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You have in common with the other people in this division or DM for that matter. We all love RJ's books, otherwise most of us wouldn't be here. Sometimes we get so busy or so into stuff that we forget that the person sitting on the other end of that comp is a real person. Most of them have school, work, kids or no kids, family of some kind, pets, hobbies, etc. We often forget they are also capable of doing things wrong just as we are and look at them as an invisible person on the other line. So I wanted to do some things so help us remember that we are the WT, we are a group of real people who love to write about RJ's world. So let's each write about ourselves and see what we have in common.


Ok my name is Jaydena Mckanthur. I found DM in 1998, I was here until late 1999, when I was diagnoised with terminal cancer. I left DM at that time and didn't come back for several years. I am now cancer free, whooohooo! I was born in Eastern Washington 27 years ago and lived or visited in 32 states before I was 5 years old. I have been married for over 7 years, almost 8 to a most wonderful man named Jeremy, I have a six year old daughter named Jackie. I was born Jenny Jeanette Marie and you are more than welcome to call me Jenny if you so choose. I discovered WOT through a friend, basically my ex boyfriend and his mom moved in with my brothers best friends family and when they moved out they left all their stuff there. In the stuff was the WOT books, my friend started reading them and he said you have to read these. I tried to read them and couldn't make it through the first 80 pages. Months later he tried to convince me to read them again.


I read them and what do you know I loved them. I have read them 7 times to date and still love them. I got rid of the boyfriend but I kept the books and I think the books were the best deal. *G* I am a avid book reader so I love a variety of books! Anyway after I read the books my bro and our friends found DM, this was back in 98! I was a senior in high school, I joined DM and started RPing! Back then the site was not split into community and rp side. I joined the rp side first, rped my way to Aes Sedai and then in the next year became Sitter, after that I became ajah head, not however before I became ajah head of the Greens on the comm side.


I love books as I said, am a big fan of WOT, Harry Potter, Acorna Series, MZB, Earth Children, Nora Roberts, and Outlander! I have more but I will not bore you with them. My interests also include scrapbooking, coin collecting, card making, sewing, magnet collecting, post card collecting, and many other things. *rubs her fingers* I am the oldest of 2 children, however I have two older half brothers, several younger half brothers and sisters, four step brothers and sisters, and 4 adopted siblings. I think that's quite a bit for now. So what things do we have in common if any, can you think of something you know about me that I didn't mention, tell us about yourself so we can see what you have in common with everyone else. 

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*blinks*  No insult intended, but for some reason I always figured you were older than me than just a year or two!  Wow... brains melting out ears <3


As it were, I just turned 26 back on the 11th, and my real name is Virginia (not that anyone in the internetdom can remember that >__<).  I was born and raised in Texas, went to art school, an am the eldest of four children (and the eldest grandchild on both sides of the family).  My mother tried to get me into the Wheel of Time when I was 12, but I shot her down then - her recommendation of the Perth novels had kind of soured me on what she liked at that point, you see ;)  I did give into reading the Wheel of Time books a few years later, however, when my younger sister decided to give them a try and found them to be enjoyable.


And light, I was hooked.


I found my way to the various online communities right after Winter's Heart came out in 2000.  I had managed to convince my sister and my mom to let me have first go at it, and after the surprise ending, I *HAD* to talk to someone about it!  They were both reading other things at the time, and were putting off reading it (to spite me and watch me twitch, I swear <_<).  I did a short stint over at wotmania, and came over to Dragonmount with a wave of 'warriors' (oh god, early cross-site 'drama'!) in December of 2000, and ended up staying over here instead.  I joined the WT as it was then on January 19th, 2001, and pushed my way up to Aes Sedai as quickly as I could.  Good thing, that, I got it in my head later that year to join the US Air Force as a Russian Cryptological Linguist, and left for Basic Training at the end of May, 2001.


Through my years in the military, the community and awesome people here help me sustain my sanity until 2005, the year of pure crap (only topped by 2006, but you guys didn't have to suffer that one with me :D).  I got too serious (in the bad pitchfork-waving way) about things here on top of being at a crappy base and having almost no one to talk to, and took a few years' hiatus elsewhere on the nets.


I got out of the Air Force back in May and moved to England... because I ended up engaged to a Brit (and fellow KoLer) in early 2007 :)  We got married in July, FINALLY got to move into our house in September, FINALLY got to get some kitties in October, and things continue to be on a shiny happy course (oi, for the first time in my life!).


As for hobbies.. I always have been and will continue to be an avid reader.  I've reread the bulk of the WoT books 20-30+ times (I know, I'm a nutter.. and I've lost count), and try to include one or two rereads of the entire series in a year.  I'm also a big fan of George R. R. Martin, Piers Anthony (as long as it's not Xanth!), L.E. Modesitt Jr, and loads more.  In addition to reading, I like to cross-stitch and crochet, dabble in painting and drawing/graphic manipulation, and DJing on Radio Kol, the unofficial official station of the Kingdom of Loathing... oh yeah, I guess I like gaming a lot too... just not that addictively awful WoW shtuff ;) *giggles*  I also spend a fair amount of time helping out friends and acquaintances there and here (mainly there these days) by offering myself as a sounding board and offering what counseling I can :)


And you'll always be Jade to me.. mainly 'cause Jenny makes me think of my least favorite nickname (Ginny), and how people would automatically assume I was a Jennifer!!  Much better to stick with psuedonyms... ;)



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*G* Well let's see we are close to the same age, we both love to read, we were both born in America and we are both married. See lots of in common and it's ok hun, everyone thinks I am older than I am, I guess that means I am just mature. *snorts*

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Well, let's see.


