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[TV] America's Next Top Model - CW Wednesdays 8pm


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It's Baaaaaack!  I'm gonna TRY to keep up with this recap here if I can.  Here's a copy/paste of my thoughts from my Live Journal.


Dang it! I missed the first episode! So I'm watching it now at lunch.


Ok, so who didn't know that Tyra was gonna bust outta that sign on the stage?? I love this show for it's predictability!


There's a couple of Gorgeous girls so far.


Amy from Oklahoma is fun. I hope she makes it. She's GOT to be cast for the pure TV entertainment value.


Dominique I thought was fantastic until she opened her mouth. That girl's gotta lotta hate.


Fatima is AMAZING gorgeous! She just needs that makover for some new hair. I love, though, that she's already pissed the other black girls off for being too Ghetto. It's funny that the girl who's Actually from Africa is calling out the African Americans for being trashy. For the record, they weren't being THAT trashy. Fatima's just extremely classy and a little uptight. It's still funny though. Oh dear, now she HAS to make it. She suffered circumcision. Not only is that horrible and a good chance to talk about horrible things that happen to innocent people in the name of "because that's what we do," but it's also a soapbox issue. And soapbox issues are great for TV.


Katarzina is crazy beautiful. She's Polish and has a pretty accent.


Shalynda is also crazy beautiful. Although she's auditioned for ANTM 8 times. I think that should be a hint. Ooh, and if you tell someone you are a bitch, you shouldn't get mad if they ask you if they can call you bitch. You walked right into that one.


ok, I was only gonna talk about the girls I liked, but Lauren is just so much of a trainwreck I couldn't help it. Wow. I don't know if I ever saw a walk as bad as that one. Definately the ending walk pose was the worst in ANTM history.


Ok, and the Dance break was Awesome!


Amy is beautiful and has left Mormonism. This cold be good stuff for TV. 18 year old rebellion from Mama.


Marvita is back. She's another on the list that I wasn't going to talk about. That girl ain't changed! She's still just as pissed as always. Tiffany changed. Marvita? Nope.


Claire is another one I like. She's very natural-esque. Not like hairy legs and armpits, she just reminds me of a very natural girl.


The only one I've listed that didn't make it was Shalynda. I'm not surprised. I mean, seriously. 8 times. That's a sign it's just not meant to be.


And for those of you who loved FourFour's recaps the last couple of years, here's the link to his blog.  I will not be re-posting the link every week and also a warning that some of his commentary isn't PG-13, so it may not be appropriate for some folks.  http://fourfour.typepad.com/fourfour/antm/index.html

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Ah luuurves this show. It's my guilty pleasure. HORRID, yet addicting all at the same time. Sort of like crack... not that I know anything about crack.  :P


Mendorah - I caught the last little bit of last week, so I'm not sure who is who yet, but I plan to watch the whole ep tonight! I'll try and keep up with you as it progresses.  ;D

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I have to watch this show with the wife too. 


I so very much HATE Tyra.  It is all about Me Me Me.  I am the homecoming queen and look... I can act too.  See me faking I am upset.  Now here are your T-Shirts with your weight on them.


Why did they keep that tomboy punk girl over some of the others.  She doesn't seem to care about being a model, so obviously she will not win. 


And why the overly tan "I am better than all of you" girl?  Sheesh.

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I accidently started to watch Canadias top model (season 2, we're a bit behind when it comes to this kind of shows), and actually continued. The lack of Tyra banks made it quite bearable to watch. And of course, this extremely Canadian chick who added an 'eh' to every third sentence ;D

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I used to really enjoy this show, but was so utterly disappointed with the last cycle I'm not sure I have it in me to watch this one. Perhaps I'll give it a shot though.  :-\

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I used to really enjoy this show, but was so utterly disappointed with the last cycle I'm not sure I have it in me to watch this one. Perhaps I'll give it a shot though.  :-\


Yeah, last season was Extremely disapointing.  I barely watched the last half of it.  Although I Did really enjoy the photo shoot on the Great Wall of China.  That was a cool shoot.


It's my guilty pleasure. HORRID, yet addicting all at the same time. Sort of like crack... not that I know anything about crack.  :P


Yep.  Crack is a good analogy, actually.


I have to watch this show with the wife too. 


I so very much HATE Tyra.  It is all about Me Me Me.  I am the homecoming queen and look... I can act too.  See me faking I am upset.  Now here are your T-Shirts with your weight on them.


Hehe, I Love Tyra.  She's so rediculous.  I love it.  I even watch her talk show sometimes.  Because there's every so often a gem of a moment where she asks her guest if she can touch her boobs or where she'll ask an uncomfortable sex question or something like that.  She doesn't Care.  She embraces her rediculousness.  She's a Drag Queen Oprah.  Pahahahaha!  OMG, I just realized that her talk show isn't THAT much different from RuPaul's old talk show!  Wow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw the most recent ep on Sunday... They sent Amis home, because she's a complete nut job. Seriously.


Lauren did HORRIBLY during the runway show, and then was insulted that Paulina said she looked like she didn't even want to be there. OF COURSE she looks like she doesn't want to be there, she basically ran awkwardly down the runway, immediately turned around and ran back. No confidence, no pose at the end, she really did seem like it was some punishment that was being administered. It looked like "I hope no one is looking at me!" which is really sort of senseless from someone who claims to want to be a model, lol.


The judges are definitely starting to dislike Fatima, despite her face. She has a terrible walk, and can't pose at all.




You can try and catch up here: http://www.sidereel.com/America's_Next_Top_Model


I haven't tried any of the links so I don't know if they all work, but it's there if you're desperate!

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Thanks So much for that link, Cads!!!


I caught up not only on ANTM, but also on Project Runway and I started Rome, hahahaha!


Ok, I have to say that I was SO upset when Marquita gave up.  I mean, she literally just Gave Up!  And she had So much potential not only in the competition, but also for Great TV fodder.  She argues, she's funny, and she drinks beer on TV (in fact, I think she and what's her face the artist were drinking Malt Liquor!).  I originally didn't want her on the show, but she sure grew on me and I'm sad that she gave up.

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I agree (and I loved the scene with the 40oz), but I could also tell from the beginning that she was too confused within herself to make it all the way. She wanted it, but started the competition already doubting herself. It's sad that it became so strong that she left this early.


I am loving Claire. I thought she was stunning at the first ep, and she continues to do very well without irritating me.  ;D

Her milk thing was a little weird, but she isn't self-conscious about it (or anything else), and doesn't need to drag attention to herself, which is a quality I appreciate. I think she, Katarzyna, and Anya are going to make it far, but the others are iffy.


Lauren is interesting, but I can't decide if I really like her or not. I definitely liked her better at the beginning.


I am SO glad the princess bitch is gone. Her personality showed on her face all the time, and I couldn't stand either.



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