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March Madness in the BT!


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Yes, we've gone mad! Clearly! We're a bunch of male channellers, it's to be expected, right? Anyway, what does this mean for you? Free promotions!


This offer is open to all current characters, as well as any new characters you wish to create this month.  What we are giving you is one free rank rise per character - so current soldiers can rise to dedicated, current dedicated can rise to Asha'man, and new characters can start as dedicated. Not part of the division, but been contemplating it? Why not start out as a dedicated and skip a whole bunch of requirements?


To be eligible for your promotion you will need to post to the dedicated thread on the BT board and let me know your character and their current rank. If you are making a new character, post there once your bio has been approved and posted for CCing. Tell your non BT friends to come and take advantage of this awesome deal, as it can only last this month!

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Alternatively, you could create a male channeler that you'd play as if he were female. All that needs changing basically is swapping Saidar with Saidin, and she with he. An ambiguous name will take care of the rest post-wise.


Trust me, to some people that's about as disturbing as it can get XD

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That's with the weird... I figure if I ever do play a male, I'll play him in his own gender - just need to get round to studying males a bit more, I guess; try to get their viewpoints and things.  But not now - too much going on <3

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