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Ok I have had an rp idea might be stupid but meh.  And to prefrece this I have been watching to much of the show listed above.


How about a situation where we, not just the wolfkin but an ecclectic group from all of dm, get stranded somehow on an island.  It could include a group from all divisions and the rp could explore how they learn to survive and live with one another. 


Just a thought burn me at the stake if its that stupid :)

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I like the idea, though it might be hard to set up. This would be great for my DFs, but channeling groups, particularly the BT, should probably be excluded... Gateways and that lot. ;)


Hopefully it doesn't turn into a 'Lord of the Flies' situation, but just in case, dibs on being Jack.  ;D

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afterall its well known the ogier seek groves who disapeared under the breaking and the upheval of earth then, that one will have sunk and then rosen again out of some sea or something to an island, is not totaly unlikely ;) and that migth be usen later as a half safe heaven from SC by SF if one want to keep using the consept and spread it...(just coming to think of new stuff :P)

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My 'great' suggestion is that it could be a land-coasting boat travelling along the southern coast of Randland with your usual disparate mix of passengers.  A storm could blow them off-course (a la Gilligan's Island), and they could shipwreck at some unheard of berg south of the main continent.  It would best explain *why* a Wolfkie, channelers, etc would end up marooned together ;)

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I like the ogier stedding island type thingy that works.  Yep Raeyn that was what I thought too.  A merchent vessle carrying passangers from say Ebou Dar or some place to tear is blown off course.  I will try and finalize things next week with Taya so we can get this rolling.

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