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History Lesson #3

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A Tale of Two Towers


Kathana sits high upon her Amyrlin Seat, thinking about pudding and absently listening to the petitioner standing in front of her. I'm the Amyrlin Seat, The Seat, Ohhh Amyrlin am I. Whoop, Amyrlin. I...ooooh a shiny object!


Odilon Sa'Tenzin:    So you see miss Amyrlin. I believe it's not only helpful that you give your blessing upon this water balloon war I intend to take to the Aiel, but necessary.  They've been without water(balloons) for a long time, and as official ambassador of the Band of the Red Hand I believe it's only right that I bring them the gift of water...balloons.


Kat:    I'm sorry, are you the pudding boy?


Kathana looks around distractedly until her eyes light upon a shiny object that she can stare at. Odilon coughs uncertainly and continues.


Odi:    Another thing I wanted to talk to you about was Justen Diablos. It is widely known throughout DM that he is indeed a friend of the White Tower, and spends much of his time in the basement here.  We at the Band have a certain problem with him, as he insists upon flirting with all of our band chicks and attempting to subvert our most prized silly members over to his own org.  It was one thing for him to overthrow Koe, a despot at best. But he's getting out of hand. I ask for a White Tower proclamation condemning him.  Why, he's attempting to turn DM into his own personal cult following.


Kat:    Justen? but he has so many shiny objects he lets me play with.  I don't think I could do that.  For the rest of it, you have the blessing of the White Tower to travel to the waste and distribute water...balloons. Alas sir Odi, all this thinking has put my brain into a tizzy, and I must go eat pudding and take a nap. Toodles.


Recognizing a dismissal when he hears one, because he's heard a ton, Odi takes his leave of the Amyrlin Seat.  On his way out he runs across a face he knows all too well, but didn't expect to see here.


Odi:    Runefin Despana! Whatever are you doing in the White Tower of all places?


Rune:    Odi! Shhhhh. You'll blow my cover man.  I'm here on a mission for the... *whispers* Black Tower.


Odi:    What could you possibly.... ah. It's war then?


Rune:    Odilon, I respect you more than most, but you're asking questions right now you can't know the answers too.


Odi:    Oh, sure, yeah, because who needs ol' Odi anymore huh?  It used to be they'd come running to Odilon for advice and silly. Get a little older and all the sudden people just don't need you anymore.  I get it Rune, I get it. *storms off*


Rune:    Touchy old fart.


Rune continues stealthily towards the room the Amyrlin is reported to be in.  An Aes Sedai he recognizes walks towards him down the hall and he quickly ducks into a small room.  After Jhae passes Rune continues down the hall.  Always careful to avoid any hint of detection.  He Finally reaches the door to the Amyrlin's meeting room.  After checking both directions he stands up to his full height, reaches out with one hand and blows open the door with a burst of the One Power. Striding into the room Rune laces his voice with wind so that it booms through the chamber.


Runefin Despana, Asha'man:    Miss Seat, I have a message from Mazrim Taim, M'Hael.  *Pulls out a sheet of paper* Ahem.  Kat, I'm going to war with you.  Love, Mazzy. *puts the paper away*  Kathana, Consider yourself at war with the Black Tower!  Huzzah!


As Rune strides back through the hole in the wall where the door used to be Kathana looks up from her bowl of pudding, chocolate all over her face.


Kat:    Tell Matalina to prepare for war, war like we haven't seen here at DM in my lifetime.  And tell her also that there may be casualties, and to prepare for the worst.  Oh, and tell her one final thing, most importantly of all.... oooooh shiny object, four o'clock.




The Council of Warders sits around in a triangle room, discussing the war and

why the room is a triangle.


Segurant:    I just don't get it, I mean why a Triangle, how many times do you really see that. It makes no sense.


Matalina:    Segurant, you need to focus man, there are things more important than the Triangle Room of Important Meetings (TRIM)


Segurant:    Right you are Matalina. *takes the floor* The White Tower is at war, and we need to decide on what kind of sandwiches we should make.  I'm pretty much down for anything, though if we could get some sort of selection of various meats and cheeses I think that would be best.


Art Guy Joe:    I could draw some sandwiches.  I mean you wouldn't be able to eat them but they'd be very tasty looking.