I am Tigara. In RL, there are those who call me Tim. Feel free to do so. I am 16, 17 in April. I was born in Red Deer, Alberta. (Canada for those who don't know). At the age of 9, I moved out to Meadow Creek, BC (middle of nowhere!!!) when my Dad became a pastor. It was here I met Merle (Moose on here). In 2006, he got me into WoT, and then into DM by the time I was just starting The Great Hunt. I have been on here ever since (August 4, 2006). Since then, I have joined many WoT forums over the last year and a half, including one I founded.


I started RPing last september, after getting inspiration for Melianna in a 9 hour trip back to Alberta. Since then, my 5 other characters have come to me in a rush(mostly in the shower ;D). I plan to do lots more with them as I go.


That's me!

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Hee Tim, I know what you mean!  You're just sitting around the bathroom, doing your thing, when BAM!  An awesome idea comes into your head.  I used to get that when I was driving across Texas too, and still curse that I never remember to get a little voice recorder to keep track of my ideas.


And aye, maturity, and aye - I've held lotsa respect for you for years ;)  So it's easy for me to slip a few digits.

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Well, let's see.


I am Tigara. In RL, there are those who call me Tim. Feel free to do so. I am 16, 17 in April. I was born in Red Deer, Alberta. (Canada for those who don't know). At the age of 9, I moved out to Meadow Creek, BC (middle of nowhere!!!) when my Dad became a pastor. It was here I met Merle (Moose on here). In 2006, he got me into WoT, and then into DM by the time I was just starting The Great Hunt. I have been on here ever since (August 4, 2006). Since then, I have joined many WoT forums over the last year and a half, including one I founded.


I started RPing last september, after getting inspiration for Melianna in a 9 hour trip back to Alberta. Since then, my 5 other characters have come to me in a rush(mostly in the shower ;D). I plan to do lots more with them as I go.


That's me!


How can someone with your email address not mention their unhealthy love of S-Club-7 in a post like this?  :P

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Spamming aside ;-P


My name is Wendy.  That is my real name.  I have been known here at DM though as Gaea.  I am 30 years old. I don't really RP much anymore, kind of fell out of the habit several years ago and haven't been able to pick it back up, but I still keep up with the soap opera that is DM ;-P  I don't even remember when I first discovered DM...it must have been in 2001, cause that is when I started my job at the City, where I still work. When I first started working here, I didn't have a lot to do, so I spent all day surfing the Internet in order to look busy.  I was reading the WoT series at the time, and so I did a search on WoT.  I came across a blog somewhere in that search and the author mentioned RPing at a WoT website.  I thought "eh?  RPing at a WoT website?  I've GOT to check that out..."  And thus I found DM.  After RPing here for a couple months and had made a couple of friends, I was invited to a branched off site, BrokenWorld.  There I RPed my way into the staff and made more friends.  Real life exploded and I had a bad break-up.  With all the turmoil it kind of turned me off RPing cause I just didn't have time.  I kept my staff position at BW for a few more months, and actually met my husband there.  I wouldn't approve his bio cause I thought it was too Godder like, and he still acts mock offended about that LOL  Then the site imploded and I was back to DM, though I couldn't really keep up with the RP due to real life. 


I graduated from Rollins College about 3 years ago with a degree in psychology.  Unfortunately, a B.A. degree is only good for getting into Graduated school and is useless in the field.  I'm one of those people who has to work for a living, so I can't afford grad school.  That's alright though, because through my stints at BW and DM, I discovered the wonderful world of digital graphics and am now pursuing an A.S degree in digital graphics and web design.  Anyone interested in seeing my art work can go here avalonshroud.deviantart.com


I am an avid reader (I think most of us here have that in common), I have 4 cats, a billion fish, I love photography and comp. graphics.  My job is annoying and I do way more than i should at my paygrade, but it allows me time to go to school and have some goof-off time during the day, so I probably shouldn't complain as much as I do.  My husband and I are trying for kids, but apparently it isn't all that easy for us. 


I guess that's enough ;-P 


By the way, what a great post, Jade.  I think it's wonderful to get to know the people behind the computer screen!!

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Late as always  ;D


I think most of you know my real name is Crystal. I am 24, I will be 25 in June. I am currently an interior design major, also working in the field. I am a former bartender/server and I used to live the life that came with it. I have been at DM for about 4 years off and on. I first discovered DM while sitting at work (the only desk job I have ever had) bored out of my mind. My best friend had just given me a copy of the first WoT book 6months before and I had already chewed through the series. I was pretty much hooked by the end of book one.


