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I'm confused!


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yup! great way to get to know people here! drop by the novice quarters as well! and dont forget the Band of the Red Hand!!! you should also drop by the ajah boards to get to know them and eventually picking the ajah you will join when you getyoure shawl! :D


*smiles* You get raised by earning points. Once you reach 10 points, you are raised (with great pomp and circumstance) to Accepted. After 10 more points, you are raised (with even more pomp and circumstance) to Aes Sedai. For details about raisings, points, and just about everything else you need to know, check it out here: http://home.comcast.net/~TheDMMoNster/


If you're not in the Novice Books, yet, please e-mail me at TheDMMoNster and I'll hook you up with a mentor! *smiles* welcome to the Tower!


*smiles and hugs Dwyn*


*grins at Corki and refuses to touch that one with a ten foot pole*


*winks* Yeah, that translates to the meter equivalent, too, though I believe I wouldn't touch that with a 15 meter pole to be honest...


To become an Aes Sedai...you go through being a Novice, then an Accepted, and then are raised to Aes Sedai.


To become a Warder...you go through being a Algai, then Manshima, and then are raised to Der'Manshima.


*glares at the non-Brits*


Metres are the way foward! And scones are delicious! Mmm...cream teas, yummy!


Oh, and it is spelt METRE! The E is after the R! Just like in CENTRE!


And don't get me started on the rest of your "ways"!!!! :D


*shakes head at all the silly Americans*


I was just about to say that!


And Northie, as a Brit, learn the true spelling of the word "metre"!


*shakes head at his silly Aes Sedai*


In the email I'm supposed to send to Lor, am I supposed to put my character's name, what I wish to be as the subject, and not type anything, or do I have to include everything in the email itself?


*smiles* My goal is to attack my inbox tomorrow night. I'm moving, though, so that may keep me from my goals. I promise to have you a reply and a mentor by Wednesday night at the latest...I PROMISE!


*grins* And you know, I can never remember which way that conversion goes off the top of my head, so thanks, Northie.


*smirks at Corki* Yeah, don't get me started on the difference between a torch and a flashlight, either, dear. We've made it out of the middle ages, some of the Queen's English hasn't, though. *laughs and shakes her head*


I am your Mentor Illiara! I just emailed you with a welcome and special links to get around. No worries about any of this. Just go where you want, post to threads or even start a thread if you wish!


You might want to start by visiting all the Ajah's to see which one you fit in with the most. *G*


Your Mentor,


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