsy bitsy thing wrong...it was 16. At least it was on my count..


The current standings are as follows:


Shaido - 2 Ji

Taardad - 3 Ji

Goshien - 4 Ji

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Dice I think your both right and wrong.   ;)  The rules say that you can use trivia from the PB site so I think he can use that.  But Junior gave the right number as the lie, but gave the wrong name, so he's technically correct.


*)All statements must be based on WoT trivia, which may include trivia about Robert Jordan himself, Dragon Mount, and the Bander's proboards site.  Although clans should make sure their statement sets give the others a reasonable chance at getting them correct, feel free to make them as challenging as possible.  They have at worst a 1 in 4 chance of a guess.....and sometimes, you just gotta toss the dice!



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*Mynd steps out of the sweat tent, all shiny and oily with giggling gai'shain behind him*


*puffs on his pipe* Oh, hello everyone.......yes, indeed, Brid is correct in that the questions can be about anything WOT, including Robert Jordan, Dragonmount, and the Bander's board; however, you only need to guess the lie and not why it is a lie.......therefore, the point goes to the Goshein and they have control of the board.  Like I said earlier, sometimes you gotta just toss the dice.


The producers would like to thank you all for your participation in this challenge, and we are looking forward to crowning the winners soon.  Keep up the great work.....and don't be the one responsible for your clan losing this one. 


*Turns back and heads into the tent shouting to the gai'shain* Alright, who wants a mustache ride?

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