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What's a guy gotta do around here to get some love?


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I noticed I was left off the April Stats. :(


I don't know what those stats mean really, at first I thought it was points based on post counts, but now I no longer think so.  Can someone break this down for me so I don't go batty trying to figure it out.

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I noticed I was left off the April Stats. :(


I don't know what those stats mean really, at first I thought it was points based on post counts, but now I no longer think so.  Can someone break this down for me so I don't go batty trying to figure it out.


You get points for sucking up to the DO and doing grayman tasks. Go to www.SG-org.com and go to Members. you have to post in the roll-call to be considered a member.  ;)

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And sometimes you get points for anything.  It depends on how generous the higher up members are feeling.  Usually not very. *grumbles*  They get an alloted amount of points to give away each month.  If they dont use them they disappear. 

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You get points for sucking up to the DO and doing grayman tasks. Go to www.SG-org.com and go to Members. you have to post in the roll-call to be considered a member.  ;)


I did post in the April Role call, and the DO did award me points, this is why I am confused...  I know I got points for the Wheel game, but those werent' awarded until May, so I didn't expect those to be on there.  I'm not complaining, if I'm missing something that's fine, I'm just trying to understand the system.

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I'm bored and I have time to kill before work.


As far as I'm aware, you've missed nothing. Don't be impatient with crap like that. People make mistakes. Just look at who Kath gave the OL position to.




But seriously, points aren't all that important, nor are they particularly hard to get. If you miss out on a few points, then so be it. It'll get fixed eventually. You can mention it in the threads dedicated to those topics rather than making a topic of your own.

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But seriously, points aren't all that important, nor are they particularly hard to get. If you miss out on a few points, then so be it. It'll get fixed eventually. You can mention it in the threads dedicated to those topics rather than making a topic of your own.


No problem!





Wait, is it safe to take advice from someone who renounced their membership?

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Guest Far Dareis Mai
As far as I'm aware, you've missed nothing. Don't be impatient with crap like that. People make mistakes. Just look at who Kath gave the OL position to.




Lol, perhaps to a 12 year old.  ::)


And Eclipse, the person you need to look up is the person in charge of Stats. That would be the BA Faction Leader, Pandy. :)


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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Age and maturity do not go hand in hand. I think you and I are speaking of two different things. :P

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I'm quite sure we were talking about the same thing, FDM. That's why I said I'm 13!


If you can't even understand that, then how're you supposed to run an Org!?


*shakes head sadly*


'Tis a sad day in Gummy Bear Land.

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