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LOST - season 4 *Possible Spoilers*


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Just about two weeks, folks. Two-hour "premiere event" Thursday Jan 31st at 8/7c on ABC (unfortunately, I suspect this means that the first hour will be recap stuff, not that the premiere episode is a whole two hours).


*begins composing a new Kate sig*  ;D

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"Jack" Fox is in Oz at the moment, and said there are 40 episodes left!!! We are a few months behind you lot though, thats why even though I want to discuss things, I dare not look in such threads cos it will ruin the suspense! Its like with Heroes, they have only shown half of season 2, take it off for the not rating summer period, and start up again when Lost starts in a months time!

Scheming TV mogul bastards!!!  ;)

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So as I understand it Lost is supposed to run for 16 episodes in seasons 4, 5 & 6.  Supposedly they would run continuously, with no mid-season break.  The catch is that Lost had only 8 of 16 scripts ready for production as of the writer's strike.  What I hear is that there is a decent cliffhanger for episode 8, but not enough to carry through the season 4 into 5 break.


Apparently there's debate as to what they'll do depending on the timing of the strike resolution.  Oh and we have some awesome new cast members this year.

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Grrr, the writer's strike needs to be resolved NOW. There are only so many good shows I can Netflix!!  :P


I guess we should just be happy any at all were ready. We could have LOST the entire season. Hardy har har. ^_^


Watch Sliders Seasons 1-4, on the Instant View page, now that its 'unlimited' :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.The four-toed statue Questions


Is the four toed statue related to an ancient culture on the island?


The four-toed statue made our heads spinning. We know somehow that it is connected to the island's past history and that it was there before the Dharma people arrived on the island. Do you have any idea of its purpose?


The origin of the statue will be discussed in season 4 and many people will figure out what it means and how it got there


2.Skeletons/Bag of Rocks questions


"How do the skeletons found in the cave, with the bag of rocks, play into the story?" ie- red herring or something else


Is there a significance to the black and white stones Jack pocketed in season 1?


There is actually is another meaning to this question (besides what DL and CC already said in a In an EW.com article)


One light and one dark which in retrospect is what the show about


3. My question: Jack is very obsessed with finding out who Sara's boyfriend is in the first episode of season 3. Jack is then very obsessed with the person who dies in the flash forward in the last episode of season 3. Is Sara's boyfriend from the first episode of season 3 the person that dies in the last episode of Season 3?


No, jack is a man that wont let things go, if you go back and watch the episode "A Tale of Two Cities" you clearly understand that why Christian began telling him "let it go"


4. During Season 1, when Claire is about to sign away her parental rights on her unborn baby, she asks the adoptive parents to sing the baby a song (Catch a falling star, I think). She chooses this song because her father sang it to her when she was little. But then, in season 3, it is revealed that Christian in Claire's father. So was it Christian who sang to her? I was under the impression that he never knew Claire. And for her to remember that her father sang her that song, she would have to at least be 2 or 3. Was there a stepfather?


Yes in th episode Par Avion CHRISTIAN states that he went over and sang to her and gave her gifts



6. Oh this is great! I have had a burning question on my mind since season 1!


Is there any more to Danielle Rousseau's story? Is she exactly who she says she is?




Yes there alot more to Rousseau and some stuff she states may not actually be true but in the upcoming seasonwe will drop hints on what shes been up to on the island before and after the crash in a flashback or two


7.Also, why was Sayid digging holes in season 3? LOL!


After that episode aired we got many ideas on how to explain that scene and you will see that come into play in the upcoming season



8.In the Season 2 finale we saw 2 guys operating in an arctic monitoring station.


What were you told about this location/scene when you came to write about it. Were you given any background to it's history and location?


Little info was given to the writing team about that scene Originally planned as 2 Russian actors in the script and a Listening Station in a place resembling Siberia but I know one writer even went back to read about the cold war to find info on the scene location hope that answers you're question


9.Thanks for considering my question.


How do the writers keep track of the various elements of story continuity? Is there a compiled book or electronic document that keeps track of the many details about each character, location, etc.? Are fan-created sites like Lostpedia ever used as a reference source during writing?


We tend to keep track of the story as we could, first if I'm writing episode 4 and say DL is writing episode 3 we stay in contact or brainstorm in a meeting to keep story lines in the right order also help to have a executive story/script editor


10.Did Desmond do a time-travel in the episode "Flashes before your eyes"?

Or was it only a dream..vision?


Desmond did really travel back in time




11.Was Ben really talking to Jacob in "The Man behind the curtain"? Is he able to hear him? Or only John can?


In that end scene only John could hear him



12.How long does it take to write an episode?


