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My trails with obtaining Final Fantasy VII


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I think ff7 is the best of the series. I dont own a PS so I figured I would get it for PC since I want to play it again after all these years. Now I come to find out that people are charging like $60+ for this dang game. The worst of it is, it is no cheaper used. I dont know what the F*** happened here can someone please explain it to me?  By the way using rarity as an excuse is not gonna fly for me right now, I have seen new copies selling for 60+ as well. I guess I just wanted to sound off but if anyone can help me find a solution to this horrible problem, my thanks you will have.

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I think ff7 is the best of the series. I dont own a PS so I figured I would get it for PC since I want to play it again after all these years. Now I come to find out that people are charging like $60+ for this dang game. The worst of it is, it is no cheaper used. I dont know what the F*** happened here can someone please explain it to me?  By the way using rarity as an excuse is not gonna fly for me right now, I have seen new copies selling for 60+ as well. I guess I just wanted to sound off but if anyone can help me find a solution to this horrible problem, my thanks you will have.


You should see how much a Prestine SNES Chrono Trigger sells for...


But rarity is definately one reason, another is because of DEMAND, everyone who plays FF, wants FF7...


On a side onote, if you have a PSP, buy Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core.

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I appreciate the reply but rareity is not the issue here. There are many online stores selling brand new copies(for the same as used). I mean we are talking USED here. These are not for collectors. How in your right mind can anyone feel it is okay to charge so much for a used game? I have Chrono Trigger but I would NOT sell it at some huge price(that and I wont sell it at all! lol) I mean sure I can go and download the game from a torrent for free but because I like the game I want to purchase it. I mean clearly I will have to break the law to keep my pockets from being fleeced. Dont get me wrong here, I dont mind buying games, but I will NOT spend 60 bucks on a ten year old game. I dont want to spend 60 dollars on brand new games but I accept it, this I cannot. It seems I have no other options. *sigh*

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I appreciate the reply but rareity is not the issue here. There are many online stores selling brand new copies(for the same as used). I mean we are talking USED here. These are not for collectors. How in your right mind can anyone feel it is okay to charge so much for a used game? I have Chrono Trigger but I would NOT sell it at some huge price(that and I wont sell it at all! lol) I mean sure I can go and download the game from a torrent for free but because I like the game I want to purchase it. I mean clearly I will have to break the law to keep my pockets from being fleeced. Dont get me wrong here, I dont mind buying games, but I will NOT spend 60 bucks on a ten year old game. I dont want to spend 60 dollars on brand new games but I accept it, this I cannot. It seems I have no other options. *sigh*


Like I said, its because of Demand. Supply/Demand, Supply is low, Demand is High, and like all things, they'll put the price at the highest it can go, with out havin ga long shelf life, to get maximum profit. Online stores, may not even have 'shelf space' so they can crank it really high.

Specialty stores, may sell em cheap, but if they know anything, they are going to sell em pretty high, higher then the other used games.


I could probably sell my copy of FF7 for well over $120 if I wanted to.

Though, I'd probably get the console version over the pc version, probably due to less bugs.. (But thats me)

And the PC version is most definately more expensive then the console one...


Though you do have one alternative...


Find every video game rental place in your area, that still has PSX games, and scan till you find it, and offer them say, $30 to buy it from them.

Places like video rental places practically give games (even valueable ones!) away.

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Well my brother has a PS2 so it is possible that I should just buy it for PS but I really want the PC version so I can crank up the graphics and make it look well... just great. If I did run out of options I would have to FIND a ps in good working order and I dont know of any stores that still sell PS games or any rentals either. THAT was a good idea though. Perhaps I will simply have to steal it! Friggin squaresoft.

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Well my brother has a PS2 so it is possible that I should just buy it for PS but I really want the PC version so I can crank up the graphics and make it look well... just great. If I did run out of options I would have to FIND a ps in good working order and I dont know of any stores that still sell PS games or any rentals either. THAT was a good idea though. Perhaps I will simply have to steal it! Friggin squaresoft.


You can play psx games on PS2, you know that right? (same with ps3 ;) )

Square soft isn't hiking up the prices, hell square soft is now called Square Enix, and I believe they stopped producing that game several years back.

The ones who are jacking up the prices are.

A) People who bought excessive copies as a speculative investment on the future, like comic books, buying 20 at a time hoping they'd be worth 20x more in the future, when in relaity you may only make about $5 profit, but thats not including inflation....)

B) People selling there used copies and becuase ofh ow high they are going for.


You would REALLY have to look for a rental place that still rents psx games. And I mean, It has to be an outdated rental place, that still has VHS. Preferably a small town. REALLY small. You'd have to haev hit the JACK POT to find one in a city. ;)

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To be honest I looked everywhere to obtain this friggin game at a decent price. I really dont know why I even wanted it for PC I mean if you look at online reviews it is really qui9te bad. The game seems to crash pretty consitantly unless you have patched the crap out of it, even then it is prone to crashing. I have obtained FF7 after my search. It is fully patched and has still crashed on me about 10 times. *sigh* I never get to win.

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for anyone out there intrested thrift stores and pawn shops are gold mines for old and sometimes otherwise expencive games.  i just found a brand new in box copy of balders gate 2 at goodwill for 10 bucks. last i heard (i wasent relly looking so i dont know the going price for new in box original) they were going for around 30-40 bucks apice.  i know one of our pawn shops offten has nintendo, snes, n64 games for under 10 bucks.

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