Segurant:    I like where you're heads at Joe, but I'm not sure that sandwiches that looked delicious but were unedible would really be that good for morale.


Joe:    Definately true, though I could draw the tasty sandwiches in the hands of some smokin' hot darkfriend girls.  It could be like a theme thing.  Naughty girls who like sandwiches.  I would think the soldiers would enjoy that.


BenT:    here, here!


Matalina:    I think we're all getting off track here, I mean we definately need a tasty and envigorating sandwich to keep spirits and energy up, but we also need at least a rough outline of a battle plan.


Joe:    ....


BenT:    ....


Segurant:    But we're definately having sandwiches right?


Matalina:    Yes.


Joe, BenT, and Segurant:    Whoop!




Kat:    So I can count on your help in the trouble ahead then?


Darksmoon:    I'd like to help Kat, you know I would, unfortunately most of my wolfbrothers are a little timid around Aes Sedai.  How can you blame them when you're constantly trying to gentle them.


Kat:    Yeah but they look so fierce. What with their yellow eyes and such.  It's the mother in me that just wants to gentle them. *pets Darksmoon* Good Doggie.


Darks:    ACk! See, that's what I mean, most of my brothers simply won't accept that kind of treatment.


Kat:    So you're saying we cannot count on the support of the Wolfkin. Bad Dog! That's a very bad dog!


Darks:    That's not entirely true, there are three that have agreed to aid the White Tower, perhaps you can find a use for them.  *nods toward three wolfbrothers near the corner*  Kat, I give you Darren Brightail, Nighteyes, and Aragorn.  They're a little too drunk right now to even realize where they are, but sober em' up and they'll be excellent scouts.  I'm guessing anyway, since I've never actually seen them sober.


Kat:    Awwww, but they're such cute cuddly widdle puppies aren't they. yes they are, yes they ar.... oooooh, shiny collars.


Darks:    Flea collars.  Trust me, necessary.


Kat:    The White Tower thanks you Darksmoon of the forest, I suppose you should go back and do... whatever it is you happen to do.


Darksmoon:    Indeed. Boys, present yourselves to the Amyrlin Seat.


Darren Brightail:    Wha?


Aragorn:    I'm Aragorn pretty lady, but me friends simply call me Gorn. Or they would, if'n I had any. Hey, do you by any chance get porn here?


Kat:    Um, no.


Nighteyes:    I'm Nighteyes, and my comrade is Darren Brightail, he doesn't talk much because of the vast quantities of alcohol he imbibes on a daily basis.  *nods helpfully*


Darren:    Chickn' n' peanut butter, why has't any'ne thought of it b'fore? *throws up all over*  Do you have a fish tank 'round here? I'm f'n hungry.


Kat:    Charming.




(Back at the Black Tower)


Taim:    We Will March on the White Tower at Dawn!


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    No Longer will the White Tower stand in our way of being the Only Tower at DM


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    No longer will young girls mock your over-serious nature or your underdevolped intellects


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    No longer will people view you as easily led automatons who say and do whatever I tell you.




Taim:    Cheer.


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    Better.


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    Alright that time I hadn't even made a point yet.


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    Stop Cheering!


Three of the Asha'man, unable to deal with the fact that they may have upset their idol run full out and leap from the nearest cliff.  Taim shakes his head.


Taim:    Like I said, we'll hit them tomorrow at dawn. First the White Tower, then the world!!!!!


Assembled Asha'men:    ......


Taim:    *mumbles* I really need to get one of those applause signs.


Assembled Asha'men:    Huzzah!


Taim:    Oh C'mon?! Really?! And the other Org Leaders wonder why I'm so pissed off all the time. Sheesh!




(A Lonely outpost along the battlefront)


Livia Corsinari:    What do you think tomorrow will bring Rico?


Rico:    It could bring many things, which is why we should live life to the fullest tonight.


Elisabeth Ash Dupree:    oooooh, you're so wonderful Malderico.


Rico:    Aren't I though?


Myselle:    I'm scared Rico.


Rico:    Don't worry, Mysie, I'll protect you.


Off in the distance voices can be heard.


Boyle:    Didn't Rico say he was going to go get the girls and be right back?