Depends on the story or for that matter the episode flashback (in other words 13 to 20 days)


13.It seems like the whispers have become less and less relevant as the show has gone on. I really miss them and the eerie feeling I'd get after trying to dissect its meaning. As writers, do you actually write what's said in the whispers, or is it more of a directorial nuance? And will we be hearing them again soon?


We will hear them again but in the Season Finale there were 3 in the scene where Locke was gonna kill himself.


These are not random noises, but actual dialog



14.What is it like to write for a morally ambiguous character like Ben?


Great, Michael Emerson is without a doubt one of the best actors today to write something for him is a honor


15.When you sit down to write an episode, do you write in pieces/scenes, or do you write all the flashbacks at once and the island parts at once? Or does it all just come out at once?


For me its THE flashback first then the moral of the story/person (whats happen on the island)


16.Why did the Others take Emma and Zack for good, but give back Walt?


Thats something we didn't have time to explain in season 2 but wanted to mention in early Season 4


17. Was Cindy a plant on the plane, or did she just join the Others after they crashed?


You will get a answer on that in season 4 thats all I'm saying


18.Will there be an Official Podcast for season 4? I'm worried the writer's strike will make it so that they can't do one.


You will hear the sexy voices of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse again


19.Is it hard to keep the show a secret? Do you sometimes want to go home and tell everyone on the way stuff like "IT'S A FLASHFORWARD!!!!!!!" or does leaking little stuff to sites like this help curb that need?


It is I remember I ruined a episode for a friend by saying Yeah to bad he gets killed by the Monster in Episode 4....and now to this day he wont talk to me about the show


20.I would like you to talk a little bit about what Orange means to you as a writer


Orange means to me either peace or sin depending on what it is on

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Alright.. probably not the best premiere to date but it was just nice to see the losties back in action.


So... we learned that Hurley is crazy in the future too.  And Charlie wants to haunt him. 






Did anyone notice this?  Check the chalkboard behind Hurley....




There are 6 people that get off the island... we know of 3. 


Now Jacob...  that was one creepy scene.


Here is the eye in the window. 




And guys... found a cleaned up picture of that guy in the rocking chair..... I think we can all agree it is someone we all know and love....



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I KNEW IT!!!  Everyone told me it was just Locke and didn't believe me when I said he had hair.  I guess this make Jack's references to Christian in the S3 finale make more sense.  Maybe Jacob uses him to cross the ashy line?


So we know Jack, Kate and Hurley for sure.  I'd say Christian is a safe bet, and there's a chance that Sawyer makes it back too.


Also the guy from 'Oceanic' that visited Hugo, his name was Matthew Abaddon, a likely reference to Abbadon the destroyer, or Abaddon a level of hell.


Its interesting that Hugo regrets having gone with Locke, could Locke set himself and his group up as a new batch of Others? 


Also it seems like the Island's attempts to get them back is sort of communicable, or something.  The flash forward from the finale took place after the flash forward from last night.  So first Hugo went nuts trying to find the Island and Jack said "We're not going back" then Jack goes nuts and tries to find the Island and Kate says "We're not going back." 

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And what to expect, at least in lead characters over the next few weeks...


4.2 “Confirmed Dead”: The “Rescuers”

4.3 “The Economist”: Sayid

4.4 “Eggtown”: Kate

4.5 “The Constant”: Desmond

4.6 “The Other Woman”: Juliet

4.7 “Ji Yeon”: SunJin

4.8 “Meet Kevin Johnson”: Michael

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I meant that Hurley is the one with issues, thinking (or beginning to think) they have to go back, and Jack is insisting they don't. That's similar to the Jack/Kate discussion we saw in the finale.  I'm interested to see how that change progresses for Jack, and how it turns out for Hurley. And what the people still on the island (for I assume that a good number are left, if not dead) are going through that means they need help. It's not a clear division - those who stayed with Jack went home and those who went with Locke stayed there, so what happened?? I know that's what the whole season is going to be about, but it's good that I'm curious.  :D

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Maybe it's time to put a little spoiler alert in the title of this thread...


Obviously, it is not as simple as those who went with Locke stayed and those who stayed with Jack left, since Hurley went with Locke.


As for those who are left, only six people left the island. But from the discussion between Hurley and Jack about not telling anyone, it sort of hints at something bad happening to those who stayed, perhaps a lot of them got killed.


One thing that bugged me was that despite being told what Charlie said, jack did not take the opportunity to press Ben hard to fess up what he knows about those coming. Not just some vague "oh, it's bad", but details.

But that would of course not work very well with the plot ;D

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Yeh, that's what I meant, but reading what I wrote again, it did not come out the way it sounded in my head.  :P


Odd in my head I read about how hot you thought Empy was.  I think we are all on different wavelengths.


What is wrong with me today?

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