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Good and Bad News


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Bad news first:


I am stepping down as Division Leader.  While I enjoy doing the job I am finding my real life is leaving me little time to do both adminstrative duties and RP at DM.  So in order to do what I like doing at DM I am resigning my position as Warder DL.  It has been a good run.


Good news:


While not completely official till you hear it from Owen, Eqwina will be taking over the helm of leadership in the Warders.  She has proven her self capable and I wish her the best of luck in running the show.


I will still be around doing the Master at Arm duties (promoting TGs and Warders) and rping with Sasha when I can but I can't say that will be alot as real life is taking a big toll on my free time now.



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lol well I don't think a third run would be a good idea (not counting my former Warder Org position hehe).  I love the Warders but I'm thinking that I'll stay away from much leadership here as it's getting in the way of having fun.

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This means we'll have more time to plot devious and fascinating RPs, woo!


And of course, congrats to Eqwina - I'm sure Owen'll be by later tonight (if not, count this the official staff woo hoo!) to wave the shiny flag of new DL-ness ;)

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Bad news first:


I am stepping down as Division Leader.  While I enjoy doing the job I am finding my real life is leaving me little time to do both adminstrative duties and RP at DM.  So in order to do what I like doing at DM I am resigning my position as Warder DL.  It has been a good run.


Good news:


While not completely official till you hear it from Owen, Eqwina will be taking over the helm of leadership in the Warders.  She has proven her self capable and I wish her the best of luck in running the show.


I will still be around doing the Master at Arm duties (promoting TGs and Warders) and rping with Sasha when I can but I can't say that will be alot as real life is taking a big toll on my free time now.




I got to stop peeking in from time to time.  Everytime I do you've either become Division Leader or stepped down as DL.  Yikes.



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Souvan! Haven't seen you in years, bud. Jon'atha here from way back.


Last I knew, way back when, you'd hooked up with Janet, whose DM handle I can't seem to recall. I probably still have a photo lying around. You still together?


That is way back. 


Nope, not with Janet.  That was quite a few years ago. Lost track of Janet after my first year...9 years ago (cannot believe it's been THAT long). 

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