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Nintendo Wii, capable of Virtual Reality.


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  • Community Administrator

Its filled with a little techno-babble, but it definately offers an interesting concept, that is so 'simple' that I'm almost suprised that it hasn't been used to often. Though, I do have to wonder, how the wii/ps3/360 could actually Render said scenes like that. (they are all capable of that kind of thing, but the wii would be the only one that wouldn't require an accessory. ;))


I'm also thinking...

My god, this could be fricken awesome when making stuff in 3d! ;)

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dude...this guys i don't think needs to worry about this idea being stolen...


I mean assuming this video is seen by a development team...I think they would pay him pretty freaking well to join!


The amazing thing is...he explained it so simply that I understood what he's saying...the concept behind it is relatively basic!


the man is a genius...i hope he becomes rich, has many smart babies, and dies happy after a long life and i can think of no better blessing.

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  • Community Administrator

Well, what the guy did, isn't exactly 'new' so to speak. What makes it ingenious is, he solved the 'problem' with Virtual Reality, with something so incredibably simple..

Effectively what its doing is, its telling the program, where you are, and making it believe that the camera (what your seeing on the scree) is at 3 feet, in front of it, 2 to the left, and 6 feet up.

With out knowing that, tehres know why they could pull off the illusion of virtual reality with out knowing that. (or using those silly goggles in the movies. ;) )

Ironically, they could use this tech, in any game. The problem is.. How? I mean, you can't use it in shooters.... You could possibly use it in say, Time Crisis game, but even then thats kinda limited.. now, A game like say, MYST would have some pretty interesting uses for it. But this is definately a step in a forward direction in true virtual reality. ;)


I just want my damned holograms already!

*Binges on star trek for 8 hours*

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Yeah I was thinking about this. My thought would the VR headset would dictate the body stance while remote would control movement and aiming. So basically it controls leaning to sides (peaking around corners) and ducking, maybe peaking over edges.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Community Administrator

Well, Just to update,

As far as I know, that idea hasn't been adapted for anything Wii related...

HOWEVER, apparently either someone at Sony noticed, or was developing something VERY similar prior. (Though the software looks interestingly very SIMILAR)

However, they have one-upped the Wii's version, by not requiring a silly goggles/helmet with a wii controller ductaped to it. ;)



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I thought the glasses look cool... Plus, about the face recognition, when would you ever need it to look for more than one person at a time? The VR aspect would only work for one person. I guess it could be for logging in or something but then it might screw up if a family played together.

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