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Multi-Platform games, not always better on the 360?


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  • Community Administrator

This article destroyed any credibility when it's major victory for the PS3 over the 360 in assassin's creed was that the free running was activated by holding the Right Bumper(R1) vs 360's Right Trigger.


They both use the same freaking finger. 


That was one victory, where everything else was tied, or exceeded by the 360. (meaning, 360 doesn't require a patch, nor does it have certain slow downs/glitches in gameplayes in crowded streets).


You use the same fingers, yes. But compare the size of the ps3 controller to that of the 360, Same finger, different locations.

They said themselves, that controls were just their own prefrence.


Now, go finish the article. :P

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It always turns into a flame fest.


Sd, for real?  The 360 layout was more than fine it was excellent, and holding the trigger is quite comfortable.


I read the article, but to be honest, one of the posters made a good point.  How can you call yourself honest and be addressing recent ports, and skip The Orange Box, or Lost Planet.


I could make the PS3 look like a stuttering POS by cherry picking the games.  You could do the same to the Xbox too. 

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Well, they probably didn't do the orange box, because it contained 3 games. (5 if you count the episodes)


As for lost planet...


Assassins Creed, Released November 13th, 2007,

Burnout Paradise, Released, January 22, 2008

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Released, November 6th, 2007

Devil May Cry 4, Released, Febuary 5th, 2008



Lost Planet

Released on 360, January 12th, 2007 (dec 21st, 2006)

Released on Play Station 3, IN JAPAN Febuary 21, 2008, US released, Febuary 24, 2008


Mind you, they said


"Games that were Triple A Titles"


"Are Multi-Platform Games"


Plus, it might help, that the ORANGE Box, wasn't 'developed' for the PS3, by VALVE, but by EA. The 360 & PC Versions were done by valve, so that in and of its self 'might' have disqualified them, if the developers for,

Assassins Creed,

Burnout Paradise

Call of Duty 4 and

Devil May Cry 4 were ported/made for the other consoles, by a company other then the orginal


Plus, just to top it off, Lost Planet & Orange box, would fall under the category of a Port, and not a 'multi-Platform title, which is a game that is developed and released by the same company, for multiple consoles. (Obviously orange box would be disqualified from that)

Lost planet would have to be to, since unlike the above games, they weren't releasead at the same time, or anywhere near the same time (like orange box was 2 months later)


Now, name some other multi-platform titles, that came out for 360 & PS3, at or near the same time, that are Triple A titles, and was developed as a multi-platform title, and not just a crappy port.

(You could argue against DMC4 being qualified, but why would you take away a win for the 360? ;) )



Fixed the release date of Lost Planet in the US.

Wiki isn't fully updated apparently. :P

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Thats true in most cases, However the ps3 does have the advantage in some games. that Advantage is called Dedicated Servers, generally player made dedicated servers. Its like if you play games like, counter-strike, Battlefield, Unreal Tournement, ect. Dedicated servers kick the pants off of any of those 'p2p' connection 'servers' that the xbox loves to use. (thats where you have 2+ players, connected to the each other, and the 'server' is there not to host the game persay, but more or less as a medium that tells where the two should be connected, and to 'chart' the score, the actual 'hosting' is on the players' console, and not another server)

In most cases, xbox live somehow uses there online-service to make those types of gameplay, NOT suck. (/Cough The Darkness /Cough) Now I'm sure some xbox games use dedicated servers, though from my understanding, most use the p2p type of connection and not dedicated servers.


(Most Multi-platform titles, with multi-player use the shitty p2p connection type, where as exclusives/timed exclusives generally use dedicated servers, however, If i'm not mistaken COD4 is the exception to this rule.)

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Sin... how much do p3s games cost?  About the same as 360?


I can not tell you how close I am to buying a PS3.


Man lazy!





Does that answer your question?

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  • Community Administrator

Give me the big sell Sin.  Make me want this.  I won enough in Vegas to throw it down on this system. 