Lefty:    That's exactly what he said. wait. what? who likes the color orange?


Boyle:    Light you're stupid.


Lefty:    Yes I am.


Boyle:    *looks around one last time*  Damn that little manwhore. Guess we'll just have to get drunk instead.


Lefty:    Instead of what?




(The Ogier Stedding)


Darkwood:    I call before the stedding a matter of great importance in the world. I'm engaged, and Taelia and I will be getting married sometime in the next 25 years.


Elder:    Wonderful, I congratulate you both, perhaps we should have some sort of celebration for the next few weeks.


Tae:    Hurray for my upcoming wedding. 


Darkwood:    Also, on my trip to find my bride I heard some discouraging news of a possible war between the BT and WT.


Elder:    Matters of the outside world are not ours, we will let the humans fight each other.  For now let us celebrate Darkwood's wedding.  For he is a huge loser and we never thought it would happen for him.


Darkwood:    Hey!?


Darkwood is then whapped by his mother, who is of course wearing her finest hat for the occasion.  Darkwood's father, already piss drunk jumps up on a table, drops his pants and yells.


Darkwood's Dad:    HOW'S THIS FOR HASTY?




Justen:    Does everyone know what they're doing?  Steel Blade, you'll handle the front lines, the army will follow you.  Most of the lead warders are going to be busy on sandwich duty.  Paityr...


Paityr:    Yeah!?


Justen:    Nothing.  Ashera, is the Eye of the Light in position?


Ashera:    We are sir, Rico has taken most of the junior spys along with Boyle and Lefty Longsword near the front lines where he can scout them out.


Justen:    Scout who out? The enemy or the junior spy's?


Ashera:    Hopefully both.


Justen:    *nods* Excellent work Ash.  *eyes Ash*  by the by, um, erm. *is smooth with the ladies* got any, ah, plans for, ah, later?


Ashera:    Actually, *blushes* I'm with Maec.


JD:    The Essex girl?  Oh, I didn't know.


Ashera:    No, Maec's a guy.  He just kinda enjoys wearing women's clothing is all.


Justen shakes his head and wonders how he ever got caught up in such a crazy org.


(Night Passes into Morning.)



Jhae:    Kat, it's the BT boys. They're coming.


Kathana rises from her throne of great power and checks on the advance of her enemies.


Kat:    oooooh, their coats have shiny pins on them! We should do that! Make a note!  Emmilith, take over the defenses, I'm going to talk to our shiny pin maker and see what I can come up with.


Emmy the True:    Very well, Matalina, are we prepared?


Matalina:    We are Emmilith Sedai.  We estimate the enemy has over 400 male channelers, along with an army roughly 15,000 strong.  We have a slightly higher number of true source adepts, unfortunately our army is dwarfed by theirs.  Even with the aid of Justen and his band of whitecloaks we're outnumbered 3 to 1.  We should have enough sandwiches to last at least 4 days though, provided no one indulges themselves. 


Emmy the True:    What's our best hope for winning this war then?


Matalina:    Winning? Hah, very slim indeed.  Our best hope is to last as long as the sandwiches, because they're very good.  Depending on attrition we may even be able to go a full week.  After the sandwiches are gone however, there's no point in going on.


Emmy the True:    Justen will think of something, he always does.


Matalina:    Well, he did bring the drinks.  Nothing goes with a sandwich like an ice cold coca-cola.


Emmy the True:    Indeed.  Yet I would do anything to prevent this war.  There can be no good outcome.


Matalina:    *nods sadly*  Want a sandwich?



(Outside the Shining Walls of Tar Valon)


Taim:    Is everything in place?


Rune:    It is your greatness.  Soon enough the White Tower will be on it's knees. Humbled before your shining greatness.  And so on and so forth.


Taim:    Rune, I sense you lack the conviction of your brethren, do you not worship the very ground I walk on for no other reason than because I'm your org leader?


Rune:    Que? No Hablo engles.  Donde esta el bano?


Taim:    What?


Rune:    El perro de Justen es blanco.  El perro de Justen hace 'bow wow'


Taim:    You trouble me at times Rune.


Before Taim can continue, another asha'man enters, leading two oddly dressed men.


