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Do you make resolutions every year?  Do you break them?  make them happen?  Or maybe you make a list of 'Things to do in 2008'!  LOL..our Elegant Eldest started our tradition of Resolution Support a couple years ago and showed all her Kinster's how well it can work!!  That first year..she said she was going to buy a house, have a baby and get a job teaching..well she bought the house, started teaching..and then had a baby the next year!!!  :D


Personally, I don't make a resolutions...never seem to keep them!  LOL!  I have a good friend though, who always had a list of things to do throughout the year...everything from getting her closet cleaned to teacher recertification!!!  I thought that was cool..so I make a list each year as well!


Now..this isn't just a place to list your resolutions and goals...it is also the perfect way to support and encourage, commiserate and complain throughout the year!! We try to keep this thread active all year..checking in with each other to ask how it's going, if its going at all...celebrating your successes and encouraging you past dropping the ball!


So...what are your resolutions?  your list?  your goals for 2008?





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*grins* It's nice to be a positive example, for a change. ;)


My resolutions/goals for this year:


1- Get caught up at work. I doubt this will happen before May, but... lol, it could happen.


2- Get back to dance on Thursdays. I haven't been since before Alex was born.


3- Say Thank You to the people I appreciate more often. I'm bad about thinking it and not saying it, lately.




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Guest nephitess

I think my resolutions would be...


1) Get through this year of school with good grades and not going crazy.


2) learn some Patience with myself and others...I seem to be getting a short fuse these days.


3) Learn to Sew (stole this one from Sor Lol)


I'll edit this post if i think of more. ;D


Great idea BTW!!

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Huh, well I'm one of those who's really bad at keeping resolutions, so this year I tried to keep it from being the "I'm going to loose 100 lbs" cuz it's not happening lol


1) I want to be happy for at least five minutes every day this year. No more stressing over the teacher's opinion on the project I slaved over. No more feeling inadequate because someone who hasn't been working in the video game industry for over 15 years thinks that I'll just end up being one of the "Dime a dozen" animators.


2) I'm going to find a dime, put a hole in it, and make it into a necklace for the resolution above lol


3) Get a summer job


4) Complete a knitting project


5) Teach myself the piano and how to sew


And that's all I can think of for this year. lol of course I want to get a job as an animator, own a home, move back to southern California, but that's at least two years in the future...and that'd be a long list.

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My new years list is


1. Join the Kin!

2. Apply to college

2 1/2. Get into college

3.Go to Montreal for a weekend with my friends(already in planning)

4. Buy cool colored laptop for college

5. Go see my aunt soon. She has an amazing outlet mall near her house

6.(new) Lose 30 pounds

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Seinna we can help you keep that first resolution right away!!  *grins* Just post a thread telling us you want to join the Kin!!!  YIPPEE!!  That's a great resolution!


A lot of great goals and wonderful resolutions to work on this year!!!  *grins*  expect to be poked and prodded, and encouraged through out the year!!  LOL Sor..good luck on finishing your knitting project!  I commiserate...have several projects I need to finish as well!



Ok my list for 2008...


*big sigh*  I have to totally quit smoking and be in the pool at least twice a week.  Those aren't really optional because of my health.  The pool won't be so difficult..but the smoking...I really enjoy my cigarette after dinner and with my coffee in the morning....


1)  Finish paying off two credit cards.

2)  Learn to use my Serger.

3)  Regain the good habit of sending birthday cards to all family and friends.

4)  Paint the bedroom.

5)  Participate in three Craft shows..which means dedicating time to finishing projects and building up stock.


Ok...sure more will pop up as time goes on....


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ooh good luck Twinny!


ok, I don't have a whole lot, but I'm gonna try at least


1. save money for d*con. I don't have a choice now that i have a hotel room and a plane ticket  :P I wanna have fun while I'm there and not having to worry about money!

2. lose weight. I really have to do this. my sister is a great inspiration here!

3. quit smoking. yeah yeah, my doctor told me to do this so I kinda have to

4. Do well in school. meaning B or higher grade in my exams. this is the hardest one I think cause teachers seems to dislike me. seriously  ???

5. apply for, and hopefully get the job I really want this year!

6. be nice to bf so he'll bother to stick around for another year  :P


good luck on your college Sienna!!

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Hm. Things I want for 2008...


1. Wean my baby

2. Lose at least 40 lbs.

2a. eat better

2b. exercise at least 3 times a week

3. Save money toward a serger

3a. stop eating out so much (which will help with 2, also!)

