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Grand Theft Auto IV - Now, with Online Multiplayer modes


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one of the main issues with video games is that it either has

A) Awesome Single Player


B) Awesome Multiplayer.


And while the single player is questionably awesome/sucky, the fact that its going to have both, is going to make this game, even more awesome.


Uncharted Drakes fortune, has probably the best single player game created all year. (Or 360 comparative, Bioshock/Mass Effect)

Yet both lack any multiplayer functionality, which leaves playing the game, after 1-3 play-thrus, kinda 'boring'.


Unreal Tourneyment, Halo 3, ect, have shitty single player stories, but multiplayer is just plain awesome.


CoD4 supposedly has a good single player story, 'not awesome' but a great multiplayer.

Lets hope that GTAIV is awesome in both, or at least good. Eitherway, its full of win atm.



Grand Theft Auto IV Multiplayer Modes Unmasked

Logan Frederick posted on 18 Mar 2008 9:19 am

grand theft auto iv, rockstar, take-two interactive

Rockstar has revealed fourteen of its promised fifteen Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer modes.


PSM Spain took a retreat to Rockstar for a world-exclusive hands-on with seven of Grand Theft Auto IV's fifteen multiplayer modes. The majority of games support sixteen simultaneous gangsters.


Each player can customize the character's appearance, gender and race, among other details.


The fourteen identified multiplayer modes identified are:



Hangman's NOOSE

Car Jack City

Bomb da Base

Bomb da Base II

Mafia Work

Team Mafia Work


Team Deathmatch

Turf War

Cops n Crooks


GTA Race

Deal Breaker

Free Mode

Race and GTA Race are violent car races where the host selects the vehicle types and number of laps. Racers can shoot and grenade each other while driving or, if necessary, hijack the opposition's ride.


Options available for modifying Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch include police intervention, pedestrians, traffic and weaponry.


Cops 'n Crooks, a take on the classic "Cops and Robbers" childhood game, has one cop team chasing escaping criminals. Cops can monitor the locations of the criminals via GPS systems, while the criminals have no idea where the cops are but only have to escape the area to win.


In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, you play as one of Kenny Petrovic's mafia henchmen. Your mob boss will call with hit assignments that you must fulfill before your enemies do.


"Hangman's NOOSE", a single-player mission, features co-op play. The leader and his team must escort a mobster while avoiding a SWAT team



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I'm thinking of getting Xbox Live, but my bank screwed me over and suddenly I have Visa Electron. I can hardly use the damn card for anything. So I have to get in touch with my bank to get a real Visa, but they seem to never be open! Might have something to do with it being Easter. If I get Xbox Live, I'll do my best to show up on one of these gaming nights. Problem is, it's gaming evening for you guys and gaming night for me. :P

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  • Community Administrator

I'm still waiting for cross-platform-gaming action.


Come on, you know you want to pop some caps in those ps3 users asses on xbox live right?

(as far as I know, theres only 1 game, that has multi-platform servers,and one thats pc<->console. I was seriously hoping UT3 was going to have PC <-> PS3 servers, but alas! /cry)

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  • Community Administrator

I think xbox players would win cause we can talk on our games.


Yeah... still griping about that...


I've said it once I'll say it again,

YOU Can talk in the games on the ps3, it just happens that 1 particular game, has very little talking.

Go buy warhawk if you want people chattering away. ;)

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  • Community Administrator

The only Live <-> PC game I can think of is Shadowrun


Its a shooter I believe, but I don't think thats the full correct name... It sucked on the pc...

but It would be killer awesome for pc<->Console games...


You know how many people say they are better at shooters then someone else, and have no experience going against hard core pc gamers? One of the main reasons for not having pc <-> Console is fear of domination. ;)

UT3, btw has servers that allow for controlls only, or servers that allow mouse/keyboards.

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FFXI  is or was cross console and pc.


As far as gaming night, I don't have COD4 so thats not fair...  *pouts*


I'll be on tonight though, I think the wife should sing on either med or hard depending on the song, but she likes the drums on either easy or medium so we'll see.  I'm only worth a hard on bass, and medium on the guitar and easy on the drums. 


We have a whole lot of additional songs too, so thats not an issue with us.

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  • Community Administrator

Edited:  Okay I'll eat my words as I was wrong.  There is one more game that is for both Xbox Live and PC games other than Shadowrun

Universe at War:  Earth's Assault


never heard of universe at war...

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  • 5 weeks later...

So this game's out in 11 days, the first reviews are in (10/10 from the Official X-Box Magazine and 10/10 from the Official PS3 Magazine, unsurprisingly), the PC version has been leaked (October, apparently) and the Housers are now saying in interviews that rather than doing Vice City/San Andreas-style stand-alone games, they may just design entire new cities and drop them (and the intervening countryside, one would assume) into the GTA4 game universe via DLC.


Impressive stuff.


Sadly, my PC looks like it will seriously not be able to handle the game, nor do I particularly want to wait that long for it. I'll have some serious cash after my move back to the UK next month, so I'm pondering picking up a 360 Elite with GTA4 (most of my friends are on Live, so it makes more sense, plus the 360 has more than one worthwhile exclusive game on it, although I may still plump for the PC version of Mass Effect) at the end of May. This does look like one game that's worth dishing out the cash for a whole console for.

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Actually, PC GTA4 > both, but only if it is compatible with Live and you can play with 360 players, since that's what all my friends have. But I can't be bothered to wait an extra 6 months and my PC will likely need serious upgrading to play it well. The tricky thing is that there are a ton of good PC games coming out as well (notably StarCraft 2 and Dragon Age, not to mention games tht are already out like Crysis), so maybe upgrading the PC and waiting would be better...


Argh! Decisions.

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  • Community Administrator

Actually, PC GTA4 > both, but only if it is compatible with Live and you can play with 360 players, since that's what all my friends have. But I can't be bothered to wait an extra 6 months and my PC will likely need serious upgrading to play it well. The tricky thing is that there are a ton of good PC games coming out as well (notably StarCraft 2 and Dragon Age, not to mention games tht are already out like Crysis), so maybe upgrading the PC and waiting would be better...


Argh! Decisions.


Wel, PC MAY look better then the consoles, or it could be a shitty port. I could care less about playing with 360 players online. ;)

However, MY pc would probably need to be upgraded as well.

But I'd rather play GTA4 on a console then pc. Dun know why but it just seems right...


Now, Age of Conan, thats a PC game I'm DYING to play!


(oh and only thing 360's got on the ps3 version of GTA4, is they get DLC, but only becuase Microsoft paid Rock Star like, 20x what sony paid to get exclusive DLC. Though ultimately its pointless since the game is so damned long by the time ps3 users get DLC (as it is timed for Microsoft) we'll have just finally beaten the game. ;)

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