I have always been an artist and I loved to write. I had never RP’d before DM so it was a whole new world for me. Back then I was going through a really hard time in my life, and DM was always my escape. I was able to wrap all my problems into the lives of my characters and RP them out how I wanted them to go  ;) A great thing!!


What else..I am an animal nut and I have two dogs and two cats to prove it. I love to show them off, especially since they are all a little odd. I also believe my body is a canvas, meaning I love tattoo’s and am already well into plans for my back piece.

I try to stay busy, I tend to thrive on the stress of the last minute (crazy I know!)


Something a lot of people don’t know, I am a sucker for a good quote. I have notebooks upon notebooks I have filled with quotes from anyone and everyone. I have a small notebook I keep with me at all times, you never know when you will hear a good quote right?


I try to keep a pretty positive outlook on life and I try to remain grounded. I am usually the last person to mistrust someone or to get angry. But when I do finally reach my limit, watch out!! I have honestly never known someone as irrational as me. It is a bad habit I need to break. I also tend to be very blunt, something that has gotten my in trouble a time or 5. That is why is usually refrain from saying to much when “fights” occur.


In general I love meeting new people and trying new things. I have been estranged from the WT for awhile but I am trying to work my way back.

Feel free to ask any questions  :P


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Thanks Gaea, that's what I wanted to remind everyone off. Ok let's see Gaea, I also love to do stuff on photoshop and I love taking pictures. I love your work, amazing stuff. We also both met our husbands online. *G* Crystal, I love to write as well and I love quotes as well! I aso have two dogs but no cats right now. I also suffer from the blunt bug and I have really upset people with it. *G*

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*coughs* Introductions are so ackward, but what the hell  ;D


My name is Nurit. Don't ask what it means... because...well....  >.>... just don't! lol

I'm 22. Old. Grouchy. And old. I will be 23 in June. But hey, maybe the world will end before that happens. I'm a student in a university. Taking biology. Yes, I regret it, no I had no idea what I was thinking when I picked it... but you know, calling and all. I aspire to be a vet. Need a first degree in biology for that (with a descent avarge). So, just a little bump in the road, for now.


I'm an Israely. What does that mean?  Nothing other then me being stuck in an deserted spit of land *g* I've been at DM since around August 2001. I stumbled upon it on google. My best friend made me read WoT and so, naturally, I got heavily addicted. I'm very grateful to her. She's literally changed my life around.


I like writing poems (dark genere). I love tats and piercing, though not too much. I like collecting ancient weapons (or that at least look it). I love movies. But yes, I fell in love with books when I came across WoT and i've worked hard to improve my english. But aside from a place to RP at, DM has been my salvation. It pulled me out of a lot of depressions (especially in my army time) and gave me something to do that distracted me from things that were better left aside.


I love animals... vet wannabe, duh.  *grins*


I love Joss Whedon shows. Buffy, Angel, FIREFLY.... I love quoting them. And I do quote them all the time, even during convos online and IRL... but mostly people don't know cause they don't get the refrence.


I'm not the most positive person... a bit pessimist at times, but that's just me ;) I like meeting people on DM. I'm humbled by the friendships I've made here. The people I got to meet IRL in my travels. It was amazing how much I managed to click with some people around here. And i'm always up for making new friends. I'm a bit stubborn sometimes, but that usually seems to amuse people. And all in all, I like making people smile. So yes, i'm a producer of many lame jokes.


yep... that's me.






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Yet when I meet Nyn irl she hardly talks to me!  I don't she had heard of me either!  *throws hands in the air*  And old at 22?  I hate you so hard right now *g*.


Tiagra - Until I read your post, I always thought you were a girl.  I know, I know... there are male/female indicaters under the name.  I rarely pay attention though. 


Hi I am Brian.  I have been at DM since it came online so many years ago.  I know what you are thinking... why is a bloomin' Community member down here posting in our thread.  Well... I feel like I hardly know some of you and I am trying to rectify that.  I started out in DM with RP roots.  I was the first RPing dreadlord at DM before getting promoted to Sammael which I RPed for several years.  I become an Org Leader... errr... 7 years ago?  Something like that... but continued to RP as Sammael (as well as a few other characters) until the split. I recently tried to come back to the RP as Sammael but found I just didn't have it in me anymore to RP.  Much more stress trying to write something creative than posting in the orgs.  So props to you RPers.


Lets see... I was once a giant fan of the WoT books, but I may be one of the few people at DM (and other WoT sites I am a part of) that have lost interest in them.  I do love the WoT community and the long time friends I have made at DM and continue to find. 


Oh I am 30 years old and an analyst in credit.  I married another long timer of DM, Yveva, last year.  As anyone that has ventured on the Seanchan org boards knows, I am a big fan of tv and movies.  I do love to read as well. 


I could keep rambling, but... thats good enough I think.

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Yeah. I'm sorry for that, Brian. I'm a bit socially deficient IRL and so I get a bit ackward and shy. I get over it after a few days, but seeing as Dcon was just a few days.... lol .... I missed that train. I still had fun, though. And I promise i'll give you much more attention next time I go. That is, if I ever get over the traumtizing i've undergone  ;D


*hugs tiggy*  And it's cool. I thought Tig was a girl too when I first met him  >.>





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