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Sorry guys just needed to vent.


For me there has always been one place in the world where I could go to escape. Every year for, many years, I have taken a week away from the real world and flown down to Mexico.

The accommodations were never lavish, but they were all I ever needed; because it was more than a bed or a room, it was the people and the energy that made Xpuha my second home.


I got an email today from the manager(and friend) of my little paradise, that Hotel Villas Del Caribe was no more. He had only been renting the property, hotel, and restaurant, and the land was sold to make room for condo’s.

Over the years development has slowly crept southward towards my safe haven, I knew that it could not last forever, but I did not think it would be gone so soon.


To truly understand Xpuha X-4 you had to have been there, it was a small hotel, only 20 rooms, with a separate bungalow of two rooms; nothing like the monstrosities that sprung up around it. There was a yoga palapa just off the beach where you could become one with yourself and lose the world. Anyone who stepped foot under that roof was in awe of the energy that surrounded them, and I challenge anyone to find a more amazing beach. The sand was fine white powder that led you to the water, and continued on farther than you could see. The aqua waters were crystal clear, and home to hundreds of marine life. My favorite thing was to sit on the beach and watch the sunset, then grab my snorkel and swim out as far as I could. There are fish I have seen that I can still put no name too.

But what I will miss more than all of that, are the people, Leon a wise Yogi with far more wisdom than his years, his assistant Kiko who hand made some of the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen(and have the privilege of owning). Of course I cannot forget Cootie and Nuebe, Leon’s dogs that always made me miss my own a little less; and sweet Otello and Tomasa, two cats who were always ready to curl up on a lap. I couldn’t mention Villas de Caribe without paying homage to the best pina coladas I have ever had, and of course the tomato, potato soup!!


I will miss Hotel Villa del Caribe and Café del Mar more than I can ever express. I feel like a chapter of my life is closing….


As Leon would say “Crystal,…in time everything will be how it should be”. It is hard to believe that now, but there is a ray of light.


I just spoke with my mother, she called me in tears. She has been going to Leon’s for going on 18 years. So, I am sure whatever I am feeling she feels it ten fold. For a long time she had joked that one day she would own “Leon’s place” and now with the development of the condo’s that opportunity has arisen.


So I will still have my beach, but it will never be the same without all the people that made it great.




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Gah, that blows chunklettes!  I've not had a vacation haven place to date, so I can't really empathise (unless we're talking Dragon*Con, and that's not really good for unwinding).




Any ideas what to do in replacement for this? :/

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