3b. stop buying unnecessary stuff

3c. stop getting so many library fines!

4. Finish craft projects I have already started, instead of starting new ones


and most important:

5. Remind myself every day that my son is not trying to drive me stark raving loony, he's just being a boy. And then be more patient with him.

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Guest nephitess

"The Sewing Machine is my friend" LOL


Yeah...i've done a little sewing..but not enough to know anything :P


Twinne and Danya...I chewed a lot of gum when i quit smoking...worked for me...might work for you. *nods*

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thanks nephi!  I'm not a gum chewer...


actually keeping my hands busy will be the key...expect to be inundated with crafts for awhile!  LOL  I rather expect to be a bit cranky as the nicotine and I separate..I've been smoking for over thirty years!  I do have a medication from the doc...that is new and been very successful.  Mainly it is me taking that step of deciding to quit....

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Well, like Twin I don't do resolutions but I do have a few goals:


1. Make Euromeet in July to meet my Souvra. (will also be my first proper holiday in years)

2. Complete the cross stitch projects I already have started.

3. Lose some weight... any amount LOL

4. Remember to take some time for myself now and then

5. Get back to reading more

6. Pay off some more debts


and good luck Twin, I'm going to try the stopping smoking later in the year.

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very true nephi!!!


*grins and hugs Lou*  I heartily approve and endorse your number 4!!!!!!!!  I'll be sure to help you remember that one my friend!!


You quitting too....well  gosh...we are all just going to be beautiful!!  Our hair and skin will be free of nicotine and smell good!  Your skin glows more and wrinkles disappear..LOL I  know you girls are a bit young to be to worried, but I have noticed some creeping in around my eyes...

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Wow, I admire all you lovely people for your courage and determination in the whole smoking area!!!


Personally, I used to do resolutions, but I don't anymore.  My theory, which I came up with a few months ago, is that New Year's Resolutions are the only ones you're absolutely guaranteed not to keep.  But I'm not saying that you can't achieve goals, as long as they're reasonable and not too far out there.  I have some goals, I guess, and they are:


1)Get healthier, through my physical therapist, the chiropracter, and a higher-fiber diet to clean me out (my intestines, according to an x-ray, are not pretty).


2)Get up earlier every morning so I'm not always late to school....and so I'm not always serving detention. lol


3)Get accepted to college and move there successfully.


4)Maybe get in the habit of keeping my room clean (although I'm trying to stay realistic here)


5)Stay on top of my homework


6)Pass the AP English exam in whatever month it is--May, I think.


I'll be here for y'all! .....Maybe.....

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Look at you guys, with your super goals for the year! 


Twinnie, try 2 things- first, get a short string of beads, like bracelet size (worry beads) and play with them when you think about having a cigarette; and, DO NOT smoke with your coffee and after dinner, or whenever is your usual time.  Put it off a while to start with (half-an-hour?), break that habit, and it makes it easier to not smoke.  I had the beads, because I always smoked when I was driving.  Can't do something else, gotta drive, but you can kind of hold them and play with them a little, to distract your fingers. :)


1.  I am with you all about losing some me.  My man lost almost a hundred pounds last year, now we weigh about the same.  EEK!


2.  Put stuff back where it came from! 


3.  Finish stuff.  I, too, have many years of started things, staring at me.  As my hands get worse, the time to finish them gets shorter.  I can only do hand work for a little while at a time, so everything takes longer, too. :P


4.  Stop getting older.  My mom already says I'm older than she is.  But, she is a senior delinquent. ;)


5. Be here more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*grins*  I really like the Be Here More goal!!!  ;)


Thanks!  I'll try the beads..and I know that it will really help to break some of the habitual times that I want to smoke!  And I have been doing that like with dinner or meals...and not smoking until dishes and the kitchen are cleaned up..at least a halfhour.  Not that tough actually!  Am going to try adding fifteen minutes to it this week!


Now..How's everyone else doing on thier resolutions and goals?  Danya?  Have you quit or cut down yet?  LOL  Lor I see you are doing Lesson Plans!!  YIPPEE!  Anyone lost any weight yet?  Kept a corner cleaner?  Fell in love with thier sewing maching?  Sound off!  Let's see how we're doing folks!!!!

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my resolutions...


1. write AT LEAST 15 chapters of my novel this year. (I am currently at chapter 2, nearly on to three at 72 pages)

2. get a job

3. save up to 1500 dollars to go to england


yeah... best i can come up with since I have to shroten it. gotta go >.<

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