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A visit from a wandering Apprentice Gleeman


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wow a theme song thanks very much!

i dont think they understnad our system Mynd but i dont mind praise is pay enough on this stage. and think of the royalties ill get off a theme song! ;)..


I did a show a while back for some lads on their way to the Black Tower.  They spoke of this "Asha'Mamma" challenge, where two Asha'Man go head to head in a best of five match up.  The winner is the one who can weave the better YA MAMMA SNAP in each round. 


For example, say Master Eclipse starts off with "Ya Mamma's teefh are so yellow, I can't believe its not butter!"  one should counter with a weave of "Ya Mamma's so fat, she broke her leg and gravy came out!"  It can get pretty rough I hear, but the Dedicateds and Soldiers seem to love it. 


Oh, and please do toss the lad some coin, just like I did.  It will make him look good when he returns to Gleeman Town with a fatter purse.  *motions to the serving maid* Another round, but this time....let's all try some Fade's Piss.....er, that is Kaf, Jack Daniels, and Threefold Oosquai!  Thanks babe!


Ok i guess we should get back to the show...

A poem of battles for the good crowd.


Sunlight strokes steel blades,

Where crowns have broken and died,

Our last battlefield.


Cries rip sterile air,

Tearing us all asunder,

Our ears are victims.


As are our black hearts,

I have done things I will keep

Secret 'til I die.


The heat of battle,

The loss of humanity there,

We are animals.


Animals in war.




*throws some coins on stage*


What? That was good, stop looking at your Attack Leader like that!


*buries his face in his mug*


Very good...*offers some beer to the Gleeman*


Attack Leaders get paid well more than lowly Dedicateds so he can throw the coin... ;D


i like coins too, though beer is good as well.  ;D


so anyway, has the audience a request? flips, tumbles, fire breathing, knife-trickery, stories, poems and songs i can give to you...


*Suddenly, a Black Gate opens and none other than MAZRIM TAIM steps through.  He eyes everyone warily, then steps up to congratulate the gleeman.*


Taim: You have performed well, gleeman.  It has been a long time since I have seen quite a show. When you read A Memory of Light, you will come to understand why I have been gone for so long....Anyways, I was instructed to hand you this....


*AS he reaches beneath his cloak, several Asha'Man quickly embrace saidin....but instead of a weapon, Taim brandishes a small, square piece of cloth....resembling a patch....it looks like this....*




Taim: This patch is a portrait of me and, due to copywrite infringement legalities, is in no way a photo shopped picture of Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat.  We do look a lot alike, you see....but.....


*Suddenly, the RED COUNCIL of the ILLUMINATORS appears.....UNEXPECTEDLY!!*



Council Member CL: Hold on! Hold on, there!!  This gleeman patch is not yet approved by the IBA (Illuminators Bureaucracy Association) and cannot be issued at this time. 


Taim: (sneering at them) Fine then.....what shall I do with it?

Council Member CL: Hold it between your knees! We don't care, it is unauthorized and therefore cannot be issued. (with that, the Red Council disappears) 


{sorry bro, but I gotta wait for the patches to get approved before I can hand them out publicly...}


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