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WT OP Scores (Please read everyone)


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Lulzirony; the second I attempt to locate the Little Book of Novices on the WT site, the site crashes.




Let's hope that's temporary.


[radio edit] Righto, it was!


Now, Jeh... I couldn't tell you when I got my Welcome letter.  I can tell you that my Newbie Quiz was approved and my access to the WT Org/Div granted on January 19th, 2001... and I only bloody remember that because it was my little sister's *thinks* 15th birthday :)  I know I was raised to full Aes Sedai on like.. April 2nd, 2001, but I only remember that because the actual DM boards were down, and I got postponed for a week or so while we were waiting for them to get back up.. and not hard to remember the day after April Fools!


As it were, not everyone else is going to be able to remember that, or the requirements they took (which were different back then), and those records are probably LONG gone.  There is an off-chance that Sabine Ross (who is still sort of on DM) still has them from her tenure as MoN, but that would only cover from sometime in 2000 to sometime in... 2001.  The MoNster after that was Jules, and I've been wondering where he was for years (rumor places him in London now; a comm Blue is working on finding him :D), and I seriously doubt he has any records, as he's been gone from DM for years and years.  And if Sabine had any, it would only be because she never tossed them off her hard drive; the old MoNster page on 100megsfree is long gone :(

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What about Nynaeve? She was MoN for a while I think, right?


Anyway.... as for Mirandha's score - just change her Spirit level to 6 and that should fix it. Thanks :)


*ETA* I always thought that there should be a set of files that gets sent to each Admin from the previous one. That way there we can keep files forever and ever ^^

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Eadon, changing Spirit level to 6 wouldn't help much, i fear.


Spirit 6 costs 6 points, Spirit 7 costs 8, so you'd end up a point short again ^^;


Still, keeping a backup of the Book of Novices as an email on gmail, or as a post attachment on the Staff forums shouldn't be all too hard, and all you'd need to do is make a new backup every month or so.

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And you know, I think that is the general policy :)  But we have had people up and vanish and not remember to pass on data, or sites go down and data get lost, etc.  Backing things up and passing it around is a LOT more convenient and easy these days, thankfully :D

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Kareja is a NSW, she is one of the Green Sitters I believe. *goes to check* Yup she is mine, I don't rp here but you can just adjust her with whatever she needs adjusted with, she is just used for Sitter rps. As for the others, honestly, the records I were given by the previous staff hadn't been updated in over 6 months, so I did all that myself, I went back as far as I could but DM crashed twice and we lost all info from that period. Kara Bankshee I believe is the first bio that Lavinya had and so she kept records until she got to busy with her baby and got sick etc. Before that I believe was Nyna and I don't know if she gave Lavinya records or how that worked. I wasn't on staff at that period and all that staff has left DM and wouldn't take kindly to us talking to them about this. I honestly don't have any clue how to go further back than this and don't know that we need to. As for the ones that are inaccurate, my best idea is to do a spreadsheet of what is wrong, and when and if any of those people come back. We just ask them to please correct the errors. Also I keep a back up on google of the Lil Book of Novices as well as a spreadsheet on my comp, so it won't ever get lost again. When I step down if ever I will pass that stuff over to the new admin. *G*

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Heh, 's all good Jade, we all know you do a lot for the site as it is ^_^.


As for the spreadsheet of what is wrong, that's actually the easy part, as my post on the 4th page of this topic pretty much explains every error i found. The spreadsheet can be easily edited to add the remaining names as the table on the WT site has their strength and skill scores already. Just not the player. Oh well.


Kareja Niatari: Air 9 --> 8, Water 9 --> 8. Strength drops from 32 to 30 as a result, but she can still weave everything she could previously for RPing purposes. Cost drops from 36 to 34, fixing the issue nicely too.


Edited the list on page 4 again, five Actives to go ^^

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And more work done. This time i added the Name, Strength and Skill of everyone that was unlisted into the Novice Book itself. As for the other sections, i left them open as i can only guess that at best. This includes the seemingly obvious character names like Jaydena and Muirenn, which were left open for consistency's sake ;D


The result is, as always, attached to this post. ^_^

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Well, i PM'd the three members whose characters needed to be fixed. From a post i came across, it turned out that Arani's characters had had the wrong OP scores assigned to them (right numbers, wrong elements) so that took care of two out of three for her. These two have been marked as 'Fixed' in my changelog post on page four.


So yeah... All's left to do is await replies in my Inbox so i can get this all finished up and uploaded ^_^


Edit: I'm afraid the scrollbars are going to have to go though. According to Jade, who checked them for me, they showed up perfectly fine in IE, but Firefox completely butchers them. In order to keep the page readable by all, they're axed until fixed as per the next update.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lyssa I'm back. Please move Saline to active as I plan to stay for a while. ;)


I've a question though. If I have WS 5 am I qualified to teach Accepted the defence without the one power course? Please let me know.


Edit: Ack I'm sorry. Just noticed Jehaine is the webmistress. Can you do that instead, please? :D

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Will do, chances are it'll all be done this next round of updates.


Speaking of, no reply from Kirjava or Arani Lepenque yet... Send out a final reminder PM and delay it a week again or simply move them (four chars in all) to inactive status?

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I think they have had time enough sweetie, you have gone out of your way, go ahead and move them in inactive. Well Saline welcome back and by the way I'm Jade over here. *laughs* As for the OP I do believe that qualifies you.

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Saline added to Actives, Kirjava and the Yoshans moved to the Inactives.


Oh btw, Saline's OP Scores are:


Air: 5 (cost: 5)

Earth: 7 (cost: 9)

Fire: 5 (cost: 5)

Spirit: 5 (cost: 5)

Water: 5 (cost: 5)

Strength: 27 (total cost: 29)

Skill: 33+3

Potency: 60+3


In case you didn't have them around ;)

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