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my mom never let me died my hair, and by the time i turned 18 i was pretty much over the want to do it.  my hair is pretty much the color of the girl in your sig Jahe, though i get pretty miffed when people say its orange lol


<-- May 18th baby here  (12 more days!!!  WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!)  intermediate dog training starts on my borthday *smiles and huggles CJ and Chucky*  i'm so proud of boys, their top of their class :D  CJ more so than chuck.  after Advanced training is over, i'm going to get CJ into Agility training and Chuck into being a therapy dog for children in the hospital and elderly people.


yes we should form a club for Redhead's since their are so many of us :D  we can support eachother lol  though i have no siblings (me and my mom are more like sisters though lmao) i do have irish/scottish/german/indian in me *evil grin* 


though having sisters most certaintly wins over any only child lmao.  can just imagine the bathroom situation growing up (we only had two bathrooms growing up; one of which was only for my parents lol)


Edit--  May, if you want to discuss HP (even though the series is over with) i'm more than game for it.  i'm a Voldy expert (well consider myself to be)  i just cant keep up with WoT like HP though, so i've given up on the discussing the books lol

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Guest nephitess

I love dogs! How old are your boys? What breeds are they? :D


Scottish/Russian/German/British here...LOL




they're over 2 now :)  CJ is the black and tan, he's a Rat Terrier/Chih mx (Rat Terrier = Jack Russle(Parson's Russle) Terrier and Fox Terrier cross)  Chuck is a Beagle/Pug mix.


CJ used to wear diapers because he is a submissive pee'er(sp) and the onesie is to help keep the diaper on.  since goign to training classes his peeing has dramitcally decreased so he only wears them on very rare occasions  (FYI they're both nuetered and have been since 10mos old so it's not territorialism)   


i love dogs as well.  i used to be a Dog Groomer, though my favorite breed is the Chow  *glomps and huggles*  i had one named Max growing up (since about 2001)  he lives with my parents now cause i couldn't take him when i moved :(  i miss him alot.  he was my buddy.  when i get older i want to breed and show Chow's.  which is why i'm breakign into the trainging and therapy dog stuff now.  what i have planned for the chow pups i raise for good caring homes is to get them well socailized and trained before giving them to homes (and therapy dogs tend to be very well socailized and mentally stable; which is a key thing for any healthy and well bred Chow due to their inbreeding)




^ their favorite game besides rough housing with eachother and playing keep away with the ball.  stuff in the background is gone now.  Bubba's parents stuff (which is still a struggle to get out of the house  >:( ) went when we had the Den/office redone  (thank god!!!  *shakes head* )




the wood is where the linolium(sp) was in the Tug-Tug pic and we had a half wall built in, instead of keeping in fully open like it was (though his parents had a half wall of juck there.  and we had new carpet put in as well. 


width=318 height=480http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/Red2111/Re-modling/before/10-25-2007-09.jpg[/img]


^ what it originally looked like.  the dark panneling had to go  (it was all throughout the house  :-\ ) 


width=640 height=424http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/Red2111/Re-modling/after/12-7-2007-25.jpg[/img]


^Den area after re-modled




we still have the kitchen, living room and one bedroom/library to go then were done :D  once his parents get the last of their crap out of the attic and living room/sitting room we will be able to start back up on having the rest of the hosue finished. 




<--- Redheaded, Virgo. That's almost an oxymoron.


Far as I know redheads are shoot fire from their eyes, when peeved. Least, I do. *lol*


That firey spirit is what wound me up in the Greens. Battle Ajah and all. Kickin' butt is not only good exersize, its a requirement over there. *rotfl*


Cute puppies...   :)


I came seven years after the sixth child, so I was almost like an only child in a way... so no bathroom sharing for me really... haha.  I'm mainly German and Irish (and a bit of Danish).


Anyway, if you want to discuss HP, hit up the Blue Ajah for sure... May too...  ;D   We also have a HP week every year, usually when the movies come out (now that the books are over).  I think Tessandra (A Red) is really big into it too (though if you're Aiel, you probably know that).   :)


BTW, what do I win, May?!?!  A PONY?!  ;D  All expense paid trip to Ireland?  Hehe...  ;)


Welcome to the white tower Red, and I love that name...though I would because I'm in the Red Ajah...lol


Oh and someone who shares my birthday *hugs*...thats a great day that!


Have fun here, and make sure you pop round all the Ajahs, they are all great fun, and love having visitors... :)


*Huggles back*  May 18th is a great day isn't it :D  not too hot and not too cold most of the time.  i grew up near Andrews Air Force base, and the weekand of my birthday they always had an air show for the Blue Angels going on.  (haven't been to see them in ages)


no fire out of my eyes when i'm really miffed; but i've had smoke come out of my ears a few times.  my mom used to think it was really funny to get me mad when i was little; the color drains out of my hair into my face, and that she woudl laugh at me would only make me angerier.


i do have some beef about the movies though. Warner Bros. has said they will make DH into a two part movie *glare*  ofcourse they could have done this with OoTP and GoF (where they skipped half the book).  and i'm glad that Ralph is finally starting to protray Voldy in the right way, none of this "humanly evil" crap he tried in GoF.  honestly i hated the graveyard scene.  umping around like a kid that needed ritlan.  honestly, Voldy is a regal and insane type of evil; not a hyperactive disorder with a few chromosones missing.   much much better in OoTP though.  Ministry battle was awesome, though i wished they woudl have included the brains lmao  *sniggers at Ron*   


F&G ROCK!!!!!!!!!!  the twins are great  *crys on the nearest shoulder whose read DH*  best characters out of the Weasleys by far.  *glares at Percy*  i still hate him no matter what.  he's worse than Galad.


