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Can i just say..........


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Wales 29-France12



Triple Crown Champions, Six Nations Champions and Grand Slam Champions!!!


It is a good day to be from God's own country......


Cymru Am Bith


I am now off to the pub to commiserate with all the English types who have had such a hard tournament........can you sense the sarcasm?




One Happy Welsh rugby fan

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Awww why so bad Karamia?


Long story short...hectic week involving the Cheltenham race meeting, boss on holiday, stupid customers and 3 trainees to help out.


So when Wales trounced France it really boosted my spirits up!  ;D ;D

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I don't suppose all that bad weather helped improve your mood either Kara, that must had caused a lot of problems from what was said on the TV news.


Yeah..it did. Due to the high winds the Cheltenham meeting was cancelled on the Wednesday so the races were split and added to Thursdays and Fridays already tight schedule instead. So instead of 5 races from Cheltenham each day we had none on Wednesday (which meant I spend the day explaining that; yes, Cheltenham really is cancelled and yes, the races will be run but over the next 2 days and no their bets won't be void  ::)..to practically everyone  >:() but had instead 10 on Thursday and 9 on Friday. However we weren't allowed to add any extra staff. So I had to deal with the extra workload on my own for the first 4 hours, which of course happened to be the busiest time of day!


*sigh* But Wales pulling off the Grand Slam just made it bearable!  ;D


Any how..as Tay says I have Easter weekend off and boy am I looking forward to doing absolutely nothing!!  ;D *snuggles Tay*



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There might be snow - happy rez-day, zombie Jesus!


Doing nothing sounds so splendid... now, if only my mother-in-law would quit trying to talk me on getting started on that nothing-doing a day early.

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aww! Don't you love me no more?? *pout*


That song used to be my favourite songs as a kid (bearing in mind that I wasn't allowed a tv til I left home)


*snuggles Whitewolf and talks about rugby til he's calmed down*  ;) :D

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Favourite songs as a kid?


One of mine was "The Inbetweenies" by the Goodies....and even though Tay will say she doesn't i bet she remembers that as well....not that she will ever admit to it*bg*


I did not have a tv, only the "family" one, but i did get to watch some good stuff, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Not the Nine O'clock News, Monty Python....not much else though.....TV is the Opiate of the masses, much like religion.


Oops straying into controversial territory there......better get back on neutral ground


*Hands Tay and Kara Easter Eggs* ;D

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Owen love, you seem obsessed with making sure people get their easter egg *weg*  Are you saying that we're all tail-lashy and need chocolate to regulate out?


*dodges a thwap and hides behind Kara*

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