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Grand Turismo 5: Prologue


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  • Community Administrator

Of all the racing games ever concieved, GT4 is probably the only 'racing' game I'm actually considering to buy.

What is GT5: Prologue? Its the Prologue to Grand Turismo 5, a game that has a very long due date.


This site has a few of the screenshots that have been released.

As does this.

And this.

And just some eye candy




The game, just looks amazing.

Oh yea, and it has online multi-player. ;)

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that looks relly cool.  i always liked the first two. only racers i ever liked.  corse getting it woul dmean having to admit that platforms are good things, which is somthing i will never doo  :P




I always needed to turn my body the direction I wanted the car to turn! 


i think that is the way most people are caddy. i remember having to bounce my hands to make mario jump.

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  • Community Administrator

that looks relly cool.  i always liked the first two. only racers i ever liked.  corse getting it woul dmean having to admit that platforms are good things, which is somthing i will never doo  :P




I always needed to turn my body the direction I wanted the car to turn! 


i think that is the way most people are caddy. i remember having to bounce my hands to make mario jump.


*Slaps Ironcross's & Cads Hands*

NO! Bad gamies!BAD!


The sign of a real gamer, is the gamer, who makes absolutely no unwarented, no-excess movements that don't help in beating the game.


This is why, the nintendo Wii automatically fails. Instead of embracing this "Don't jump because mario is jumping, or move your body right, when you veer right" Is against the very nature of gaming, and instead, catours to the newbie gamers, who don't know any better, by telling them, "no, its alright! Infact, we want you to do it more!"


From this day on, Cads and Ironcross will be known as Gamie with legs, and Gamie Cross

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Amen, brother!  I have entire conversations with me so focused on a game I'm playing I sound mad.


Other guy: "So, think we should go see Harold and Kumar?"


Me, focussed on game "Yea, whatever....Yes! Kill that zombie Leon!"

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Anyways, how can you not move your body when you're playing Grand Turismo? That's half the fun. Yes, HALF the fun! I know one guy who kept moving his body forwards and backwards when he was playing. Like he was pushing for more speed or something. But that messes up the sideway action. You'll just end up rotating in circle and get dissy or something.

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  • Community Administrator

That's why you should sit still when enjoying your video games.


I think I already covered that in

The sign of a real gamer, is the gamer, who makes absolutely no unwarented, no-excess movements that don't help in beating the game.

Not that anyone cares. ;)

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That's why you should sit still when enjoying your video games.


I think I already covered that in

The sign of a real gamer, is the gamer, who makes absolutely no unwarented, no-excess movements that don't help in beating the game.

Not that anyone cares. ;)

But they're still talking like it's okay.


Gotta go anyway, I just got Metroid and House of the Dead for my Wii.

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