Wow you do like HP...and I agree atleast defeinatley with OotP they missed out alot, it was by far the longest book and they crammed it all down, way too much. Can;t wait till the next films come out. Last year we had a trip to the cinema to watch OotP on our Euromeet in London...so that was pretty cool, but then there was Nia and Maria there, so we had to go and see it the day it came out... :D


I actually completely hate the HP movies. Hate them with a passion born in the fiery pits of hell!  I love the books, but the movies are just not right. They change things, add things, and what comes out on the screen is often very different from the books. Goblet of Fire is the last movie I tried, and when that turned out worse then the others, I gave up.

Guest nephitess

I was kinda disappointed in the last few movies as well. Love the Books!!!


yes i do like HP alot.  i'm a harry potthead :D


bcx - you should try watching OoTP (only the ministry battle) the battle scene is the best scene out of all the movies thus far.  though i'm forced to go see HBP on the pure fact that its ALL ABOUT VOLDY!!!!!!!!  *jumps up and down madly and huggles Tom some more, narrowly avoiding an AK curse*


i have to agree though; i liked PoA, but thats about it.  the only reason i like that one is because of the dreary feeling. 


GoF was a total disappointment all the way around.  hey left out half the book, extended the stupid dragon scene, and my whole reason for wanting to see the movie (the graveyard scene) was a major let down because of Ralph and his idiotic plan of showing Voldy in a "humanly evil way" when infact there is NO PART OF HUMAN LEFT IN THE DARK LORD  *snorts flames out of nose and hits Ralph Vines repeadetly with my hardcover copy of HBP* 


*takes a deep breath and calms down*  he should have read atleast the chapters concerning Voldemort before doing that scene, no excuse cause the book was out before then and i'm sure JKR would have been willing to let you read the rough drafts of those chapters so you get a clear understanding of Voldemorts true character. 




With the movies though, I get annoyed at some of the little things too. Like, the fact that the Hogwarts grounds full of boulders and cliffs and stuck right flat on the side of a mountain. The books talk about gently sloping wide lawns, etc, but they can't even get that right.  It just reallllllly bothers me. :P  I'm ok though. I'm seeking therapy. :)


^ i understand fully



btw- totally off topic



CHRISTOPHERE WALKIN  for part of DO in WoT movie *walks aroudn holding up my sign for support*


i'd love to see him play this part.  while he doesn't match the voice in the books; i think his voice, loks and swagger are sooooooo right for a bad guy!!! 


*imagines the disscussion at TG with CW's voice*


Rand: I have come to kill you  *holds site key to most powerful male angrael*

DO: *shrug and most charming smile* come on, I'm sure you and I can come to some sort of agreement here.  You seem like an intellegent and well brought up lad.

Rand: *Callalandor appears in hands*  I will not listen to your lies!  Father of Lies!

DO: *spreads hands in a suggestive way and smiles again*  But look at you, your tall, your handsome, you got three beautiful charming broads at your beck and call.  What's so wrong with me wanting what you have.  A little tweak here, a little twist there; badda bing, badda boom, all is right as rain.

Rand: *gets all flustered, blushing and scratching head in a boyish type way*  Yeah they are really Hot aren't they?

DO: *approaches Rand and slaps him on the back in a fatherly type way*  Hot?  My boy, their hotter than SG itself in the dead of summer. 



i'll stop here, but you get what i mean ;)  *snort*

Guest nephitess

*lmao*....I really want you for my minty!! ;D


I have to agree...Walkin would do an amazing job as the DO. He just has that charisma about him *nods*


HUmmmm....*ponders*....James Mcavoy for Rand? He has a sexy accent! ;)




*rushes off to write my parady of the last battle*


*evil grin*


i'm gonna enter it in the Aiel Humor contest; but i'll post a copy of it here as well :)

Guest nephitess

that would be awesome...Oh and i got your PM...Very cool hun. ;) I laughed and was throughly amused. :D


*blushes*  thank you.


i think i'll get drunk and take center stage at the bar & grill and reciet my ode to toliet paper



btw, if anyone is interested in reading either Ode (duct tape or toliet paper) let me know and i will post them here :D  i also have a few HP fan fics as well.  also some X-Files serious fan fics hand written


me too!!!!  but things went down hill once DD sued Fox and CC because Sci-Fi got rights to epi's with out DD getting any of the money.


heard rumor of a second movie too *crosses fingers*  though if it's not witht he originals i don't want anythign to do with it.  Dogget sucks!!!


Oye!!!  the finished parady is posted in the "Aiel Humor Contest" thread.  please check it out.  the title is "The Power of Porn"


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *runs around screaming with bursting joy and does random back flips and cart wheels*


this is like 80 million thousand times better than any HP book or movie. 


<--- must go see on opening night.  any shippers down on the Gulf Coast who want to join me???



*la-sigh*  Mulder in second season with that "Boy-Next-Door" hair cut  *shivers*  soooo hot!!!!  and he still is from what i can see fromt he pics


i have to wonder who they'll get to play as the daughter/son though


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