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Eadon Sedai

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It's been a while since I've been here  :P So, naturally, I have questions.


1. This is something I was never clear on. I have an Aes Sedai (Eadon, Green Sister)and have RP'd all the requirements using her. When I returned the last time I created a novice (Mirandha). Now, if an opportunity to RP something in the main plot line comes up, can I use Mirandha for a main plot RP? I mean as an Aes Sedai. While the character hasn't completed the req's - at that point in time she would be an Aes Sedai so...is that allowed?


2. Now that we can have 3 Aes Sedai, do we get access to each Ajah's forum? Would I be eligible to be a Sitter in any of those 3 Ajahs?


Thanks  ;D

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1. This is something I was never clear on. I have an Aes Sedai (Eadon, Green Sister)and have RP'd all the requirements using her. When I returned the last time I created a novice (Mirandha). Now, if an opportunity to RP something in the main plot line comes up, can I use Mirandha for a main plot RP? I mean as an Aes Sedai. While the character hasn't completed the req's - at that point in time she would be an Aes Sedai so...is that allowed?

Yes all Novices are in fact retro, it's  a strange system but even though said novice was raised under a certain MON/Ammy/Keeper, once she becomes full rank and her age group is determined, she becomes raised under a previous ammy etc. So yes you can retro her, as once she is raised you will be playing her current timeline as full sedai. Same with Eadon, Eadon can be played full sister in current timeline.


2. Now that we can have 3 Aes Sedai, do we get access to each Ajah's forum? Would I be eligible to be a Sitter in any of those 3 Ajahs?

You will get access to each ajah forum once you reach the level they allow people in. For instance Green allows our aspired accepted in but Blues might not. You have been given access to the Green forum, since Eadon is a full rank Green Sister. You should be able to see it if you look at the child boards. As for Sitter, you can't hold two ajah head positions, but you could for instance be a Sitter in one ajah and a Head in the other one. *G*



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*declares Brown*
















Jade - Regarding my first question.... so I can RP her as a full Sister even before I've completed her reqs just as long as I'm RPing her as Aes Sedai during a current time plot line? I'm just double checking.


Thanks for the answers *hugs*

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Since you've already gone through all the training once on Eadon, you don't have to do it again on your Novice, if you don't want to.  If you wanted to bump her straight up to Aes Sedai, you do have a few reqs to do (see my thread for Lillith Izmorova on the N&A Req board under the Secret Whisper Hole), but they're not.. erm.. too bad, and you can have her Aes Sedai right off :)


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LOL no, because you have already gone through the reqs with Eadon, you can play her at any level, but you need to decide what level you are going to play her in. Is she going to be Novice, Accepted, or Aes Sedai. You can play her current timeline yes as full sister if you want to do some current timeline stuff but you will need to do your reqs if you decide to do her as a novice, accepted, or aes sedai. Yes there are Aes Sedai reqs now. For second characters, they are pretty simple, oaths, rp with ajah, etc. LOL you can retro her back as a novice, or accepted, however you want to, as long as the reqs get done, dosen't matter how you do it. *hugs*

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would the following be correct:


The charachter may only rp at whichever level she is standing at right now.


If she is still a novice, she needs to rp up to accepted, and then AS.


In other words, she cannot rp her character as AS in this IRL timeframe, until she has met all the requirements.


Once all requirements are met, she can start RP'ing as AS in the current RP timeframe. (What I'm not too sure about is if she can pick what age her AS is, then.  IE she doesn't have to start RP'ing as a newly raised AS, but can for instance say she's 90 years old in this current RP timeframe we are in)

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Awe, Jade! *hugs*


I think what she means is basically what Elgee said - since you've done all the training requirements to get to Aes Sedai at least once, you're welcome to play any characters you make on any level.  If you wanted to play Eadon as a Novice again, it's totally fine - just shove a retro tag in the subject line or something.  If you wanted to take your Novice and have her be a full Sister, you just have to do those base requirements for second/third characters, and you can still play her at any level.


The only 'sticking' point, per se, is deciding what age your character is going to be in the main timeline.  If you want her to possibly be a Sitter, she needs to be at least.. erm.. 100, I think?  But if you felt like playing her as a brand-new Sister, you totally have the option :)

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Ok I gotcha. So if something came up in the main plot line right now I couldn't RP Mirandha in it until I get her up to the Aes Sedai level (I want to do the reqs with her).



Also...new question! How many active RPers are there in the WT? What about in the org? The RP planning board is very dead.... So I'm kind of wondering who's around to RP with.

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I think our current membership sits at somewhere around 45 for this Division, I am pretty sure we are the largest Division right now. We had some issues over a month ago and we lost about half our members at that time. They all went to another site, so that's why it's not as active. We are getting some new members and people returning, so it is picking up. *hugs* Ya it seems like no one ever uses the rp planning board, we tend to do our planning in our own division boards for the most part.

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