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Welcome Sorandha!


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For many an age, the Powers of TX and SD long debated about the supremacy of the 360 and the PS3. TX wielded the mighty Ring of Light, and SD long used the power of the Cell for his wicked purposes.


  Long ages passed and a stalemate was reached, until a new hope for unity came!  Sorandha came and was well learned in the Lore of Video Games.  Lo! She was even a maker of the magic that keeps the geeks at bay!


What words of wisdom does this crafter have to impart?  Stay tuned and find out!


Sorry,but I've been listening to the LotR audiobooks for the last week or so.  :P

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Very good Tenshin, you should become an novelist.


Edit for stupidity and tiredness: Weee! I love sticking the newbies in the sack, its too bad Lilli got lost after she found her way out of it last time. Welcome Sorandha. You are free to leave the sack just as soon as you find your way out. And we'll be out here poking you with sticks.

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Yeah, Cads, like Barm I usually get others into either my sack or I get into their sack. :o  Any takers?  :P


I actually do write and rather extensively, though almost none of it is fiction, and its not published outside of academic circles.


I have a couple different ideas for fiction though;

One is based in our world and uses dragons as metaphors for power, so people who have exceptionally strong wills have them. They also aren't visible except for certain circumstances.  It's mostly a story of personal development so not overly exciting.


Another is scifi and is my stab at being a futurist, I don't have a plot yet, just the 'world' as it were.

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