Davrem Hightower:    Lord Taim. *fist to heart*  We are honered to be in the presence of The Emperor of Seanchan.  All bow before the magic chair and understand it's importance.


Empy:    I made a poopy!


Furyk Karede:    Yes, yes Emperor, we know. Good job. *gives the emperor a lolli pop*  We're here to help you defeat the damane, because our cult says we must collar all women past the age of 15 who show the ability to channel and make them serve the magic chair.


Taim:    *nods* Makes sense.  I'll be glad for your help.


Empy:    I like Lolli's!  Let's play the booger game!?  *sticks his finger in his nose*




(It begins)


The Black Tower's assembled might attacks, and the forces of Tar Valon are immediately pushed back.  I could go on at length talking about battle stuff but lets just let that go for now because you don't want to hear about it and I don't want to write about it.  Basically the BT is winning, WT losing.  There it is, summed up in a nutshell.  Though how we got it into a nutshell is a good question, because there's still a nut in there. 




Just as the line is about to break arrows begin to rain down upon the army of the BT. 


Justen:    What? Where?


Lilli Mandragoran:    Justen! The Band chicks have arrived to save you.


And indeed all along the battle front members of the Band of the Red Hand were entering the fray.  And their leader... could it be? Odilon Sa'Tenzin.


Justen:    Odi! My Brother!


It had indeed been too long since the JD had been around his old friend and mentor, for he could feel himself getting choked up watching the King of Silly in the midst of battle, throwing insults that cut like a knife.  Beside him Ehlana, queen of battles, was whapping away with a large herring, the BT boys no match for her fish slapping ways.  Indeed, all along the front lines the BT was falling back, content with letting this first skirmish end in a virtual tie. 


Lilli:    They'll be back though, and in greater numbers.


Justen:    You managed to buy us a little bit of time though.  What we need to do is open negotiations.  Something to keep them off our doorstep for a moment.


Ehlana:    *whaps Justen with a large mouthed bass*  You're right Justen.  What's your plan?


Justen:    Well, I do know some of the Asha'men over there, perhaps I can arrange a private meeting with them.


Odi:    Will there be backrubs?


JD:    Um, why would there be backrubs?


Odi:    Well, every time Paityr talks me into having private meetings to discuss CoL BotRH relations he insists on backrubs.


Ehlana:    *eyes Odi*  But how will we get someone through their lines to arrange the meeting?


Lilli:    Maybe we could have someone grab a black coat off of one of their dead eh?  Dress em up, pretend he's from the BT.


Ehlana:    Yeah but, where are we going to find a mindless drone who has none of his own opinions and pays no attention whatsoever to his surroundings?


Justen:    Ashera!  Go get me that Essex Girl of yours.




Under a flag of truce and good will Mazrim Taim and Kathana both ride forth from their respective armies to have a brief meeting.


Taim:    Kat.


Kat:    Mazzy.


Taim:    I don't see why you just won't let me blow up your tower.  It'll make my guys happy.  We won't hurt any of you, we just like to blow stuff up.


Kat:    But, the tower is so shiny! I can see it from here even. look.  oooooooh shinyness! Whoop!


Taim:    Well, um, if you don't surrender now I'm taking DM down. So there!


Kat:    You always say that. But you're such a softy you never really mean it.


Taim:    Softy? Bah, I'll take it down, just see if I won't.  I'll pull it right off the internet and you can all just go to some cheap message boards somewhere. Then what? eh? MWHAHAHAAHAH.


Kat:    Silly Mazzy, you know you love us too much to do that.  Now give me a hug and take your army home. 


Taim:    Nope, this time I'm serious.  I'm thinking if we can destroy the White Tower maybe my guys will unbend a little bit, maybe one of them will crack a smile from time to time.  You know what they like to do at my orgs OOC board? RP? Why? Why must they do that to me? 


Kat:    Maybe you made their coats too tight.  My girls all love to be silly. wheeeee.. ooh, shiny object. *plays with Taim's sword*


Taim:    Hey, stop it, you're going to hurt yourself. Kat! I'm serious. I'm going to shut DM down. Don't make me start counting 1... 2...


Kat:    *drops the sword*  I need pudding. Bye Mazzy, please get off my lawn.


Taim:    Durn, foiled again!




(In a back alley somewhere)


Justen:    Will they come?