Current Blu-Ray Player $399, as is, Blu-Ray Profile 1.0



40GB PS3, $399 Blu-Ray Blu-Ray Profile 1.0, upgradeable to Profile 2.0 and beyond. Able to Play PS3 games, ect. Is not Backwards Compatable with PS2 games. (Not a problem if you don't have any ps2 games, or don't intend to buy any in the future.)


However, You could wait till June 12th or so, and get the the 80GB PS3 MGS4 Bundel with Dual Shock 3 Controller. But thats $499. ;)

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Does the 40GB come with a dual shock controller?


What games would I pick up.  If I had to choose one to start, what would you suggest?


Upgradable to 2.0?  Is this going to cost me down the road?


The DS3 isn't currently releasd in the United States, it'll be released around June, so No. You'd be able to get it with the 80gb/MGS4 bundle, or seperately when it comes out.


Profile 2.0, is a patch for the ps3, its free. Profile 2.0, is escentially what allows it to show those special features like, Pip (Picture in Picture). Old Blu-ray players, have no hard drive, or flash drive to be patchable, and aren't able to connect to the internet. Profile 2.0 is escentially the new standard for blu-ray players. And one of those standards is, the ability to connect to the internet, and be able to use the new features (like pip). Obviously, the PS3 is 'above' the standard...


As for games, The only one I'd recommened is Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. However, it has no online play, so you might want to also Pick up Unreal Tournament 3. (You can even use your PC Mouse & Keyboard. They either need to be USB Wired/Wireless, or blue-tooth. The ol' fashioned end for the keyboard/mouse, doesn't work...  Most Mice/keyboard work with the ps3, so no 'official $200 sony keyboard to use em' You might want to use a keyboard when you get it for making yoru 'account'. ;)



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So I am looking at 400 for the system, 50-80 for the HDMI and another 70 for a new game.  Plus probably 30 for a Blue Ray DVD. 


What about Resistance?  Any good?  How is it online?


You'd be an idiot if you bought a $50-80 HDMI cable.

www.monoprice.com you can buy a $5 HDMI cable. Monster/Official Sony HDMI cables, are OVER PRICED.




Everything else is about right though.

Resistance is just another shooter, its single player is 'fun' I guess, its multi-player is basic deathmatch/defend or whatever. Servers are pretty good though. (It was a launch game).

I'd get Unreal Tournament over Resistance, if your more into the multi-player. If you want 'single player story/campeign' resitance. (Though I still haven't beat UT3's 'campiegn' which is nothing more then a glorified tutorial showing off every level. ;)

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Come on... is that $5 HDMI just as good as the expensive ones.  Something seems off there.


Yes, they ARE exactly the same thing.

The main thing about monoprice.com is you need to make sure you get the right cable. Theres something like 3 types of HDMI cables, and I believe the one I linked is the right one. I'll double check it later, but if you get the right type of HDMI, a $5 and a $60 are identicle. Monster Cables, your basically paying for the box.

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Basically your looking for an HDMI male/male cable, thats 1.3a Category 2 Certified.


So the above one,


that one, ect.

Really as long as you stay under 6', the cables will be just as good quality, as the 'high-end' brand cables. (Same goes for 360, assuming the 360 uses an HDMI cable, thats male/male on both ends (which means you Can use it on the ps3).


The only time a 'spendy' cable is worth it, is when your spanning long, long distances (past 20 feet or so), and have a really really large, high end tv, and even then, the differences are barely noticeable. :P

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If you have lots of transmitting devices (wireless routers, cordless phones, baby monitors, a ham radio) and a rats nest of wire tangled around the cable then the extra money for sheilding can make a difference. 


I hate my neighbor because his ham radio used to cause all kinds of interference with my old RCA cables.  When I switched to HDMI I splurged on a sheilded one, so no more troubles.

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  • Community Administrator

Errr Ham radio?


Wouldn't it be hand radio... or I missing some lingo here.


I have this visual of a ham with an antenna coming out of it.


You've never heard of a ham radio?



I mean... How can you say you've watched 80's movies, and never once heard the term!? :P

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