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Fat man Angreal


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OK we all know that Rand had an Angreal before he was kidnapped. Now it was lost. I belive that Tiam has it. He was in a perfect postion to take it during the aftermath of Dumai's Wells. All of the Ashman were there right after Rand broke free, It could have been any of them that saw it on the ground and turned it in to their M'Hael. I belive that it will come in to play during TG when Logain and TIam have they're show down. Any thoughts on this?


Could be. There's nothing to dismiss it, but also nothing to back it up. Never gave it much thought, I just figured one of the sisters may have picked it up while gathering what she could for her escape.


More likely it either destroyed by the balls of fire or lightening blasts or rolling rings of earth fire being thrown around all over the place. Or it was just trampled into the ground in the chaos. If Taim is as chummy with the forsaken as we're lead to believe he either has one of his own already or else has one on loan. So it's probably just gone.Besides it kind of pales in comparison to the Choedan Kal anyways. A drop of rain in the ocean. Pretty much moot at this point.


More likely it either destroyed by the balls of fire or lightening blasts or rolling rings of earth fire being thrown around all over the place.


Unlikely. Angreal, ter'angreal and sa'angreal are pretty hard to destroy with anything short of balefire.


It would certainly make for a nice surprise if Taim shows up with it at TG. It wouldn't be enough for him to overpower a circle, but it would probably tip the scales if he was squaring off against Logain or Rand.


I believe you are referring to the excess of the Ebou Dar stores which Elayne clearly thinks are not power related.


That being said, the Access Key Egwene found in Tar shattered quite easily, though it was already damaged.


Furthermore as to the original point as raised by krelianzg, we have no indication that ter'angreal, angreal or sa'angreal are in any way inherently more durable than normal objects. Some have been described as quite strong as a part of their nature, but others, for instance the lightstick Bale Domon found, has been described as incredibly fragile. Indeed, their relative scarcity suggests that balefire is not require for their destruction.


I believe you are referring to the excess of the Ebou Dar stores which Elayne clearly thinks are not power related.


That being said, the Access Key Egwene found in Tar shattered quite easily, though it was already damaged.


Furthermore as to the original point as raised by krelianzg, we have no indication that ter'angreal, angreal or sa'angreal are in any way inherently more durable than normal objects. Some have been described as quite strong as a part of their nature, but others, for instance the lightstick Bale Domon found, has been described as incredibly fragile. Indeed, their relative scarcity suggests that balefire is not require for their destruction.


Aha! So I could be right then. lol. But what about what I said about Taim. Wouldn't you think with the last battle coming and everything and since obviously the Forsaken are pretty much the DO generals and Taim would be say a captain (dread lord) dont' you think demandred or whichever forsaken Taim happens to be the most down with would give him some kind of weapon suited for a dreadlord fighting against the light in Tarmon Gai'don? An angreal Sa'angreal or even some Ter'angreal we haven't seen. I'm sure, even though they haven't been shown to us in the book really, that at least some of the forsaken must have some power related objects. Thats probably my biggest point about the whole Fat Man Angreal not even mattering at this point.


On a side note. Luckers I read your plot summary for aMoL. I have to say man your imaginiation and intuitivness are beyond me. I mean i'm no woolhead, so to speak, but I never could have come up with all that, and not only that, most of what you wrote seems quite possible if not likely. Are you some secret writer who theorizes it up on dragonmount? lol


Well, its my belief that Taim has been raised Chosen already. Beyond that though, I don't see the Forsaken giving away an angreal if they found one. But yeah, I agree, the Shadow probably has some toys we don't know about.


And thanks mate. My geekiness is becoming legend. Lol.


Besides it kind of pales in comparison to the Choedan Kal anyways. A drop of rain in the ocean. Pretty much moot at this point.


Interesting comparison....i wonder if Asmodean thought it was "moot" during his battle with Rand in Rhuidan in TSR..... :o


....if you remember, it was that fat little man, that "drop of rain in the ocean" that saved Rand's life when he was fighting for his life against a more intelligent and MUCH more knowlegable opponent at the time.


who knows how and when that fat little man could come into play again. I will guarantee one thing though- if it does, it'll be a very important moment.


Other than the Weapon weaves I don't the Foresaken, aside from Greandal, have any angreal or Sa'angreal or they would have wacked Rand by now.  Moridin doesn't need any 'greal, he uses the TP.  As far as Taim giving the Fatman away, he's a wildcard, he wouldn't surrender an advantage.


I think your being a little kind to Asmodean by saying he is more intelligent than Rand. I mean, i dont think Rand's an Einstein or anything... but Asmodean....


Other than the Weapon weaves I don't the Foresaken, aside from Greandal, have any angreal or Sa'angreal or they would have wacked Rand by now.  Moridin doesn't need any 'greal, he uses the TP.  As far as Taim giving the Fatman away, he's a wildcard, he wouldn't surrender an advantage.


I don't think thats a very safe assumption considering the amount of time that they were all under orders not to kill rand. They could easily have aces that they're saving up.


Besides it kind of pales in comparison to the Choedan Kal anyways. A drop of rain in the ocean. Pretty much moot at this point.


Interesting comparison....i wonder if Asmodean thought it was "moot" during his battle with Rand in Rhuidan in TSR..... :o


....if you remember, it was that fat little man, that "drop of rain in the ocean" that saved Rand's life when he was fighting for his life against a more intelligent and MUCH more knowlegable opponent at the time.


who knows how and when that fat little man could come into play again. I will guarantee one thing though- if it does, it'll be a very important moment.


And if you remember, the only reason the FMA had any effect is because Asmo and Rand were both channeling through the Choedan Kal. Each had half of the full power of it. So in that instance the FMA tipped the scales for Rand . Do you think next time he uses it he'll be sharing it with Morridin? I doubt it.


My point is that the FMA is not by any stretch moot at this point....no angreal is, especially one used by men which are extremely rare. Put that in any of the Forsaken's hand, and TDR or anyone else could find themselves in a lot of trouble. Just because RA has the CK, doesn't mean that he should or would be able to use it whenever he needs to channel an increased amount of the power. He's not exactly walking around w/ that or Cal slung over his shoulder  ;)


Also, we've seen a multitude of examples in this series where that extra "drop" of power has made all of the difference.


Any angreal in the hands of a channeler is an advantage....




My point is that the FMA is not by any stretch moot at this point....no angreal is, especially one used by men which are extremely rare. Put that in any of the Forsaken's hand, and TDR or anyone else could find themselves in a lot of trouble. Just because RA has the CK, doesn't mean that he should or would be able to use it whenever he needs to channel an increased amount of the power. He's not exactly walking around w/ that or Cal slung over his shoulder  ;)


Also, we've seen a multitude of examples in this series where that extra "drop" of power has made all of the difference.


Any angreal in the hands of a channeler is an advantage....




Ahh but in Rands case. The next book is the last book and i'm pretty sure the last battle is going to start pretty much right when the book starts. So I think at that point Rand probably will have the CK in his pocket lol. And don't forget Narishma and Callandor either. But you're right about the extra drop making a difference in alot of instances. In this case though strictly the FMA I think it's moot.


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