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Forthcoming Board Changes and Facelift!


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Hello everyone!


The staff has sat down and discussed many things (to exclude shoes and ships and sealing wax, I fear), and one thing that we agreed on was to reorganize our boards.


With the approval of the full staff, the following changes are going to be put to the board admin:


1.  Dragon Reborn Planning board group moved to the top.

2.  All Division boards to be moved into a group called "Divisions" (how creative, eh?).  This will be after the Dragon Reborn Planning board group.

3.  The Congress of the Shadows boards will be getting reorganized.  Ata and I have the plans worked out for that, and it should hopefully make sense to all the Darkfriends, Trollocs, Chosen, and Dreadies out there ;D

4.  The actual RP boards will be moved under all the planning boards.


The logic behind this is that it should make it easier for new people to find their way down here (bwahahahah), as well as to tidy up the boards themselves with the dissolving of the group structure.


This should be going into affect pretty soon (ie - emailing the specs of it all to the board admin in a few minutes!), so just consider this a heads up.  If you have any questions, feel free to pester myself, Owen, or the nearest DL!


Much love!


~The Staff


[radio edit] Durr, I forgot..




The Aiel division is being folded into the Freelanders for the time being due to low membership/Essy stepping down as Division Leader.  We're currently defining what we'd like to see membership-wise before we re-grant it Division status.

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Okay, so.. as you can see, we're all sorted :D


Of course, no plan goes out just as it was written down, so here's a few things that happened that weren't in the original plans:


1)  Divisions called Dragon Reborn Divisions.  Jimmy (Segurant, our new board mod) and I agree that it looks better.


2)  The old Aiel Div boards are currently subordinated to the FL Div boards.  I'm not sure what our battle plan is from there, but at least that way we don't lose any posts.


Otherwise, everything should be nice, tidy, and take a few days of cursing to get yourself around again ;)

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I hope everyone agrees on that :D  I knew Jimmy was fast, but I didn't think he'd have this ninja-whipped out within hours of me emailing him :D


But that's good too, because he managed to catch me before bedtime, so we were able to discuss a few of the points mentioned above together, instead of some things being unsorted overnight and looking silly!

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