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So do you really need that many post it notes on the top of your board?  Sheesh, I feel like I'm at my grandma's house for goodness sakes.  Except there are no multi-colered mints in a dish on the coffee table.  And it doesn't smell like old cheese.  *shakes it off*


Anyway, I'm missing a soup ladle, and I just thought some of you might know where it is.  *eyes the Band randomly* 


Now I'm not saying you're all theives, but I have heard some rumors (that I started but you don't know that because inside the parenthesis I am safe from your scrutiny) and I wanted to confront you head on, because I need my ladle to make some vegetable soup later. 


I see that you do indeed have red hands, as was reported to me by my super secret agents inside my extensive CoL spy network.  Alright technically that's just some guy named Dunbar but still, not the point.  Obviously the Red hand's are some sort of advancement mark for someone who's stolen a particularly large item.  Or perhaps a soup ladle, perhaps that of a DM icon. 


Don't get me wrong.  I'm flattered that stealing the soup ladle of the great Justen Diablos is a worthy way to show one's loyalty to your org.  And indeed I hope that whomever took it got some advancement for his temerity.  But I really do need it back now.


*waits with hand outstretched*


hmmmmmmmmmm, okay, so you're going to play hardball huh?  Look, I'll give you one more chance.  I'll turn my back so that the culprit can place my ladle on the ground over there without fearing the wrath of JD.


*turns around and waits*




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*sneaks up and sticks an exploding arrow in JD's back pocket and runs for cover*


The resulting explosion sends JD flying to land on a nearby tent.


Never turn your back on an org full of pranksters. ;D


*picks himself up*  8




*eyes his first action*


I don't think that's possible, I mean I know a lot of people use that phrase but it doesn't seem like a proper use of the English language. Let me change that.


*Get's up off the ground and brushes himself off*


There, that's better.  Now, on to you all.  I don't know who thought it would be amusing to blow ol' JD across this here board but I'll let you know right now it was a bad idea.  I don't think you realize exactly who you're dealing with here.  Not only am I the Prince of Silly, I'm also the King of Empty Threats.  The Duke of Randomness, the High Lord of Treasure Hunting, The President of the Fan Club for Peanut Butter, and of course Chief Court Jester at the Court of the Nine Moons. 


er, what was I talking about again?


*see's the red hands*


That's right, your theivery!  Rest assured Band of the Red Hand, not only will I find my soup ladle, I will also keep my eye keenly upon you to make sure your stealing ways come to an end.  My left eye of course, as my right eye wanders without my controling it. 





A soup ladle? Isn't that an oversized spoon? I'd look at the Infantry if I was you. Lots of spoons there for their latrine digging. It's some sort of team bonding exercise. Or punishment for Recruits. They're your prime suspects.


You could try asking a Redarm. But they are the most corrupt police force around. So good luck if you ask them to help you with this missing soup ladle.


Ah, Corki! Finally a leader type person I can talk too.


The infantry you say?  *eyes people randomly again*  I'm going to need to talk to these infantry people, because I do indeed need my soup ladle.


*watches 12th regiment run around him*


Erm, this one doesn't by any chance ride the 'short' wagon does he?  


*shakes it off for the second time today*


His circles are mesmerizing me for no reason.  It's almost hypnotic because it's just so odd.  *searches around in his pockets and fishes out some stuff*


Alright 12th, I have this 'medication' here.  Most people call them drugs, but really  I'm just a street pharmacist trying to feed his family.  If you take these though, you'll feel better.  *eyes 12th as he continues to run around*  alright then, maybe when you've worn yourself out some.


*places the pills on the ground*


Now, take me to these infantry folk, I warn you Corki, if they've used my ladle for other than the purpose that Sir Johne Ladle invented it for I will have to thwap them.


*gets out his thwaping stick of Dhooooooom*





If you are happy to deal with some Blademasters, of whom there are some feisty women, as well as the Regiment that provides the most corrupt Redarms, be my guest. They'll be along shortly to help you with your quest to find your ladle.


As for 12th, he's just had too much Battle Brew. Ignore him. He'll go away shortly.


I've just had a thought. You may want to speak to the Cavalry. With all their horses, you can only guess the state of their stables. All that manure. The smell. You get the picture. Well, with the lack of shovels they currently have, a ladle may be the ideal piece of equipment to help those poor aquires and pages muck them stables out. You may want to speak to the Knights and Ladys of the Cavalry as well. Oh, and the Pirate too...


*sees the look on JD's face*


Yeah, don't ask!


While we're at it... The archers may have run out of practice arrows.... and knowing their aim... it prolly ended up in the horse much or an infantry latrine :P Or its still stuck in a quiver somewhere... :P


If you are happy to deal with some Blademasters, of whom there are some feisty women, as well as the Regiment that provides the most corrupt Redarms, be my guest.



Ahhh, Kast you hear that? We're being 'preciated....


*Strides up dragging a Recruit along with her by his ear* I told you before and I will not tell you again!! You never EVER touch a Blademaster's weapons without their explicit permission! Now get your pink shiny tush in there and find my watch!! *kicks the Recruit in the recently used latrine and turns around*


Oh, we got a guest? *perks* welcome to the Band, JD. You lost a spoon you say? Tsk tsk... one would think that you of all people could remember how to maintain your possessions, dear.


*A private whispers to BM Gala what has transpired so far and she fixes the MG with 'The Look'*


Don't mind him, JD, most of the time he dunno the front of the back from his own horse, what with all the MG brew he's been drinking. Oh I see 12th has been entertaining ya' in his special way :D


*grabs the said spoon back from Mayleigh*


Sweety, it is not nice to steal things.... *goes to put it back in Corki's pocket* There you go, Chief. All yours again ;)


Now JD..... I wish my bonded was here. Something tells me you'd really love to meet our Footman/Grim/Deathdealer/Footzee/FooFoo/Footy/[fill in random name for multiple personalities here]


I'm Mystica, Blademaster of the Infantry and Editor in Chief of the Hornsounder and currently suffering from a lack of internet at home :( So im forced to reduce my activity, much to the enjoyment of many though, so I continue to bright up people's days. Sometimes I use fireworks though, works faster and is easier on my ol' bones.


say? They wouldn't say anything, Chief. They'd be too busy dying





from laughter *eyes poor 12th crawling outta' the latrines* You gonna' let that Cavvie get away with it, bratlove? ;)


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