Rico:    You've asked me that like 7 times already.


JD:    What did you answer?


Rico:    Yes, yes, maybe, why do bears crap in the woods?, yes, possibly, and you've asked me that like 7 times already.


JD:    good answers.


Rico:    I thought so too. *nods*


Justen nods


Just then a group of three asha'men enter, Rune at the forefront, Davrem coming in second, and last but certainly not least...


Skechid:    Justy Poo


Skech takes a flying leap and ends up atop Justen.


JD:    Ack, Skech you have to stay in character, this is a story.


Skech:    But you're papa. *pounces*


JD:    *shrugs*  Alright then.  Anyway, you know why I've arranged this meeting right?


Dav:    You're trying to save the WT from being destroyed by us because we're um, better n' stuff.


JD:    Something like that. Can it be done, can you guys be talked out of this?


Rune:    Well, it would help if you weren't constantly mocking us you know.  No one in the tower really appreciates your constant attacks on members of our org. We're not stupid you know, nor are we uptight. We laugh, ya know, sometimes.  We don't giggle histerically all the time like your silly arse does. 


Justen:    Little touchy are we.  Yeah I know I pick on the BT Ashaba'men too much, but ya'll are so serious all the time.  Didn't I see an RP on your OOC boards once, or, twice. Or like, every day.  It's all good to love your org but isolationism is what brought down ancient Rome.


Dav:    I'm fairly certain that's not true by the way.


JD:    Whatever, you get my point.


Rune:    I'm just saying your attacks are uncalled for and hurtful.


JD:    Well *sticks out his tongue at Rune*  How do you like them apples.


Rune:    Yeah real mature.


Just then Lilli and Ehlana enter the room.


Rune:    Wow.


Rune looks at Lilli and instantly falls in love.  Justen looks from one back to the another.  *idea bulbs pop about the spymaster's head*


Justen:    Alright Skech, get off me, I have an idea. Skech, seriously, you can come by the Dome later this week and stay over. You and all your BT friends. I'll tell stories and make cookies.


Skech:    Promise?


JD:    Yeah, it'll be fun. Now get off me, I have an idea on how to end this war.  *randomly pounces skech and runs from the room yelling back*  Get me Mazrim Taim, have him meet me outside the walls of Tar Valon.


Rune:    So, band chick, you come here often?




(somewhere inside the tower)


JD:    So you'll do it?


Emmy the True:    I have always thought he was kinda cute.  Do you really think this will avert a war?


JD:    I mean, who are you talking to here?


Emmy the True:    That's not really that reassuring.




(Outside the Shining Walls of Tar Valon)


Mazrim Taim rides alone up to the three people standing in front of Tar Valon. I mean I guess they'd technically just be standing East of Tar Valon, because how would one decide where the front of a city was? Being as it's 3 dimensional.


Taim:    Now, what is this about Diablos? You know I'd rather dip myself in honey and .... wow.


Taim stares thunderstruck at the sight before him.  Emmilith Sedai, in a beautiful dress, hair done, all that jazz.  Pretty girl, you get the picture.


Taim:    So er, come here often?


Emmy the True:    You don't really want to start a war when you could take me to dinner instead do you?


Taim:    Nope!


Taim scoops up Emmy, who giggles happily (because apparantly she digs the Taim) and off into the sunset they ride.


JD:    Good deed for the day? check.


Segurant:    So we have a grip of sandwiches now.  You want to go tear into em?


JD:    Why do you even need to ask?  Hey how come everybody hooks up but me?


Segurant:    Because you're a narcisistic loner who would rather crack a joke than delve deeply into your own emotions.


JD:    Good call. 








Jeez, you'd think I was an incompetent nincompoop if all you knew me by were these stories.


You'd never know I was such a dashing hunk o' man meat.




if only I had a time machine and could go back to live the glory days.


(Emp's sad because that means I wouldn't be married to him.  He says that he would have married Justen instead because he is hot and manly).


(Edit: "and musky")

  • Moderator

It has been years since I thought about the Amyrlin HEAT.  Thank god, because this Org really needs a bit of Latin spice to it.



*comes to and blinks in confusion*


Heya cutie... stand back a bit, or else I'm going to get a tan ;D


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