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[Movie] Stargate: Ark of Truth


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So this released today and I watched it.  It wrapped up the series nicely and was entertaining.  Little hokey, but that's what the series had turned into... still good fun, and kept me entertained for approx. two hours.

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I'm glad I waited for the final version rather than see the illegal leaked one :P


I'm not sure it was too hokey by that definition ;) It was different, for sure, compared to the rest. Even from the recent episodes :)Being a huge fan of Stargate, I was very happy with the movie, and very pleased with all the wrapping up. :D As Boyo said, It kept me entertained. ;D


I'd like to note the soundtrack as well :D I thought it was great, if a little different. :) But then i like that sort of thing either in a movie or not 8)

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as far as tv episodes streched out into movie leingth go, it was pretty good. a lot better then say star trek generations.  i still wish danel and vala would get together.  (yes i sdid see the last episode, and no it dident count since they dident remember anything)

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The score bugged me in a few places really, otherwise it wasn't bad.  Two major examples were the opening gunfight with Tomin, and then the walking across the world montage for Teal'c.  In the first it didn't fit, the flute and violin combo clashed with the P90 and staff weapons.  In the walking montage, the whole scene was annoying to me, so I'm biased. ;)

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*laughs* Aye the music in the first one didn't fit, But I thought that was the point... ;D Wont go into that more, even if it would only be a spoiler of the first 5 minutes :D


And the Teal'c scene was a little off que... Too much like LotR I think lmao :D But the 'Journey' itself wasn't a bad idea :)

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I don't think it's out in Australia yet. Is it out in Australia yet? I want to see it. When is it coming out in Australia??


Also, Daniel and Vala's relationship should be left awkward and ambiguous. Or at least awkward. Remember her first appearance in Prometheus Unbound? They were hilarious!

Now what I'm hanging out for is some closure to the Jack/Sam question. They never went anywhere with that but hinted it and played with it numerous times, so they just have to tie it up. Don't spoiler me!!

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